Author Archive: admin

India’s Kailash Satyarthi’s Nobel medal stolen from home

World News - Beginner

Pre-reading questions: What kind of awards have you received so far? What do you do to keep your house safe? Kailash Satyarthi received a Nobel Peace Prize award last 2014. His Nobel medal and certificate were stolen. No one saw the thief stealing the awards. Mr. Satyarthi said that the lock of his house was broken and his awards were stolen. Kailash Satyarthi won the Nobel Peace Price last 2014 because he likes helping children. His efforts saved children from working dangerously. Vocabulary: receive [verb] – get something stolen [verb] – (past participle of steal)take without the owner’s approval award [noun] – prize for achieving something effort [noun] – hard work…
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Parents study Latin to help their children at school

Education - I

  Pre-reading questions: What is your mother tongue? How many languages do you speak? Do you think learning a foreign language is difficult? Why or why not?   Parents trying to help children with school work often struggle to dredge up what they once learned in maths or English, let alone Latin. At Colfe’s School, in south-east London, a few adults are signing up for Latin refresher classes, or taking on the language for the first time, so that they can help their offspring get ahead of the pack. The classics department has been so high it now runs two Monday night Latin classes. At Colfe’s, where headteacher Richard Russell…
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Parents study Latin to help their children at school

Education - E

  Colfe’s School, in south-east London, has been so high it now runs two Monday night Latin classes. Parents trying to help children with school work often struggle to dredge up what they once learned in maths or English, let alone Latin. A few adults are signing up for Latin refresher classes, or taking on the language for the first time, so that they can help their offspring get ahead of the pack. The classics department at a private school in London has found itself oversubscribed after it began offering Latin evening classes to parents. Since 2014, foreign language lessons have been compulsory in primary schools from age seven and…
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Parents study Latin to help their children at school

Education - B

Pre-reading questions: Do you like studying alone or with your friends? Why? What would you like to study aside from subjects at school? Why? Parents want to help their children at school so they are studying Latin. A private school in London opens a Latin course with many adult participants. Latin is taught to 50,000 children but only few pass the tests. Some parents enrolled in Latin class because they want to relate with their children. Others enrolled because they are interested with the Roman Empire in books or movies. Vocabulary: Latin – [noun] the language of Ancient Rome course – [noun] class participants – [noun] people who join an…
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Pancake Tuesday before Lent


  For a considerable length of time, Britons have observed Pancake Day, which is otherwise called Shrove Tuesday. Pancake Day is the day before Ash Wednesday. Shrove Tuesday got its name from the Christian custom to be “shriven”, to acquire pardon for one’s wrongdoings through confession and atonement before the begin of Lent. The making of pancakes or flapjacks is often associated with Shrove Tuesday as it is a method of spending indulgent foods just before the Lent season. Eggs, milk and sugar aren’t generally consumed during fasting season, thus, consumed the day before. Besides making and eating flapjacks, there is an annual pancake race being held. The idea is…
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Abe ‘builds trust’ with Trump

World News - Expert

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe paid an unofficial visit to Donald Trump, the president of the United States of America, in order to maintain a relationship of trust with the latter. Noting that the Japan-US alliance is the axis of Japan’s diplomacy and security, Prime Minister Abe said that he aims to ‘build trust’ with the new US President. Moreover, Prime Minister Abe wants to further bolster the coalition between Japan and the US. It has been reported that the US President has mentioned in one of his interviews that, “Japan is better if it protects itself against this maniac of North Korea,” leaving the officials of Japanese government concerned. Abe…
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Pancake Tuesday before Lent


  Pre-reading questions: Do you prefer sweet or savory pancakes? Why or why not? How often do you eat pancakes?   Pancake Day falls 47 days before Easter so the date is not fixed, but it will always be between February 3 and March 9. British people has celebrated Pancake Tuesday for centuries. It is also called Shrove Tuesday, from the word “shrive”, which means to obtain forgiveness through confession of sins. Shrove Tuesday was based on a Christian tradition to be shriven before Lent season begins. Aside from making and eating pancakes during Pancake Day, Britons love to have pancake races where participants run while flipping pancakes in a…
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