
China’s influence concerns other nations

World News - Beginner

Pre-reading questions: What do you think is the most powerful country in the world? Describe Japan in one word. Vocabulary: colonization [noun] – to take control of another country by living there or sending people to live there The European colonization began in 1492. influence [noun] – the power to make other people agree with your opinion or do what you want Celebrities influence fashion. era [noun] – a period of history or a long period of time We are living in an era of fast technological advancement. bold [adjective] – not afraid to do things which involve risk or danger Hiring a fresh graduate is a bold move.  …
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Netflix’s charge increases


Pre-reading questions: Do you like watching movies online? Do you think watching movies in cinemas is more fun? Vocabulary: membership [noun] – to become a member of a club This coffee shop requires membership. prime membership [noun] – membership higher than a standard plan My prime membership at the health club will end next week. improve [verb] – become better She needs to improve her grades this year. standard [adjective] – considered normal I have a standard TV at home. plan [noun] – something that you pay for to receive a service My mobile phone plan is expensive.   Netflix will increase its membership fee. The standard membership plan for…
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A world free from tobacco

Health - Beg

Pre-reading questions: Are there many smokers in your city? Is tobacco good or bad? Vocabulary: tobacco [noun] – type of plant or the leaves of this plant used in cigarettes, cigars, and pipes I don’t like people who smoke tobacco. effect [noun] – the result of something; something that happens because of another thing Smoking has bad effects on your health. strict [adjective] – severe; exact; harsh Our school is very strict with the food we eat. packaging [noun] – materials used to wrap or cover goods The packaging for this cigarette is cute. warning sign [noun] – an early signal that something bad might happen All cigarette boxes have…
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Unilever develops technology to prevent billions of plastic sachets from entering into oceans

Business - B

Pre-reading questions: How do you take care of the environment? Why should people take care of the environment? Vocabulary: recycle [verb]- to use again Everyone should recycle items to help the environment. brand [noun]- name of a product Uniqlo is a Japanese clothing brand. waste [noun]- garbage Throw your waste in the proper waste can. intend [verb]- aim I intend to help take care of the environment. Nowdays, there are many ways to take care of the environment such as recycling. Unilever, a popular global brand, wants to recycle their products’ plastic covers. Plastic wastes are going to be collected then will be used again to make new plastic covers….
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Festival generates ethnic separation in Paris

World News - Beginner

Pre-reading questions: Do you love attending festivals? Why? Have you ever experienced attending an event with foreign people? Vocabulary: 1. ethnic – [adjective] characteristic of a large group of people who have the same national, racial, or cultural origins There are ethnic groups living in my area. 2. venue [noun] – location of any event They will conduct the event in an open field. 3. banned [adjective] – forbidden by law The event is banned due to its rules. 4. exclude [verb] – to stop from being included or accepted They decided to exclude white people in the festival. The Nyansapo festival in the city of Paris is set to…
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MSDF ship joins U.S. vessel on escort mission

Japan - Beginner

Pre-reading questions: Have you seen a military ship? Do you know what MSDF mean? Vocabulary: helicopter – [noun] aircraft The president is flying to Japan via helicopter. joint exercises – [noun] military training joined by two or more groups Philippines and US have joint military exercises. supply – [noun] stock; store Last night, we ran out of water supply. bond – [noun] something that binds or holds together Japan keeps a strong bond between their ally countries. launch – [verb] to release, start, or send North Korea threatens a missile launch. A Japanese helicopter helped guard the U.S military supply ship. They sail off the Shikoku region while having joint…
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The Dalai Lama in Tawang

World News - Beginner

Pre-reading questions: Do you know the Dalai Lama? Have you ever been to India? Vocabulary: title [noun] – a name that tells a person’s position or job The title given to our highest leader is president. political leader [noun] – someone who is active in politics We should all respect our political leaders. spiriatual leader [noun] – a leader in religious or sacred affairs It is not easy to become a spiritual leader. flee [verb] – run away from a place that is dangerous; to escape We fled the country because of too much fighting. exile [noun] – a person who left his/her country to live in another country for…
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Job-juggling is challenging yet beneficial

Japan - Beginner

Pre-reading questions: What are the skills that an employee needs? What are the challenges of having many jobs for an individual? Vocabulary: 1. increasingly [adverb] – more often or to a greater degree Job-juggling has become increasingly common for workers in Japan. 2. juggle [verb] – to handle or deal with several things at one time Workers juggle their jobs so they can earn more. 3. notion [noun] – a theory or belief held by a person or group It is my notion to trust my employees to have several jobs. 4. outlook [noun] – a person’s point of view or general attitude to life My outlook has changed ever…
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Muirfield votes to allow female members


Pre-reading questions: Have you ever played golf? Do you think golf is a good hobby? Vocabulary: vote [verb] – to express your choice or opinion in something In the meeting, I voted yes to buying a new office door. membership [noun] – being in a group or club or belonging to a group or club I would like to continue my membership in the Tokyo Book Club. policy [noun] – a set of ideas or plan of what to do; this is agreed by members and officials of a group or business organization Our hiring policy is very strict. criticism [noun] – the act of giving your opinion on the…
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Saudi Arabia’s government adds 5% tax on some goods

Business - B

Pre-reading questions: Would you like to travel to Middle East? What do you want to see in Saudi Arabia? Vocabulary: product [noun] –  something that is made and sold Japanese products are very popular nowadays. source [noun] –  is the person, place, or thing which you get something from The source of the fire in the building is unknown. tax [noun] –  amount of money that you have to pay to the government so that it can pay for public services. The taxes in the Philippines are too high. economy [noun] –  the money and resources of a country Japan is hoping for a better economy this year. Value Added Tax (VAT) – [noun] a…
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