Barnard-b discovered to be a new potential home
Vocabulary: primitive /prim-i-tiv/ [adjective] relating to the character of an early stage in the evolutionary or historical development of something The students saw portraits of primitive communities in the 1700’s at the museum. astrophysicist /as-troh-fiz-uh-sist/ [noun] someone who studies astrophysics The astrophysicist explained about the discovery of the new planet. geothermal /jee-oh-thur-muh-l/ [adjective] of or connected with the heat inside the earth The icy surface wasn’t a problem anymore because of the geothermal activity happening underneath it. hostile /hos-tl/ [adjective] unpleasant or not suitable for living or growing The planet is known as hostile due to its freezing temperature. anticipate /an-tis-uh-peyt/ [verb] to imagine or expect that something will happen…
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