Author Archive: admin

Job-juggling is challenging yet beneficial

Japan - Expert

Vocabulary: 1. foster [verb] – encourage or promote a development of something Our president ensures that we foster our new system. 2. entrepreneurship [noun] – the activity of setting up a business I am a graduate of bachelor’s degree major in Entrepreneurship. 3. overtime [noun] – time worked beyond one’s scheduled working hours I might do an overtime this week. 4. contribution [noun] – the part played by a person or thing in bringing about a result to advance I would appreciate if everyone gave their contribution to the company. 5. income [noun] – money received for work Employees have multiple jobs to increase their income. 6. ailment [noun] –…
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Job-juggling is challenging yet beneficial

Japan - Intermediate

  Pre-reading questions: What are the skills that an employee needs? What are the challenges of having many jobs for an individual? Vocabulary: 1. prevailing [adjective] – to be or continue in use or fashion My co-employees hope that job-juggling will be a prevailing practice in the future. 2. permitting [verb] – to allow to do something My company is not permitting me to have a part time job. 3. moonlighting [verb] – to hold a second job in addition to a regular one Since I need money for my studies, I’ll see if I can do moonlighting. 4. boosting [verb] – to increase; raise Jog-juggling is boosting an employee’s…
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Job-juggling is challenging yet beneficial

Japan - Beginner

Pre-reading questions: What are the skills that an employee needs? What are the challenges of having many jobs for an individual? Vocabulary: 1. increasingly [adverb] – more often or to a greater degree Job-juggling has become increasingly common for workers in Japan. 2. juggle [verb] – to handle or deal with several things at one time Workers juggle their jobs so they can earn more. 3. notion [noun] – a theory or belief held by a person or group It is my notion to trust my employees to have several jobs. 4. outlook [noun] – a person’s point of view or general attitude to life My outlook has changed ever…
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Saudi Arabia’s government adds 5% tax on some goods

Business - E

Vocabulary: incur – to lose money, owe money, or have to pay money as a result of doing something The company incurred huge losses over the past six years. defer – to delay something until a later time The board deferred its decision to sell the company until later this year. expatriate – someone who lives in a country that is not his/her own country The convicted murderer is an expatriate worker from Spain. reintroduction – the act of bringing something into use or existence again They were protesting against the reintroduction of the consumption tax. Saudi Arabia is one of the top oil exporters in the world. However, the country…
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Muirfield votes to allow female members


Pre-reading questions: Have you ever played golf? Do you think golf is a good hobby? Vocabulary: vote [verb] – to express your choice or opinion in something In the meeting, I voted yes to buying a new office door. membership [noun] – being in a group or club or belonging to a group or club I would like to continue my membership in the Tokyo Book Club. policy [noun] – a set of ideas or plan of what to do; this is agreed by members and officials of a group or business organization Our hiring policy is very strict. criticism [noun] – the act of giving your opinion on the…
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Saudi Arabia’s government adds 5% tax on some goods

Business - I

Pre-reading questions: Do you think it is useful to know a bit about the economic status of other countries? Why do you think some people find it difficult to discuss the economy? Vocabulary: exporter – someone who sells goods to another country India is a major exporter of rice. drastic – something that has a very big effect on another Our budget has been drastically reduced. impose – to force something to be accepted or to be done The chairman of the board imposed his decision on his team. adhere – to believe in and follow the practices of something It is our duty to adhere to the law. revoke – to…
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Easier learning through smartphones


Vocabulary: unconventional – out of the ordinary; not based on what is generally done or believed This is an unconventional school as teachers don’t give students homework. utilize – use; make use of I would like to utilize my time doing more productive things. gadget – a small device or machine with a particular purpose Before, I used different gadgets to listen to music, watch movies and call someone. Now, I can do all of those with just one. noteworthy – deserving attention because of being important or interesting It is noteworthy that nobody in this room is interested in taking a day off. Unconventional forms of learning and instruction…
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Easier learning through smartphones


Pre-reading questions: Do you find smartphones more advantageous or more disadvantageous? What would your life be like without smartphones? Vocabulary: effortless – easy; natural English is not her first language but her speech is effortless. instantly – immediately I was so tired that when I got home, I fell asleep instantly. extend – increase in scope; to include more Please extend the scope of your research to cover environmental issues in the countryside. mere – no more than; only I want nothing more than mere friendship. accessible – reachable; attainable The Internet has made information more accessible. Communication has been made effortless by smartphones. Through smartphones, people can instantly exchange…
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