Tag Archive: world news – beginner

Wildlife advocates release endangered cat species into the wild


Pre-reading questions: I will read each question. Then, please answer them. 講師がそれぞれの質問を読むので答えましょう。 Do you know what the word ‘endangered’ means? Do you think it’s important to conserve endangered species? Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. 単語、意味、例文を読みます。講師に続いて音読しましょう。 survival /ser-VAHY-vuhl/ [noun] – the fact of a person, organization, etc. continuing to live or exist The company faced financial challenges, but strategic decisions were made to ensure its survival. release /ri-LEES/ [verb] – to give freedom or free movement to someone or something The zoo announced plans to release several rehabilitated animals back into the wild. domestic /duh-MES-tik/ [adjective] – belonging or relating to the…
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Consensus-driven senate bill aims to strengthen export controls on TikTok


Pre-reading questions: I will read each question. Then, please answer them. 講師がそれぞれの質問を読むので答えましょう。 Are you familiar with the social media app TikTok? Do you think it is safe to use TikTok? Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. 単語、意味、例文を読みます。講師に続いて音読しましょう。 objective /uhb-JEK-tiv/ [noun] – something that you plan to do or achieve The organization’s primary objective is to provide humanitarian aid to communities affected by natural disasters. potential /puh-TEN-shuhl/ [adjective] – possible when the necessary conditions exist The research findings have uncovered the potential benefits of a new medical treatment. access /AK-ses/ [noun] – the right or ability to look at documents and information The…
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India expands travel horizons

Indian Flag

Pre-reading questions: I will read each question. Then, please answer them. 講師がそれぞれの質問を読むので答えましょう。 Do you find India an interesting country to visit? Have you seen people from India visiting or living in your country? Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. 単語、意味、例文を読みます。講師に続いて音読しましょう。 tourism /TOOR-iz-uhm/ [noun] – the business of providing services such as transport, places to stay, or entertainment for people who are on holiday Many people enjoy visiting new countries and experiencing different cultures, which is why tourism is a popular industry around the world. improvement / im-PROOV-muhnt/ [ noun] – an occasion when something gets better or when you make it better…
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Secret mountains within Earth

hidden mountain

©Alamy Pre-reading questions: I will read each question. Then, please answer them. 講師がそれぞれの質問を読むので答えましょう。 Have you ever heard of a secret mountain hidden deep within the Earth? Do you believe that there could be undiscovered, secret mountains on Earth? Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. 単語、意味、例文を読みます。講師に続いて音読しましょう。 explore /ik-SPLAWR/ [verb] – to think about, talk about, or study something, or to experience it, in order to find out more about it Last summer, my family and I went to the beach to explore the fascinating marine life by snorkeling and searching for colorful fish and shells. secret /SEE-krit/ [noun] – a piece of information…
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Unparalleled comic book masterpieces

Sony Pictures

Pre-reading questions: I will read each question. Then, please answer them. 講師がそれぞれの質問を読むので答えましょう。 Have you ever read a comic book that was later adapted into a movie or TV show? Do you enjoy seeing your favorite comic book characters brought to life on the big screen? Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. 単語、意味、例文を読みます。講師に続いて音読しましょう。 hero /HEER-oh/ [noun] – a person who is admired for having done something very brave or having achieved something great When the fire broke out in the school, the brave firefighter rushed in to save everyone, becoming a true hero. amaze /uh-MEYZ/ [verb] – to cause someone to be extremely…
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Britain’s net migration level pressures government


Pre-reading questions: I will read each question. Then, please answer them. 講師がそれぞれの質問を読むので答えましょう。 Would you be willing to leave your home country to explore new opportunities abroad? Do you have any family members or friends who have moved to a different country? Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. 単語、意味、例文を読みます。講師に続いて音読しましょう。 culture /KUHL-cher/ [noun] – the way of life, especially the general customs and beliefs, of a particular group of people at a particular time Different countries have unique cultures with their own traditions, languages, and customs. opportunity /op-er-TOO-ni-tee/ [noun] – an occasion or situation that makes it possible to do something that you want…
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Norwegian cruise company unveils eco-friendly electric ship

electric ship

©VARD via CNN Pre-reading questions: I will read each question. Then, please answer them. 講師がそれぞれの質問を読むので答えましょう。 Do you know what a cruise ship is? Do you think a cruise ship powered by electricity is a good idea? Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. 単語、意味、例文を読みます。講師に続いて音読しましょう。 cruise /krooz/ [adjective] – relating to a journey on a large ship for pleasure, during which you visit several places Passengers aboard the cruise ship indulged in delicious cuisine, live entertainment, and relaxing spa treatments. result /ri-ZUHLT/ [noun] – something that happens or exists because of something else The result of their hard work and dedication was evident in…
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Exploring unique approaches to clothes washing and defying social norms


Pre-reading questions: I will read each question. Then, please answer them. 講師がそれぞれの質問を読むので答えましょう。 Have you ever found a unique way to wash your clothes? Do you wash your clothes after using them once? Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. 単語、意味、例文を読みます。講師に続いて音読しましょう。 due to /doo to/ [preposition] – because of She couldn’t attend the party due to a sudden illness. frequent /FREE-kwuhnt/ [adjective] – happening often Sarah enjoys visiting the library because she is a frequent reader who loves to explore new books. waste /weyst/ [verb] – to use too much of something or use something badly when there is a limited amount of it…
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Sweden safeguards alleged Russian ‘spy’ whale


Pre-reading questions: I will read each question. Then, please answer them. 講師がそれぞれの質問を読むので答えましょう。 Are you familiar with the marine animal called a beluga whale? Do you think animals can be trained to perform highly complicated tasks? Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. 単語、意味、例文を読みます。講師に続いて音読しましょう。 whale /hweyl/ [noun] – a very large sea mammal that breathes air through a hole at the top of its head The whale gracefully emerged from the water, showcasing its immense size. coast /kohst / [noun ] – the land next to or close to the sea We took a leisurely walk along the sandy coast, enjoying the gentle breeze…
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Unlocking the secrets to prolonging your clothes’ lifespan


Pre-reading questions: I will read each question. Then, please answer them. 講師がそれぞれの質問を読むので答えましょう。 Do you typically wear your clothes until they are visibly worn out or damaged? Have you ever repaired or altered your clothes to extend their lifespan? Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. 単語、意味、例文を読みます。講師に続いて音読しましょう。 method /METH-uhd/ [noun] – a particular way of doing something In our science class, we learned about the scientific method, which is a step-by-step approach to conducting experiments and making observations. quality /KWOL-i-tee/ [adjective] – of a high standard The restaurant is known for its high-quality food, which means the meals are delicious and made with fresh…
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