Author Archive: admin

Cape Town to limit water usage in water crisis

Cape Town to limit water usage in water crisis

Pre-reading questions: Do you like drinking water? Why or why not? Is water important? Please explain your answer Vocabulary: resident /REZ-i-duhnt/ [noun] someone who lives in a place They are both residents of the same dormitory. shortage /SHAWR-tij/ [noun] a lack of something that you need or want There’s a shortage of hospital beds. population /pop-yuh-LEY-shuhn/ [noun] all the people living in a country, area, or place What is the population of Tokyo? climate /KLAHY-mit/ [noun] the general weather in a place The climate of Japan is mild usage /YOO-sij/ [noun] the process of using something I don’t understand the usage of this word. Residents of Cape Town, South Africa…
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Cape Town to limit water usage in water crisis

Cape Town to limit water usage in water crisis

Pre-reading questions: How do you save water in your country? Have you experienced a water crisis in your country? Please explain your answer. Vocabulary: drought /drout/ [noun] a long period when there is little or no rain The crops were destroyed because of the drought. consumption /kuh n-SUHMP-shuhn/ [noun] an amount of something that is used Gas and oil consumption always increases in cold weather. recycle /ree-SAHY-kuhl/ [verb] to use something again, often for a different purpose Recycling is important to help protect our environment. precaution /pri-KAW-shuhn/ [noun] an action taken to prevent something unpleasant or dangerous I took the precaution of buying a case for my new cellphone. dread…
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Cape Town to limit water usage in water crisis

Cape Town to limit water usage in water crisis

Vocabulary: reservoir [REZ-er-vwahr] (noun) a natural or artificial lake for storing and supplying water for an area This reservoir provides water to the whole city. defer [dih-FUR] (verb) to delay something until a later time You can order the furniture now and defer payment until September. adhere [ad-HEER] (verb) to conform to or follow rules exactly All drivers must adhere to speed limits. allocation [al-uh-KEY-shuhn] (noun) the act or process of giving out parts of a whole The allocation must be made according to a strict set of criteria. thriving [THRAVYV-ing] (adjective) characterized by prosperity Her thriving business has been making a buzz online. Day Zero, the day when water…
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The Royal Family talks about mental health


Pre-reading questions: What do you do when you feel sad? What makes you happy? Vocabulary: depression [dih-PRESH-uh n] (noun) the feeling of being very unhappy Depression is common today. crash [KRASH] (verb) to hit something hard She crashed the car into a tree, but no one got hurt. tunnel [TUHN-l] (noun) an underground passage Tom passes through this tunnel everyday. royal family [pruh-FESH-uh-nl] (noun) family of a king or queen The Royal Family is loved by everyone. brave [BREYV] (adjective) capable of dealing with danger The brave soldiers fought for our country. Prince Harry admitted that he had suffered from depression for many years. This is following the death of…
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The Royal Family talks about mental health


Pre-reading questions: What do you think is the importance of mental health? How can we take good care of our mental health? Vocabulary: advocate [AD-vuh-kit] (noun) someone who supports a policy or cause Kate is an advocate for the environment. fatal [FEYT-l] (adjective) causing death The fatal accident caused panic among the students. candidly [KAN-did-li] (adverb) in an honest way She delivered her speech candidly. veteran [VET-er-uh-n] (noun) a person who has served in a military force My grandfather is a war veteran. patron [PEY-truh-n] (noun) a person who supports a charity or cause Mary is a known patron of social change. Britain’s Royal Family are known advocates of various…
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The Royal Family talks about mental health


Vocabulary: demise [dih-MAHYZ] (noun) death or decease Since Mary was so young, everyone was stunned by her demise. take a toll [TEYK a tol] (idiom) to cause damage Years of sunbathing took a toll on Miho’s skin. behavioral [bih-HEYV-yer-al] (adjective) relating or emphasizing behavior She’s had behavioral issues since she was a teenager. mum [MUHM] (adjective) silent; not saying a word Saki promised to keep mum about the incident. utmost [UHT-mohst] (adjective) being at the farthest point This meeting is of the utmost importance. Princess Diana, known for her poise and charisma, met her demise in a fatal car crash in Paris in 1997. The tragedy became a critical point…
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Eating may not be effective in blocking stress


Pre-reading questions: Do you eat a lot when you are stressed? Please explain your answer. What do you do when you are happy? Vocabulary: stress [STRES] (noun) worry caused by a difficult situation She is under a lot of stress right now. hunger [HUHNG-ger] (noun) feeling in the stomach of needing or lack of food The girl ate the bread because of hunger. weight gain [WEYT geyn] (noun) an increase in body weight Eating too much food causes weight gain. effective [ih-FEK-tiv] (adjective) producing positive results The medicine he took is effective. alive [uh-LAHYV] (adjective) having life; not dead He was lucky to be alive after the car crash. Some…
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Eating may not be effective in blocking stress


Pre-reading questions: How does stress affect your eating habits? What do you do to cope with stress? Vocabulary: cope [KOHP] (verb) to deal with problems She was able to cope because of her friends’ support. variety [vuh-RAHY-i-tee] (noun) many different types or things I made a variety of desserts yesterday. disadvantage [dis-uh d-VAN-tij] (noun) something that leads to unsuccessful results There are disadvantages to living in a city. prevent [pri-VENT] (verb) to stop something from happening The trees on the mountains prevent floods downtown. survive [ser-VAHYV] (verb) to continue to live He survived the earthquake ten years ago. Stress affects people’s lives in many ways. Others cope with stress by…
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