Author Archive: admin

Morning coffee might slow down aging

Health - Intermediate

  There is a new study that suggests the benefits of consuming caffeine which can be found in coffee. Caffeine is helping our body to fight different kinds of diseases and chronic state of inflammation. Researchers said that they have studied 100 different people – young and old – and analyzed their blood samples. The study reveals that older people have a tendency to have more inflammation as related to genes than the younger group of people. The older we get, the inflammation to the entire body is likely to rise. Coffee is one the most commonly consumed beverages in the world and it’s also the main source of caffeine…
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Morning coffee might slow down aging

Health - Beginner

  Pre-reading questions: What do you usually drink first thing in the morning? Do you like drinking hot coffee, or do you like it iced?   A study published in Nature Medicine shows that coffee is actually good for our health. Older people who consume more than 5 cups of coffee per day have remarkably low levels of irritation. The more caffeine is consumed, the more a person becomes guarded from infections. Researchers analyzed 100 blood samples from young and old people. Older people tended to have more activity in the inflammatory gene. Caffeine suppresses this and shuts off the inflammatory pathway. Further research is needed to determine when the…
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Morning coffee might slow down aging

Health - Beg

  Pre-reading questions: Do you drink coffee every day? How many cups of coffee can you drink in a day?   A study says that our morning coffee is not really bad for our health. Older people with low levels of infection are all coffee drinkers. People who drink more than 5 cups of coffee per day show low levels of inflammation. Researchers says that constant inflammation causes diseases of aging, like diabetes and heart problems. Inflammation is still needed by the immune system; it fights infection and toxic compounds. But, it loses control when a person is aging.   Vocabulary: inflammation – [noun] a condition in which a part…
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Disney tickets get more expensive

Business - E

  The ticket price for “The Happiest Place on Earth” will have a price bump, the management reported recently. Single-day ticket in Anaheim, California will now be at $97, $110 or $124 from $95, $105 or $119. The annual Deluxe pass will also go sky-high. Even Disney World in Florida will experience the same price boost on their single-day, annual, and platinum passes, although the all-year premium passport will not bulge. Ticket pricing is now divided into three periods: Value – the cheaper ones, Regular and Peak – the costly ones. The Disney management has emailed a statement saying that the price increase is to control overcrowding during peak seasons,…
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Disney tickets get more expensive

Business - I

  Pre-reading questions: What for you is the happiest place on earth? What words best describe Disneyland? What’s the best theme park you’ve been to?   Disneyland is popular for its magical theme that people of all ages find it fascinating. Millions of tourist around the world visit the place each year. Recently, the company announced that there will be a price hike in the ticket particularly in Disneyland in Anaheim, California and Disney World in Florida. In California, the ticket ranges will increase from $95, $105 to $119 to $97, $110 to $124 which is good for a day. The Deluxe annual pass will also have price hike ranging…
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Disney tickets get more expensive

Business - B

  Pre-reading questions: What comes to your mind when you hear the phrase “happiest place on earth?” Have you been to Disneyland before?   Disneyland is popular for its magical theme that people of all ages find it fascinating. Millions of tourists around the world visit the place each year. The company announced that there will be a price increase in the ticket particularly in Disneyland California and Disney World Florida.   Vocabulary: popular [adjective] – liked or admired by many people or by a particular person or group magical [adjective] – beautiful or delightful in a way that seems removed from everyday life fascinating [adjective] – extremely interesting or…
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Working mothers receive support from companies

Japan - Expert

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has made increasing the participation of women in the workforce a crucial component in his comprehensive economic growth plan. Backed by several researches, womenomics could increase the gross domestic product of Japan and help address the country’s declining labor force. Despite the policy change, a lot of critics think that womenomics’ benefits cannot be realized without concrete transformation in work culture and attitude towards working mothers in companies. Acknowledging the potential benefits of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s womenomics, several companies have started giving more support to working mothers. For example, one company has asked its working fathers who take parental leaves to share stories on how…
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