
Japanese university group extends helping hand to stray “campus cats”


Pre-reading questions: Do you like animals? If so, what is your favorite animal? If not, why? Do you want to help stray animals? Why or why not? Vocabulary: stray /strey/ [adjective] (of an animal) having no home, or lost He took a stray dog frequenting outside his home under his care. inspection /in-SPEK-shuhn/ [noun] the act of looking at something carefully in order to discover information The police will conduct an inspection at the crime scene. appearance /uh-PEER-uhns/ [noun] the way a person or thing looks to other people Her appearance got better after her operation. welfare /WEL-fair/ [noun] help given, especially by the state or an organization, to people…
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Highest active volcano in Russia erupts


Pre-reading questions: What are some active volcanoes in Japan? How do you prepare for natural disasters in advance? Vocabulary: steam /steem/ [noun] the hot gas that is produced when water boils The engine was releasing steam from the boiler. aviation /ey-vee-EY-shuhn/ [noun] the business of designing and manufacturing aircraft Almost 60% of major aviation companies cut their prices to compete against budget airlines. impair /im-PAIR/ [verb] to damage or weaken something so that it is less effective A maximum volume on earphones can impair your hearing. apparatus /ap-uh-RAT-uhs/ [noun] a set of equipment or tools or a machine that is used for a particular purpose Make sure to check your…
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Harry Potter theme park to open in Tokyo in 2023


© Photo by Universal Studios Hollywood Pre-reading questions: Have you ever watched the Harry Potter movie? Do you like going to theme parks? Why? Vocabulary: propose /pruh-POHZ/ [verb] to offer or suggest a possible plan or action for other people to consider The prime minister proposed a new plan to solve traffic congestion. establish /ih-STAB-lish/ [verb] to found, institute, build, or bring into being on a firm or stable basis Mr. Stark has donated money to establish an orphanage in some areas in Africa. convey /kuhn-VEY/ [verb] to take or carry someone or something to a particular place The Yano Group of Companies will convey the documents needed to transfer…
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How to make an effective to-do list

to do list

Pre-Reading Questions: Do you like planning what to do on your day? Why or why not? How do you plan your everyday tasks? Vocabulary: loads of (something) /lohdz-ov/ [noun, informal] much or many The students have loads of projects to finish before the school year ends. proof /proof/ [noun] a fact or piece of information that shows that something exists or is true The girl has proof that she really passed her examination. unnecessary /uhn-NES-uh-ser-ee/ [adjective] not needed or wanted Don’t put unnecessary stuff in your luggage. focus /FOH-kuhs/ [verb] to direct attention toward something or someone The students need to focus on their final examination. disorganized /dis-AWR-guh-nahyzd/ [adjective] badly…
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Hearing loud alarm tones can make you feel wobbly and disoriented, research says


Pre-Reading Questions: What comes into your mind when you hear the word alarm clock? Does your family use an alarm every morning? Why or why not? Vocabulary: unhealthy / uhn-HEL-thee/ [adjective] not in a state of good or normal health; in an unsound, weak, or morbid condition Jonas and his brother became very sick after eating unhealthy foods last week. aspect /AS-pekt/ [noun] one part of a situation, problem, subject, etc. Education is one of the most essential aspects of life. cooperate /koh-OP-uh-reyt/ [verb] to act or work together for a particular purpose, or to be helpful by doing what someone asks you to do The Philippines and Japan cooperated…
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Hydrogen Fuel: A green alternative in the fight against climate change


Pre-Reading Questions: How do you feel about climate change? Which region in your country has the best weather? Vocabulary: carbon footprint /KAHR-buhn FOOT-print / [noun] –a measurement of the amount of carbon dioxide produced by the activities of a person, company, organization, etc. Researchers are looking for more ways to reduce carbon footprint. firm /furm/ [noun] –a company or business Today they celebrate the law firm’s 10th year anniversary. availability /uh-vei-luh-BI-luh-tee/ [noun] –the fact that something can be bought, used, or reached, or how much it can be Kindly check the list to see the availability of the materials. in the long run /in-the-LAWNG-run/ [idiom] –at a time that is…
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Newly discovered Earth-sized and Tatooine planets, are they livable?


Pre-reading questions: Have you ever imagined yourself living on another planet? Please explain your answer. Do you want to be an astronaut? Why or why not? Vocabulary: telescope /TEL-uh-skohp/ [noun] a cylindrical device that you look through to make objects that are far away looking nearer and bigger Ren was so amazed by the constellations of stars that he saw using the telescope in the planetarium. initial /ih-NISH-uhl/ [adjective] of or at the beginning The initial survey will come from the feedback of unemployed new graduates. attest /uh-TEST/ [verb] to show something or to say or prove that something is true The doctors attest that the plant used for the…
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Five tips to make your mental health better this 2020


Pre-Reading Questions: Are you a positive thinker? Why or why not? How do you handle challenges in life? Please explain your answer. Vocabulary: entwined /en-TWAHYNd/ [adjective] closely connected or unable to be separated You and I will always be together for our souls are entwined with each other. technique /tek-NEEK/ [noun] a way of doing something that needs skill or thought We should think of new techniques to improve our sales this month. anxiety /ang-ZAHY-i-tee/ [noun] an uncomfortable feeling of nervousness or worry about something that is happening or might happen in the future Every time I need to present in class, my anxiety attacks. exist /ig-ZIST/ [verb] to live…
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Take your pick: Lucky charms to start your new year


Pre-Reading Questions: Do you usually depend on luck? Why or why not? What are your goals this year? Vocabulary: take (one’s) pick /teyk (whuns) pik/ [phrase] if you are told to take your pick, you can choose any one that you like from a group of things The shirt is available in all colors. Just take your pick on which you want to buy. engrave /en-GREYV/ [verb] to cut a picture or design, or letters into the surface of a hard substance such as metal, wood, or stone Mysterious patterns are engraved on the 2000-year-old stone that was recently discovered in China. memento /muh-MEN-toh/ [noun] an object that you keep…
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World’s oldest person Kane Tanaka turns 117


Pre-reading questions: What Guinness World Record interests you the most and why? How do you celebrate your birthday? Vocabulary: rest home /RES-t hohm/ [noun] a place where old people live and are cared for The number of elderly people living in a resting home has increased. previous /PREE-vee-uhs/ [adjective] happening or existing before the one mentioned The previous owner of a famous coffee shop is an actress. retire /ri-TAHYUHR/ [verb] to leave your job or stop working because of having reached a particular age He is planning to retire at the age of 50. expand /ik-SPAND/ [verb] o increase something in size, number, or importance The very well-known cosmetic company…
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