
Japan’s major hub for sports equipment

Japan's major hub for sports

Pre-Reading Questions: What sports do you enjoy playing? What do you usually do during winter season? Vocabulary: district /DIS-trikt/ [noun] an area of a country or town that has fixed borders that has a particular feature that makes it different from surrounding areas Ueno is a district known for its large park, museums, and zoo. vast /vahst/ [adjective] extremely big There was a vast selection of colors to choose from in the market. emerge /ih-MURJ/ [verb] to appear or become known After the rain in our city, the sun emerged from the clouds. hit /hit/ [noun] someone or something that is very popular or successful My friend’s YouTube videos suddenly…
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Fighting climate change in Japan


Photo by © CHIARA TERZUOLO via Savvy Tokyo Pre-Reading Questions: Are you experiencing climate change in your country now? Please explain your answer. What do you do to help fight climate change in your country? Please explain your answer. Vocabulary: greenhouse gas /GREEN-hous gas/ [noun] a gas that causes the greenhouse effect, especially carbon dioxide Greenhouse gases in the atmosphere cause climate change. eco-friendly /EK-oh-FREND-lee/ [adjective] designed to have little or no damaging effect on the environment We should use eco-friendly products to help our world fight global warming. atmosphere /AT-muhs-feer/ [noun] the mixture of gases around the earth Hot temperature causes the atmosphere to get thinner. carbon dioxide /KAHR-buh n…
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Sushi restaurant in Japan to raise young fish


Pre-reading questions: Do you agree that sushi is the most famous food in Japan? Explain your answer. Do you like eating raw fish? Why or why not? Vocabulary: famed /feymd/ [adjective] famous or known to many people There are many famed restaurants around the city. decreasing /dih-KREE-sing/ [adjective] becoming less The decreasing number of employment in the country is alarming. develop /dih-VEL-uhp/ [verb] to grow A newly opened restaurant needs to develop new ways to gain customers. half-grown /haf-grohn/ [adjective] not yet fully grown The half-grown crops can be harvested after a month. expand /ik-SPAND/ [verb] to increase something in size, number, or importance The company’s goal is to expand…
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Green views may help lessen cravings

Green view may help lessen cravings

Pre-reading questions: What do you usually eat when you are hungry and why? Do you like the view of nature? Why or why not? Vocabulary: frequent /FREE-kwuhnt/ [adjective] happening often His frequent visits in the office bother me. unhealthy /uhn-HEL-thee/ [adjective] not good for your health You will get sick if you continue that unhealthy lifestyle. exclusive /ik-SKLOO-siv/ [adjective] expensive and only for people who are rich or of a high social class The president of the company owns an exclusive clubhouse. reduce /ri-DOOS/ [verb] to make something less in price, size, amount, etc. My doctor advised me to reduce my coffee intake. publish /PUHB-lish/ [verb] to make available to…
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“Godzilla: King of the Monsters” leads box-office in the US


Photo by © GETTY IMAGES NORTH AMERICA/AFP via France 24 Pre-reading questions: What kind of movies do you like watching and why? Which do you prefer, watching movies at home or in the cinema? Why? Vocabulary: lead /leed/ [verb] to be in front, be first, or be winning The kendo player leads its competitors only by a point. estimated /ES-tuh-meyt-uhd/ [adjective] roughly calculated or approximate The estimated cost of the building is $12 million dollars. opponent /uh-POH-nuhnt/ [noun] the person who someone is competing against The other team crushes its other opponents in the game of soccer. attention /uh-TEHN-shuhn/ [noun] notice, thought, or interest After a few months of courting,…
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Japan to charge plastic bags

ban plastics

Pre-reading questions: What do you usually bring when you go shopping and why? What are the common single-use plastics in Japan? Vocabulary: implement /im-pluh-muhnt/ [verb] to put a plan into action The company has implemented a new policy that would contribute to its employees’ benefits. ban /ban/ [verb] to forbid someone to do something or forbid an action The new law bans foreign fishermen to enter another country’s territory. afforestation /uh-FAWR-ist-tey-shuhn/ [noun] the action of planting trees on an area of land in order to make a forest The students join the afforestation held by their school admin. awareness /uh-WAIR-nis/ [noun] knowledge that something exists, or understanding of a situation…
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The resonating sound within Kobe tunnel


Photo by © The Japan News/ANN via China Daily Pre-Reading Questions: Do you like listening to music? Why or why not? Do you think music makes a person happy? Please explain your answer. Vocabulary: remarkable /ri-MAHR-kuh-buhl/ [adjective] unusual and surprising They did a research about the remarkable places on earth. venue /VEN-yoo/ [noun] the place where a public event or meeting happens Strangely, there were no people at the venue. redirect /ree-di-REKT/ [verb] to change the direction of something The flight was redirected to Singapore. view /vyoo/ [verb] to look at or consider something It was viewed that the castle in the city is still haunted up to this day….
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Liverpool wins its 6th European Cup


Photo by © Carl Recine/Reuters via The New York Times Pre-reading questions: Are you a fan of baseball? Why or why not? If you are a fan of baseball, what is your favorite baseball team? If not, what sports do you like and why? Vocabulary: outplay /out-PLEY/ [verb] to play better than another person or team LA Lakers outplayed Golden State Warriors in the semi finals. league /leeg/ [noun] a group of teams playing a sport who take part in competitions between each other My brother’s baseball team is aspiring to join the major leagues in the next season. victory /VIK-tuh-ree/ [noun] the act or an example of winning a…
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Smartphone app detects ear infection in kids

ear app

Photo by © The Associated Press via CBC Pre-reading questions: Do you like using health apps in smartphones? Why or why not? What are the health apps that you use? If none, how do you check your health? Vocabulary: invent /in-VENT/ [verb] to design and/or create something that has never been made before The Wright brothers invented the first successful airplane. infection /in-FEK-shuhn/ [noun] a disease in a part of your body that is caused by bacteria or a virus It was advisable that humans should take a bath at least once a day to avoid skin infections. analysis /uh-NAL-uh-sis/ [noun] the study of something in detail Researchers are doing…
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New app helps smokers quit

smoke app

Photo by © CUREAPP INC. via The Japan Times Pre-reading questions: Do you think smoking is good for the health? Why or why not What do you think is the impact of tobacco in the business industry? Explain your answer. Vocabulary: technology /tek-NOL-uh-jee/ [noun] the use of scientific knowledge or processes in business, industry, manufacturing, etc. The leading smartphone brand in Japan has one of the most advanced technologies around the world. frequent /free-KWUH -nt/ [adjective] happening or doing something often Their arguments are becoming more and more frequent. session /SESH-uhn/ [noun] a period of time or meeting arranged for a particular activity The meeting sessions should be finished by tomorrow….
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