Author Archive: admin

Clear backpacks for Parkland Students

Clear backpack for parkland students

Pre-reading questions: What kind of bag do you like using? Discuss. Do you find clear bags safe? Why or why not? Vocabulary: measure /MEZH-er/ [noun] a way to achieve something There was a discussion with the new measures. administrator /ad-MIN-uh-strey-ter/ [noun]someone whose job is to control the operation of a business School administrators are against the new policy. see-through /SEE-throo/ [adjective] almost transparent The girl is wearing a see-through blouse. premise /PREM-is/ [noun] the land and/or building owned by a company or organization The company is relocating to a new premise. privacy /PRAHY-Vuh-see/ [noun] the right to keep someone’s personal matters private The girl asked for some privacy. Students of…
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Clear backpacks for Parkland Students

Clear backpack for parkland students

Pre-reading questions: Do you like using a backpack? Please explain your answer. Do you think backpacks are easy to bring? Why or why not? Vocabulary: require /ri-KWAHYUHr/ [verb] to order someone to do something The faculty requires the students to wear P.E. uniform. campus /KAM-puhs/ [noun] the grounds of a school or a university There are dormitories inside the campus. prescribe /pri-SKRAHYB/ [verb] to tell someone what he or she must have or do The doctor prescribed her some medicine. security /si-KYOOR-i-tee/ [noun] freedom from danger Security was increased in the city. policy /POL-uh-see/ [noun] rules followed by business, government, or group of people The management said there will be…
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Clear backpacks for Parkland Students

Clear backpack for parkland students

Vocabulary: mandate /MAN-deyt/ [verb] to make something necessary especially a rule The president mandated a new tax reform futile /FYOO-tahyl/ [adjective] achieving no result or ineffective Unfortunately, all rescue attempts were futile during the hurricane. compromise /kom-pruh-mahyz/ [verb] to have a harmful effect on something The investigation has been compromised by the fake news that are spread online. stage /steyj/ [verb] to organize an event Bus drivers are planning to stage a 24-hour strike. mobilize /MOH-buh-lahyz/ [verb] to organize people or event for special a purpose Representatives for all the main candidates are trying to mobilize voter’s support. Marjory Stoneman Dougless School established a new security measure after the recent…
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Kimberly Clark to lay off 5,000 employees

Kimberly Clark to lay off 5,000 employees

By Stribrohorak (Own work) [CC BY-SA 3.0], via Wikimedia Commons Vocabulary: overhead expenses [OH-ver-HED ik-SPENS] (noun) ongoing expenses of a company The increase on their overhead expenses directly affected their income. corporate tax [KAWR-per-it taks] (noun) tax imposed on the net income of a company They rallied against the new corporate tax reform. restructure [ree-STRUHK-cher] (verb) to reorganize a company The bill restructured a complicated system of deductions. upheaval [uhp-HEE-vuhl] (noun) a sudden change The strike caused much political upheaval. par [pahr] (noun) an equality in value or standing Marketers need to promote products to be at par with competitors. Kimberly Clark is laying off 13% of its workforce. The…
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Kimberly Clark to lay off 5,000 employees

Kimberly Clark to lay off 5,000 employees

By Stribrohorak (Own work) [CC BY-SA 3.0], via Wikimedia Commons Pre-reading questions: What are some common reasons for firing employees? Why do employees quit their job? Vocabulary: lay off [ley awf] (phrasal verb) to end someone’s employment The firm had to lay off some of their workers. stiff competition [stif kom-pi-TISH-uhn] (noun) strong competition from rivals You’ll be facing a lot of stiff competition at the games. worldwide [WURLD-WAHYD] (adjective) happening all over the world Our company has 2,000 employees worldwide. birthrate [BURTH-reyt] (noun) the number of births in a year or place Low birthrate is a big problem for some countries. budget cut [BUHJ-it kuht] (noun) the act of…
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Kimberly Clark to lay off 5,000 employees

Kimberly Clark to lay off 5,000 employees

By Stribrohorak (Own work) [CC BY-SA 3.0], via Wikimedia Commons Pre-reading questions: What is your dream job? Is it easy to find a job in your country? Please explain your answer. Vocabulary: lay off [ley awf] (phrasal verb) to end someone’s employment They had to lay off the workers one by one. expense [ik-SPENS] (noun) an amount of money spent to buy something Food is my biggest expense. profit [PROF-it] (noun) money that remains after paying all expenses The company gained more profit this year. factory [FAK-tuh-ree] (noun) a building where products are made using machines There is a big car factory in my hometown. employee [em-PLOI-ee] (noun) someone who…
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Teenager dies due to caffeine overdose

Teenager dies due to caffeine overdose

Vocabulary: cardiac arrhythmia [KAHR-dee-ak uh-RITH -mee-uh] (noun) irregular heartbeat Cardiac arrhythmia is a serious health hazard. county [KOUN-tee] (noun) largest political division in most states in the US We are moving to Orange County, California. patron [PEY-truh n] (noun) a person who is a loyal customer of a product or service She is a well-known patron of innovative products. instantaneous [in-stuhn n-TEY-nee-uh s] (adjective) immediate effect or response The school got an instantaneous response from the board. overdose [OH-ver-dohs] (noun) too much drug intake at a given time Drug overdose is fatal. A 16-year old high school student collapsed and died after consuming a large bottle of Mountain Dew, a…
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