Author Archive: admin
Arizona teachers walk out of their classrooms

Pre-reading questions: Do you like going to school? Why or why not? Do you live near your school? Please explain your answer. Vocabulary: walk out /WAWK-out/ [verb] to leave a meeting or work because you are angry or do not like something She walked out of the room during the president’s speech. budget /BUHJ-it/ [noun] a particular amount of money needed for a specific situation The committee approved the budget for the annual conference. salary /SAL-uh-ree/ [noun] amount of money paid to someone for working His monthly salary is $500. fund /fuhnd/ [noun] amount of money provided for a specific purpose The school provided scholarship funds to those who are…
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Arizona teachers walk out of their classrooms

Vocabulary: allocation /al-uh-KEY-shuhn/ [noun] a process of giving out a part of a whole The admin had a meeting on allocation of funds for various projects. legislator /LEJ-is-ley-ter/ [noun] a politician who has a power to make or change a law The legislators had a session regarding the new income tax law. lawmaker /LAW-mey-ker/ [noun] a politician who is responsible for making laws Her dream is to become a lawmaker. license /LAHY-suhns/ [verb] to have an official document that allows you to do something She is a licensed elementary teacher. purchase /PUR-chuhs/ [verb] to buy something She purchased a new car yesterday. Teachers from Phoenix, Arizona held a protest against…
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Arizona teachers walk out of their classrooms

Pre-reading questions: What is your favorite subject in school? Please explain your answer. Do you like joining school club activities? Please explain your answer. Vocabulary: protest /PROH-test/ [noun] a strong complaint expressing disagreement There was a protest against the newly-passed law. crisis /KHRAY-sis/ [noun] a difficult situation The country has been experiencing an economic crisis for the past years. decade /DEK-eyd/ [noun] a period of ten years I worked as a nurse for 2 decades. pursue /per-SOO/ [verb] to try to achieve She wants to pursue a teaching career. uncertified /un-SUR-tuh-fahyd/ [adjective] not officially recognized as having a certain status or meeting certain standards Two days after the election, the…
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Beyond Infinity: What To Expect After Avengers: Infinity War

Pre-reading questions: What is your favorite movie? Please explain your answer. Do you read comic books? Why or why not? Vocabulary: hint /hint/ [verb] to suggest something but not in a clear way She hinted that she wanted to study abroad. origin /AWR-i-jin/ [noun] where something comes from The origin of this coffee is unknown. beat /beet/ [verb] to win against someone Nobody can beat her in tennis. key /kee/ [adjective] very important He is a key member of the baseball team. effect /ih-FEKT/ [noun] a change caused by something Drinking coffee has good effects on my health. Avengers:Infinity War is a big success. Wait for these movies to know…
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Beyond Infinity: What To Expect After Avengers: Infinity War

Pre-reading questions: Are you interested in superhero movies? Please explain your answer. Do you like to watch movies in the movie theater? Why or why not? Vocabulary: hyped /hahypt/ [adjective] something that is made to seem very interesting, exciting, or important I found the most hyped movie of the year a bit disappointing. appalled /uh-PAWLD/ [verb] to make someone extremely shocked or upset I was appalled by the hurtful words that he said to me. spoiler /SPOI-ler/ [noun] information that tells you what happens in a TV show or movie Janis hates hearing spoilers before watching a movie. cliffhanger /KLIF-hang-er/ [noun] a story whose ending or result is uncertain Some…
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Beyond Infinity: What To Expect After Avengers: Infinity War

Vocabulary: culmination /kuhl-muh-NEY-shuhn/ [noun] the final thing in a series of events A heartfelt performance by the rock band was the culmination of the music festival. saga /SAH-guh/ [noun] a long story about a lot of people or events The fans are curious as to how the saga is going to end. spoiler /SPOI-ler/ [noun] information that tells you what happens in a TV show or movie, which may ruin your enjoyment I don’t understand why people have to post spoilers online and ruin the movie for everyone else. utter defeat /UHT-er dih-FEET/ [UHT-er dih-FEET] total failure This is her first time to face utter defeat in a chess tournament….
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