Author Archive: admin

Flying taxi is ready for take-off


© Photo by Forbes / AeroMobil via Forbes Pre-Reading Questions: What are the means of transportation you take when you travel? Do you like riding an airplane? Vocabulary: glide /glahyd/ [verb] to fly by floating on air currents instead of using power from wings or an engine The airplanes glide effortlessly in a thick foggy sky. flight /flahyt/ [noun] a journey in an aircraft Mr. Henry was riding a flight going to Europe. cost /kawst/ [noun] the amount of money needed to buy, do, or make something The administration requested a low-cost budget for next year’s projects. apt /apt/ [adjective] suitable or right for a particular situation The banquet is…
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Kyoto city monitors tourists’ behavior via smartphone

Kyoto monitor's tourists' behavior via smartphone

Vocabulary: etiquette /ET-i-kit/ [noun] the set of rules or customs that control accepted behavior in particular social groups or social situations He had violated the etiquette by not informing his supervisors of his decision. consent /kuhn-SENT/ [noun] permission or agreement Her parents declined to give consent to the marriage. commence /kuh-MENS/ [verb] to begin something We will commence with the plan in December this year. evaluate /ih-VAL-yoo-eyt/ [verb] to judge or calculate the quality, importance, amount, or value of something Do not evaluate one’s performance without any basis. potent /POHT-nt/ [adjective] powerful, persuasive, or effective The managers started brainstorming potent ways to improve productivity. Kyoto city begins its pilot project…
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Kyoto city monitors tourists’ behavior via smartphone

Kyoto monitor's tourists' behavior via smartphone

Pre-reading questions: Do you like historic places? What is your favorite city in Japan? Vocabulary: foreign /FAWR-in/ [adjective] belonging or connected to a country that is not your own Tom can speak two foreign languages. polite /puh-LAHYT/ [adjective] behaving in a way that is socially correct We need to be polite when we have visitors. effect /ih-FEKT/ [noun] the result of a particular influence This medicine has the effect of making someone sleepy. tourism /TOOR-iz-uhm/ [noun] the business of providing services such as transport, places to stay, or entertainment for people who are on holiday Tourism is one of the country’s main industries. historic /hi-STOR-ik/ [adjective] important or likely to…
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Kyoto city monitors tourists’ behavior via smartphone

Pre-reading questions: Do you enjoy traveling? Why or why not? Have you been to a different country? If yes, please tell me more. If no, where would you like to go? Vocabulary: initial /ih-NISH-uhl/ [adjective] of or at the beginning The project’s initial preparation is taking too much time. manner /MAN-er/ [noun] the usual way in which you behave towards other people or the way you behave on a particular occasion One must practice proper manners while eating. misconduct /mis-KON-duhkt/ [noun] unacceptable or illegal behavior by a person or group in a position of authority His misconduct at work caused his termination from the company. assess /uh-SES/ [verb] to make…
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Kanazawa as the ice cream capital


Pre-Reading Questions: What makes sushi famous in Japan? What dishes can you cook? Vocabulary: ice cream /AHYS-kreem/ [noun] a sweet, frozen food made from milk and cream The ice cream truck arrived at 10 PM. season /SEE-zuhn/ [noun] one of the four parts a year is divided into; spring, summer, fall, or winter The summer season is the most awaited season by the students. earn /urn/ [verb] to receive money as payment for work that you do You will earn more if you work harder. convenient /kuhn-VEEN-yuhnt/ [adjective] suitable for your purposes and causing no difficulty for your schedule or plans Fast food restaurants are very convenient for those who…
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Kanazawa as the ice cream capital


Pre-Reading Questions: What is your comfort food? What local dessert is popular in your city? What is it made of? Vocabulary: peak /peek/ [noun] the highest, strongest, or best point, value, or level of skill Rates are different after the peak of the summer season. feature /FEE-cher/ [verb] to include someone or something as an important part The new iPhone 11 features mobile tech development. luxury /LUHK-shuh-ree/ [noun] the pleasure and comfort you get from expensive and beautiful things Towers and temples are the luxuries of a princess. convenient /kuhn-VEEN-yuhnt/ [adjective] suitable for your purposes and needs and causing the least difficulty Which is more convenient, to go by bus…
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Kanazawa as the ice cream capital


Vocabulary: meteorological /mee-tee-er-uh-LOJ-i-kuhl/ [adjective] relating to weather conditions The country will be experiencing a long sunny day based on the meteorological results. consume /kuhn-SOOM/ [verb] to eat or drink He had a prodigious appetite, being able to consume nine pounds of steak at a meal. to spare /to-SPAIR/ [verb] if you have time, money, etc. to spare, you have more than you need I arrived at the station with more than an hour to spare. spacious /SPEY-shuhs/ [adjective] large and with a lot of space The house was spacious and had rooms for the house serfs and apartments for visitors. sweet tooth /sweet tooth/ [noun] a strong liking for sweet…
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“Weathering with You” to be Japan’s entry for International Film award


© Photo by GKIDS , INC- © 2019 TOHO CO.,LTD / CoMix Wave Films Inc./ via IMDb Vocabulary: entitle /en-TAHYT-l/ [verb] to give a title to a book, movie, etc BTS entitled their latest single “Heartbeat” which was released last month. nominate /nom-UH-neyt/ [verb] to officially suggest someone for a position, an honor, or election Sam Elliott was nominated as Best Supporting Actor for this year’s Academy Awards. blockbuster /BLOK-buhs-ter/ [noun] a book or movie that is very successful The movie is expected to be the biggest blockbuster of the year. top-grossing /TOP-grohs-sing/ [adjective] used to describe a product or service, especially a film, that earns more money than any…
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