Author Archive: admin

“Weathering with You” to be Japan’s entry for International Film award


© Photo by GKIDS , INC- © 2019 TOHO CO.,LTD / CoMix Wave Films Inc./ via IMDb Pre-reading questions: Do you like watching movies? If yes, what kind of movies do you like? If no, why not? What do you usually look for when critiquing a movie? Explain. Vocabulary: entry /EN-tree/ [noun] a person or thing that is part of a competition The entries for this year’s film festival are all directed by women. domestic /duh-MES-tik/ [adjective] relating to a person’s own country We consumers must buy more domestic products. name /neym/ [verb] to give a name to someone or something His brother suggested to name the poodle “Holly”. appreciation…
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Talking to yourself in third person can help you succeed

talking to self

Pre-Reading Questions: How do you usually plan long-term goals? Which do you prefer, sudden decisions or planned decisions? Why? Vocabulary: fundamental /fuhn-duh-MEN-tl/ [adjective] more important than anything else We need to start promoting fundamental changes for the society. thyself /thahy-SELF/ [pronoun] yourself To know thyself means knowing your true self and your significance. defective /dih-FEK-tiv/ [adjective] having a defect or flaw; faulty; imperfect Don’t use that machine, it’s been defective since last week. monologue /MON-uh-lawg/ [noun] a long speech by one person Her monologue was so good that leaves everyone speechless. weigh up /wey uhp/ [phrasal verb] to think carefully about the advantages or disadvantages of a situation before making…
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Talking to yourself in third person can help you succeed

talking to self

Pre-Reading Questions: Have you tried talking to yourself? Do you usually ask for advice from other people? Vocabulary: intelligence /in-TEL-i-juhns/ [noun] the ability to learn, understand, and make judgments She will take an intelligence test tomorrow. self-reflection /self ri-FLEK-shuhn/ [noun] the activity of thinking about your own feelings and behavior John spends a lot of time doing self-reflection. pronoun /PROH-noun/ [noun] a word that is used instead of a noun or a noun phrase Rin will have a report about pronouns. contrary /KON-trer-ee/ [noun] used to show that you think or feel the opposite of what has just been stated She thinks that the movie is a comedy, on the…
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Talking to yourself in third person can help you succeed

talking to self

Vocabulary: introspection /in-truh-SPEK-shuhn/ [noun] examination of and attention to your own ideas, thoughts, and feelings My mother always told me that too much introspection may lead to depression. acumen /uh-KYOO-muhn/ [noun] skill in making correct decisions and judgments in a particular subject Apart from his great works of art, his political acumen is very noticeable. rumination /ROO-muh-ney-shun/ [noun] the act of thinking carefully and for a long period about something Sometimes, rumination is not good for mental and physical health. rhetorical /ri-TAWR-i-kuhl/ [adjective] rhetorical speech or writing is intended to seem important or influence people When I was a student, my favorite English topic was about rhetorical devices. dispassionately /dis-PASH-uh-nit-lee/…
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Seeking modernization enhances life at work, according to a Japanese company president

Pre-reading questions: In your opinion, what is the important quality that a company should possess? How do you keep yourself motivated at work? Please explain your answer. Vocabulary: promote /pruh-MOHT/ [verb] to encourage or support something The new campaign launched last week promotes safe driving. mention /MEN-shuhn/ [verb] to speak about someone or something You always mention your boss whenever we converse. willingness /WIL-ing-ness/ [noun] the quality of being happy to do something She shows willingness to learn in everything she does. impede /im-PEED/ [verb] to make it more difficult for something to happen Struggles are impeding her to achieve her dreams. administer /ad-MIN-uh-ster/ [verb] to manage or control the…
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Seeking modernization enhances life at work, according to a Japanese company president

Vocabulary: labor /LEY-ber/ [noun] practical work The labor to produce a new AI robot is intensive. drive /drahyv/ [noun] energy and determination to achieve something My manager is looking for someone who has the drive to make a difference in the company. hinder /HIN-der/ [verb] to limit the ability of someone to do something She doesn’t need more emotions to hinder her decision making. flourish /FLUR-ish/ [verb] to grow or develop successfully The city keeps on flourishing because the mayor is well-trained. intensify /in-TEN-suh-fahy/ [verb] to make something stronger or more extreme She intensified her workout, running 65 miles a week. The president of a Japanese company that provides daily…
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Seeking modernization enhances life at work, according to a Japanese company president

Pre-reading questions: What do you enjoy doing? What are your skills? Vocabulary: daily /DEY-lee/ [adjective] happening on or relating to every day It is important to have daily supplies. skill /skil/ [noun] a special ability to do something We have to improve our skills every day. switch /swich/ [verb] to change suddenly or completely from one thing to another Joanne switched her major from Communication to Information Technology. create /kree-EYT/ [verb] to cause something to exist or to make something new She created a new bag design. fulfilled /fool-FILED/ [adjective] feeling happy because you get everything you want from life Her mother feels fulfilled because she graduated from college. The…
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