
Change your diet and save mother earth


Vocabulary: consumption /kuhn-SUHMP-shuhn/ [noun] the amount used or eaten There was a rising consumption of consumer goods worldwide. drastic /DRAS-tik/ [adjective] severe and sudden or having very noticeable effects The invention of smartphone caused a drastic change in our lives. emission /ih-MISH-uhn/ [noun] The act of sending out gas, heat, light, etc. From the hotel window, I could see the emission of pollutants coming from a nearby factory. sustain /suh-STEYN/ [verb] to cause or allow something to continue for a period of time While on a diet, you will realize you can sustain yourself by eating less. freshwater /fresh-WOT-er/ [adjective] consisting of water that does not contain salt Only one…
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Heisei era gives new meaning of ‘Japanese’

Heisei era gives new meaning of ‘Japanese’

Vocabulary: statistics /stuh-TIS-tiks/ [noun] a collection of numerical facts about people, business conditions, or weather Statistics showed that 50% of new businesses fail last year. race /reys/ [noun] a group of people who share the same language, history, characteristics Many students from different races enrolled to the newly built international school across the street. inspiration /in-spuh-REY-shuhn/ [noun] someone or something that gives you ideas for doing something Her parents are Anna’s inspiration to succeed. era /ER-uh/ [noun] a period of time of which particular events or stages of development are typical In the modern era, social services around the world have increased. perspective /per-SPEK-tiv/ [noun] a particular way of considering…
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Volkswagen changes charging system for electric vehicles

Volkswagen new stategy for electric vehicles

Vocabulary: profitable /PROF-i-tuh-buhl/ [adjective] useful or likely to give someone an advantage Mariah believes that having a profitable action plan is going to have good effects on their project’s final result. in the event that /in thee ih-VENT that/ [conjunction] if something happens; similar to “in case that” Stock up on herbal medicines and take some good rest in the event that you fall ill. deplete /dih-PLEET/ [verb] to consume the remaining supplies of energy, money, etc. Anne has no wish to further deplete whatever funds she has left in her bank account. affix /uh-FIKS/ [verb] to attach one thing to another Affix the stamp to the upper right corner…
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Breath test to detect cancers begins trial in UK

Breath test to detect various cancers begins trial in UK

Vocabulary: trial /TRAHY-uh/ [noun] a test, usually over a limited period of time, to discover how effective or suitable something or someone is The company has to conduct four clinical trials to know the drug’s safety. clinical /KLIN-i-kuhl/ [adjective] used to refer to medical work or teaching that relates to the examination and treatment of ill people Her sister is a clinical psychologist at Newt’s Mental Health Foundation. molecule /MOL-uh-kyool/ [noun] the simplest unit of a chemical substance He went to the clinic to ask for the result of the DNA molecule to see if he is really the father of his son. metabolic /met-uh-BOL-ik/ [adjective] relating to metabolism (the…
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Esports event to be held in Tokyo, Japan

Esports event to be held in Tokyo, Japan

Vocabulary: esports /EE-spohrts/ [noun] a form of competition using video games between professional players and teams My friend is very fond of playing video games; thus, he wants to experience watching esports live. allocate /AL-uh-keyt/ [verb] to give a particular amount of money that can be used in a particular way or event Several companies allocate some of the budgets to their social responsibility projects. demonstration sport /dem-uhn-strey-shuhn spohrt/ [noun] is a sport which is played to promote most commonly during the Olympic Games or at any sporting events The organizer said that our national game will be played as a demonstration sport tonight. launch /lawnch/ [noun] an event to…
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Zora: A robot with a heart

Zora a robot with a heart

Vocabulary: forlorn /fawr-LAWRN/ [adjective] alone and unhappy; left alone and not cared for She couldn’t imagine her forlorn life if ever she married the wrong guy. life-changing /LAHYF cheynj-ing/ [adjective] having an effect that is strong enough to change someone’s life The seminar that she attended last month was life-changing that’s why she’s starting to think carefully about every decision in her life. attachment /uh-TACH-muhnt/ [noun] a feeling of love or strong connection to someone or something As a teacher, Taichi always makes sure that he develops strong attachment to his students. enamored /ih-NAM-erd// [adjective] liking (something) a lot The guests are enamored and moved by the speech of the…
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Hyogo holds exhibition in honor of Osamu Tezuka

Hyogo holds enhibitionin honor of Osamu Tezuka

Vocabulary: moniker /MON-i-ker/ [noun] a name or nickname Hillbilly is a moniker for someone who lives in a rural area famed /feymd/ [adjective] famous or known by many people Serge is famed for his superior knowledge in computers and the Internet. diversity /dih-VUR-si-tee/ [noun] different types of things or group of people included in something Our oceans are home to a rich diversity of marine species. pursuit /per-SOOT/ [noun] the act of chasing something or someone to capture the person or thing The police officers are currently in pursuit of a serial killer. confrontation /kon-fruhn-TEY-shuhn/ [noun] a fight or argument Lauren noticed that Alice is not outstanding at confrontation. A…
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Japan redefines hospitality by investing in service industry

Japan redefines hospitality by investing in service industry

Vocabulary: productivity /proh-duhk-tiv-i-tee/ [noun] the rate at which a person, company, or country does useful work A good working environment may increase productivity. shrink /shringk/ [verb] to become smaller or cause something to become smaller The number of young people in the countryside shrinks because they usually study in cities. interaction /in-ter-ak-shuhn/ [noun] an occasion when two or more people or things communicate with or react to each other Less interaction between managers and employees could be one of the reasons why most people are not motivated to work. frontline /fruhnt-lahyn/ [adjective] used to describe an employee who deals directly with customers, or who is directly involved in making a…
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Japan’s ministry plans to use a speech translation application

Japan's ministry plans to use a speech translation application

Vocabulary: navigate /NAV-i-geyt/ [verb] to successfully find a way from one place to another Nowadays, people can navigate different places using their phone. upcoming /UHP-kuhm-ing/ [adjective] happening soon Students are busy preparing for the upcoming examination next month. capability /key-puh-BIL-i-tee// [noun] the ability to do something We have the capability to make our life successful if we will work hard. utilize /YOOT-l-ahyz/ [verb] to use something in an effective way Students must utilize the use of a computer for academic purposes. resolve /ri-ZOLV/ [verb] to solve or end a problem or difficulty The student council proposed a program to resolve poverty in our country. The internal affairs ministry of Japan…
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Japan’s celebration for the new emperor

Japan's celebration for the new emperor

Vocabulary: exaltation /eg-zawl-TEY-shuhn/ [noun] the act of raising someone or something to a more important position The new king’s exaltation ceremony was a success. renounce /ri-NOUNS/ [verb] to formally declare one’s resignation from a position Everybody in the department was shocked when Shiela renounced from being a supervisor. commence /kuh-MENS/ [verb] to begin something Let us commence the training next week. respectively /ri-SPEK-tiv-lee/ [adverb] refers to something or someone previously mentioned in the same order as first mentioned Yuri and Yamato went to South Korea and Vietnam last month, respectively. notable /NOH-tuh-buhl/ [adjective] an important or famous person Tatsuhisa Suzuki is one of the most notable Japanese voice actors. An…
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