Tag Archive: world news – intermediate

Possible cure found for box jellyfish sting

Possible cure found for box jellyfish sting

Pre-reading questions: Do you like animals? Why or why not? What is your favorite marine animal and why? Vocabulary: poisonous /POI-zuh-nuhs/ [adjective] very harmful and able to cause illness or death Inland Taipan is a poisonous snake found in Australia. reduce /ri-DOOS/ [verb] to make something less in price, size, amount, etc. The shoe factory will reduce production because of its low demand. damaging /DAM-i-jing/ [adjective] causing harm She writes a damaging article about the celebrity she secretly hates. extreme /ik-STREEM/ [adjective] to the greatest degree She is very thin now after she went on an extreme diet. failure /FEYL-yer/ [noun] the fact of something not working as it should…
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Facebook chief wants more government regulation of internet


Photo by © Getty via Evoke.ie Pre-reading questions: How can the internet help you learn English? Explain your answer. What do you think is the best thing about the internet? Why? Vocabulary: protection /pruh-TEK-shuhn/ [noun] the act of keeping someone or something safe from injury, damage, or loss Our country needs protection from the terrorists. adopt /uh-DOPT/ [verb] to accept or start to use something new We need to adopt more strategic ways to improve the economy from other countries. harmful /HAHRM-fuhl/ [adjective] causing harm Early use of mobile phones is harmful to children. significant /sig-NIF-i-kuhnt/ [adjective] important, large, or great, especially in leading to a different result or to…
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China to launch new generation of driverless maglev trains in 2020


Pre-reading questions: What is the most convenient public transportation system for you? Why? Do you like to travel by train? Why or why not? Vocabulary: generation /jen-uh-rey-shuhn/ [noun] a group of products or machines that are all at the same stage of development The company is working on developing the new generation of sports cars. driverless /drahy-ver-lis/ [adjective] (of a vehicle) not having a person as a driver His dream is to invent a reliable driverless car. commercial /kuh-mur-shuhl/ [adjective] used to describe a product or service that can be bought by the public This airport handles almost 20,000 commercial flights a month. entirely /en-tahyuhr-lee/ [adverb] completely The new product…
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World’s largest underwater theme park to open in Bahrain


Pre-Reading Questions: Have you been to an unusual tourist destination? Explain your answer. Where did you spend your last vacation? Tell me more about it. Vocabulary: establish /ih-stab-lish/ [verb] to start something that will last for a long time, or to create or set something in a particular way She helps to establish their newly opened restaurant. extraordinary /ik-strawr-dn-er-ee/ [adjective] very unusual or special We have been to an extraordinary museum in Europe. highlight /hahy-lahyt/ [noun] the most important and interesting part The painting of Vincent van Gogh is the highlight of the museum. enthusiast /en-thoo-zee-ast/ [noun] someone who is very interested in and involved with a particular subject or…
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Barnard-b discovered to be a new potential home


Pre-reading questions: Do you think there are other habitable planets? Please explain your answer. Will there be a time in the future when humans can finally live in another planet? Why or why not? Vocabulary: potential /puh-ten-shuhl/ [adjective] possible but not yet achieved Mr. Clarins is one of the potential clients in our business. rotate /roh-teyt/ [verb] to turn around an axis or center point The Earth is rotating around the sun for 365.256 days. Celsius /sel-see-uh s/ [adjective] (°C) measurement of temperature in which water freezes at 0° and boils at 100° The normal temperature in the Philippines is 26.6 °C. barely /bair-lee/ [adverb] by the smallest amount The patient’s…
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Mud and plants on new Pacific island confuse scientists

Mud and plants on new pacific island confuse scientist

Pre-reading questions: Where is the farthest place you have traveled to? Tell me more about it. What will you do if you discover something new? Please explain your answer Vocabulary: unofficially /un-uh-fish-uhl-lee/ [adverb] not officially approved by a person in authority, the government, etc The secretary of justice was unofficially appointed as the new secretary of health. origin /awr-i-jin/ [noun] the beginning or cause of something The origin of some species is still unknown to scientists. eruption /ih-ruhp-shuhn/ [noun] an occasion when a volcano explodes We need to ensure the security now that there were recent volcanic eruptions reported in the city. dropping /drop-ing/ [noun] something dropped; such as dirt,…
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King of Malaysia leaves the throne

King of Malaysia leaves the throne

Pre-reading questions: Do you like a monarchical government? Why or why not? What do you think is the best government system in the world? Why? Vocabulary: step down /STEP-doun/ [phrasal verb] to give up a job or position He steps down from his position to prove that he is innocent. rumor /ROO-mer/ [verb] to tell or spread by rumor (an unofficial, interesting story or piece of news that might be true or invented) The young couple was rumored to tie the knot next year. maintain /meyn-TEYN/ [verb] to continue to have She tries to maintain her body figure because she wants to join Miss Universe next year. leader /lee-der// [noun]…
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The largest underwater restaurant in the world is opening soon

The largest underwater restaurant in the world is opening soon

Photo from © snohetta.com via snohetta.com Pre-reading questions: Do you like traveling? Why or why not? Do you like the view of the sea? Please discuss your answer. Vocabulary: underwater /UHN-der-WAW-ter/ [adjective] under the surface of the water, especially under the surface of the sea An underwater camera is in demand during summer. architectural /ahr-ki-TEK-cher-uhl/ [adjective] relating to the design of buildings Beautiful buildings are made by famous architectural firms. submerge /suhb-MURJ/ [verb] to go below the surface of an area of water A marine biologist submerges into the sea to see the shark. cope /kohp/ [verb] to deal successfully with a difficult situation Having a positive attitude can help…
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Human-caused activities result to extreme weather conditions

landscape-Human-caused activities result to extreme weather conditions

Pre-reading questions: What are the effects of climate change? Give supporting details. Do you think that human-caused activities are the main reasons behind global warming? Explain. Vocabulary: peak /peek/ [verb] to reach the highest point, value, or level Her performance peaked since I last saw her. severity /suh-VER-i-tee/ [noun] the fact or condition of being extremely painful, difficult The severity of the heat during summer can cause heat stroke. human-caused /HYOO-muhn kawst/ [adjective] something that is done or caused by human Heavy street floods are a human-caused disaster because of improper waste disposal. seriously /SEER-uhs-lee/ [adverb] to consider a person, subject, or situation to be important or dangerous and worth…
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Thailand’s tallest building lets tourists walk on frightening glass floor

Pre-reading Questions Answer the following questions about the topic. Please explain your answer. Do you like trying extreme activities? Why? Why not? What things or situations are you afraid of? Article Reading Read the passage and take note of the highlighted words in the Vocabulary Guide. A terrifying experience awaits tourists in Bangkok. Situated at the top of King Power Mahanakhon, Thailand’s tallest completed building, is the new Mahanakhon SkyWalk. It offers a thrilling walk on a large glass floor that makes people afraid yet excited. The Mahanakhon Skywalk has an indoor deck where people who are too terrified to walk on the glass can have a 360-degree view of…
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