Author Archive: admin

China’s October Exports, Imports Drop

  China’s October exports declined 7.3 percent, while imports dwindled 1.4 percent compared with preceding year’s figures–both dropped more than what’s expected. According to the General Administration of Customs, China currently has a trade surplus of $49.06 billion for October as a result. Compared against September’s trade surplus of $41.99 billion, their forecast is to have inflated to $51.70 billion. Analysts said that the changes in statistics lead to the recurring slack global demand.   Vocabulary: dwindle – to gradually become smaller preceding – existing, happening trade surplus – a situation in which a country sells more to other countries than it buys from other countries forecast – to say…
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China’s October Exports, Imports Drop

Pre-reading questions: Do you buy products from China? What are the things you buy that are made in China? China’s exports in the first ten months of this year went down to 7.7 percent, while imports fell 7.5 percent. It is officially shown in the data on November 1st. The General Administration of Customs said that it left the country a big amount of trade surplus. It means that China sells more to other countries than it buys from other nations. The imports were expected to have decreased by 1 percent after falling 1.9 percent last month. Reuters had forecasted a 6 percent tumble for exports, 1 percent slump for…
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China’s October Exports, Imports Drop

Business - B

Pre-reading questions: Do you buy products from China? What are your favorite products from China? The exports or number of products that China sold to other countries dropped by 7.3 percent, while the imports or number of products that they bought from other countries dropped by 1.4 percent. This is based on their October reports. They said it decreased more than they thought it would this year. Vocabulary: exports – 輸出 [noun] products that are sent to another country to be sold there imports – 輸入 [noun] products brought into a country to be sold there drop – 落ちる [verb] to fall percent – パーセント [noun] part of every hundred…
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Paris reveals plans to win back tourists

  Pre-reading questions: What are some of the benefits of traveling? How adventurous are you when you travel? Where is the most amazing place you have been?   The government reveals new strategies to win back tourists. These past few months, the number of tourists has been declining due to terrorist attacks and extreme weather conditions. They are planning to deploy English-speaking volunteers, mostly college interns, to different tourist spots starting this December. People working with tourists like bus and taxi drivers, and hospitality staff will be taking English classes to have good English communication skills. They will also launch an app as a guide for first-timer visitors. To assure…
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Paris reveals plans to win back tourists

The French government publicized their new scheme in revitalizing the agitating tourism industry of Paris. This scheme of French government includes the employment of English-speaking tourism volunteers. The administration is also pushing for the term ‘state of emergency’ to be changed to ‘state of high security’. Terror attacks and flooding in France led to a 13% fall in visitor numbers between January and August this year, compared to the same period in 2015. It caused the loss of €1billion in monthly tourism revenue. The authorities came with their six-point plan to attract foreign sightseer back to the French capital. The plan will mainly focus on security, hospitality, and quality of…
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Paris reveals plans to win back tourists


Pre-reading questions: Where do you like to go on vacation? What did you do during your last vacation? Today, tourists visiting Paris are fewer. The Paris government plans to increase the number of tourists. They need tourism volunteers, mostly university students, who can speak English. Taxi and bus drivers, and hotel staff will take English classes. They will also make a new welcome app for tourists to guide first-time visitors. To make sure that everybody is safe, the government is in a state of high security. Vocabulary: tourist – 旅行者 a person traveling to another place volunteer – ボランティア a person who offers services for free staff – スタッフ a group of people,…
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United Nations talks about climate change

MARRAKESH, MOROCCO– Fifteen thousand negotiators, CEOs and activists congregate for the Paris Agreement amidst US Elections. The Paris Agreement binds all countries equally to offset global warming. Despite the congregation of 196 nations for the twelve-day UN talks, the world is focused on the United States elections that could propel climate denier Donald Trump to the White House. US President Barack Obama warns that all the steps made for climate change now depends on the votes of the American citizens. Democrat candidate Hillary Clinton promised to preserve Obama’s policies in the cessation of global warming. Issues on each nations’ CO2 emissions shall be addressed in 2018. 2018 shall also be…
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United Nations talks about climate change

World News - Beginner

Pre-reading questions: Do you use things that are made of plastics? What are some ways to protect the environment? The United Nations (U.N) talks about climate change during the meeting in Marrakesh in Morocco. They talked about how to be responsible in taking care of our planet. They said people must be responsible at all times. They must also be careful in using things that can be bad for others’ health. Vocabulary: climate change – 気候変動 [noun] changes in the weather environment – 環境 [noun] surroundings responsible – 責任を果たせる [adjective] accountable for planet – 惑星 [noun] heavenly body,earth United Nations – 国際連合 [noun] an international organization True or False: The…
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