Sakura Ando stars in NHK morning drama
Vocabulary: eventual /ih-VEN-choo-uh/ [adjective] happening at a later time His hard work led to his eventual success. eccentric /ik-SEN-trik/ [adjective] tending to act in strange or unusual ways Their neighbor is kind yet eccentric. failure /FEYL-yer/ [noun] lack of success Trying to bake a chocolate cake was a failure. hardship /HAHRD-ship/ [noun] something that causes suffering Families faced hardships during the war. encouragement /en-KUR-ij-muhnt/ [noun] something that makes someone more confident Her coach’s encouragement helped her win the match. Sakura Ando stars in NHK’s (Nippon Hoso Kyokai, Japan Broadcasting Corporation in English) 99th morning drama, “Manpuku”. In this drama, Ando plays as Fukuko, the wife of the eventual inventor of…
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