Author Archive: admin

Tokyo taxis lowered fare

Japan - Beginner

Pre-reading questions: Do you usually ride a taxi? Is riding a taxi convenient? Is it safe to ride a taxi in your city? Tokyo taxis have lowered their initial fare. The taxi fare used to be ¥730. It is now ¥410 for the first 1.052 kilometers. The taxi fare has been lowered to attract more passengers. The new system started in the cities of Musashino and Mitaka. This is going to be good for passengers. Vocabulary: lower – [verb] to move down initial – [adjective] at the beginning fare – [noun] the money paid for a public transport attract – [verb] to make someone interested in something passenger – [noun]…
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Standford University offers program for older professionals

Education - E

  Stanford University opened a new course for retirees who are planning their careers for the next 20-30 years. A former Stanford Dean, Dr. Phil Pizzo, believes that the transition from middle age to retiring age is overwhelming so he opened up an opportunity for retirees to study and do more in life. The Stanford’s Center of Longevity agrees to this plan, saying that universities are not only for people starting their careers, but also for people who successfully ended their careers. Students, also known as fellows have flourished from their chosen careers. Fellows like David Gensler from Gensler, Mary Ittelson from Ittelson Consulting, and Pradeep Jotwani from HP Inc….
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Facebook denies responsible over fake news


  Facebook is on a hot seat for fake news circulating on the site. Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has expressed his disappointment in the issue as the management too is a victim. It is also speculated that these kinds of news are passed off as fake just because some people disagree with them. Facebook is careful on handling the situation. Mark said that an important part of democracy is to share things that other people might disagree with. Facebook is not going to delete or ban posts just because other people felt offended.   Vocabulary: hot seat – bad situation circulating – to be distributed over against – opposed to;…
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Facebook denies responsible over fake news


  Pre-reading questions: Do you use any social media platforms like Facebook? How often? Do read news in social media? Why?   Facebook CEO, Mark Zuckerberg, said that Facebook is totally against fake news. He said that they are also victims and they do not want them on the site. It’s not easy to figure out which are fake and which are not. Some people are actually calling them fake news only because they totally disagree to them. Hackers and political groups that post and share fake news are the ones responsible for them. These kinds of news have existed on the site for many years now. However, Facebook handles…
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Facebook denies responsible over fake news


Pre-reading questions: Do you have social media accounts? How often do you use them? Why? Facebook is still in hot seat because of the fake news issue. Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook CEO, is not happy about it. They do not want fake news to be on the site. It is not easy to know which is fake and which is not. Mark said that they are also victims of the issue. Users who post and share these kinds of news are responsible for it. Vocabulary: hot seat – [idiom] in an uncomfortable situation fake – [adjective] not true issue – [noun] important topic or problem responsible – [adjective] having to do…
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Standford University offers program for older professionals

Education - I

  Pre-reading questions: What would you like to be in the future? At what age do people retire in your country?   HP Inc.’s 62-year-old Senior Vice President for laser-jet business unit, Pradeep Jotwani, was ready to end his 28-year career but he’s not ready to retire just yet. Later on, he heard about Stanford University’s Distinguished Careers Institute which is designed for retiring professionals and executives. He enrolled in the program, hoping to explore more in life. Jotwani studied renewable energy, climate change, social venture management, and art history. He may have taught entrepreneurs in India, Myanmar, and Tanzania but he still likes being back in school as a…
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Standford University offers program for older professionals

Education - B

Pre-reading questions: Do you like going to school? Which do you think is better, going to school or working? Please give some explanation. Stanford University started offering courses for people aged 50 to 60 years old. Most of the students are employees or professionals who already ended their careers. These retirees want to go back to studying because they don’t want to stay at home. They think staying at home is boring. 50 to 60 year old students say that going back to university and learning new things is fun. Vocabulary: university – [noun] a school for higher learning course – [noun] an order of lectures about a subject career…
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