Author Archive: admin

Want to stay healthy? Then stop touching your face!


Vocabulary: epidemiology /ep-i-dee-mee-OL-uh-jee/ [noun] the scientific study of diseases and how they are found, spread, and controlled in groups of people John is an epidemiology specialist, so he’s been called up for an interview on the new virus. mucous membrane /MYOO-kuh s MEM-breyn/ [noun] the thin skin that covers the inside surface of parts of the body such as the nose and mouth and produces mucus to protect them Health officials have told us not to touch our mucous membranes to prevent any diseases. porous /PAWR-uhs/ [adjective] allowing liquid or air to pass through We have to wear porous clothes because this place is getting hot. rhinovirus /rahy-noh-VAHY-ruh s/ [noun] any of…
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Musicians hold free shows online to beat COVID-19


Pre-reading questions: Do you listen to music online? Do you listen to classical music Vocabulary: concert hall /KON-surt hawl/ [noun] a large building in which concerts are performed The play will be done in the concert hall. crowd /kroud/ [noun] a large group of people who have come together Avoid crowds as much as possible during the pandemic. allow /uh-LOU/ [verb] to give permission for someone to do something, or to not prevent something from happening Drinks are not allowed in the library. decide /dih-SAHYD/ [verb] to choose something Mary decided to buy the latest iPhone. receive /ri-SEEV/ [verb] to0 get or be given something I received the gift last…
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Terrific ways to enjoy spring besides sakura viewing


Pre-Reading Questions: Do you like spring? When was the last time you went sakura viewing? Vocabulary: well-known /wel-nohn/ [adjective] known or recognized by many people She is attending a well-known school in her country. visitor /VIZ-i-ter/ [noun] someone who visits a person or place Patients’ visitors are only allowed in the hospital until 8:00 p.m. idea /ahy-DEE-uh/ [noun] a suggestion or plan for doing something His idea is good but the boss doesn’t approve it. hiking /hahyk-ing/ [noun] the activity of going for long walks in the countryside The old man still loves hiking at his age. healthy /HEL-thee/ [adjective] good for your health My doctor advised me to have…
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Terrific ways to enjoy spring besides sakura viewing


Pre-Reading Questions: Where do you usually go for sakura viewing? What do you usually do in spring? Vocabulary: tradition /truh-DISH-uhn/ [noun] a way of behaving or a belief that has been established for a long time Mochi making is one of the most popular Japanese traditions during New Year. delightful /dih-LAHYT-fuhl/ [adjective] very pleasant, attractive, or enjoyable Hanami dango is well-known for its delightful taste and appearance. public /PUHB-lik/ [noun] all ordinary people The patient’s identity is announced to the public for security reasons. adventurous /ad-VEN-cher-uhs/ [adjective] willing to try new or difficult things My best friend is very adventurous, now she likes to try skydiving! necessary /NES-uh-ser-ee/ [adjective] needed…
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Terrific ways to enjoy spring besides sakura viewing


Vocabulary: renowned /ri-NOUND/ [adjective] famous for something The Philippines is renowned for its beautiful beaches. determine /dih-TUR-min/ [verb] to discover the facts or truth about something We must try to determine the best action plan to solve this problem. fearless /FEER-lis/ [adjective] having no fear She became fearless when she started living independently in another country. edible /ED-uh-buhl/ [adjective] suitable or safe for eating Some fruits you can find in the mountains are not edible. overwhelming /oh-ver-HWEL-ming/ [adjective] very great or strong The crowd’s response to the president’s speech is a bit overwhelming. guideline /GAHYD-lahyn/ [noun] a piece of information that suggests how something should be done The students should…
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Keeping your hands clean – without getting dry skin? No problem!


Pre-Reading Questions: Do you wash your hands every day? Do you feel safe during this coronavirus pandemic? Vocabulary: frequent /FREE-kwuhnt/ [adjective] happening or doing often Rains are frequent in summer season. sanitizer /SAN-i-tahy-zer/ [noun] a liquid for washing your hands in order to get rid of harmful bacteria from them Use a sanitizer before and after eating. routine /roo-TEEN/ [noun] a usual or fixed way of doing things Her everyday routine always begins with drinking a glass of milk. dispenser /dih-SPEN-ser/ [noun] a machine or container that you can get something from Mike put the remaining alcohol into a smaller container. importance /im-PAWR-tns/ [noun] the quality of being important We…
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Keeping your hands clean – without getting dry skin? No problem!


Vocabulary: outbreak /OUT-breyk/ [noun] a sudden appearance of something, especially a disease or something else dangerous or unpleasant The government ended the rebels’ outbreak with cruel order. contamination /kuh n-tam-uh-NEY-shuhn/ [noun] the state of containing unwanted or dangerous substances Swimming in the lake is not allowed until the contamination is identified and controlled. hygiene /HAHY-jeen/ [noun] the practice or principles of keeping yourself and your environment clean in order to maintain health and prevent disease Even if there is no virus outbreak, we must be consistent in practicing personal hygiene. enforce /en-FAWRS/ [verb] to make people obey a law, or to make a particular situation happen or be accepted senteTraffic laws…
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