
King of Malaysia leaves the throne

King of Malaysia leaves the throne

Pre-reading questions: Do you like a monarchical government? Why or why not? What do you think is the best government system in the world? Why? Vocabulary: step down /STEP-doun/ [phrasal verb] to give up a job or position He steps down from his position to prove that he is innocent. rumor /ROO-mer/ [verb] to tell or spread by rumor (an unofficial, interesting story or piece of news that might be true or invented) The young couple was rumored to tie the knot next year. maintain /meyn-TEYN/ [verb] to continue to have She tries to maintain her body figure because she wants to join Miss Universe next year. leader /lee-der// [noun]…
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Change your diet and save mother earth


Pre-Reading Questions: What is the best way to diet? Why? Can you eat only vegetables for one day? Why or why not? Vocabulary: journal /JUR-nl/ [noun] a serious magazine or newspaper that is published regularly about a particular subject She has published a number of important papers in a leading medical journal. lead to /leed tuh/ [phrasal verb] if an action or event leads to something, it causes that thing to happen or exist A diet that is high in fat can lead to obesity. perilous /PER-uh-luhs/ [adjective] extremely dangerous You should avoid driving during the snowstorm because the icy roads are perilous. technique /tek-NEEK/ [noun] a way of doing…
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Heisei era gives new meaning of ‘Japanese’

Pre-Reading Questions: What do you like about your culture? Why? What do you think is special about your country? Please explain your answer. Vocabulary: term /turm/ [noun] a word used in relation to a particular subject Studious is a term used for people who love studying. descent /dih-SENT/ [noun] the origin of people in your family background My neighbor is of American-Irish descent. survey /SUR-vey/ [noun] the information gathered by asking people the same questions The survey shows that many businessmen skip their meal. political /puh-LIT-i-kuhl/ [adjective] relating to politics and government Education is one of the major political issues these days. aspect /AS-pekt/ [noun] a particular feature of our…
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Volkswagen changes charging system for electric vehicles

Volkswagen new stategy for electric vehicles

Pre-reading questions: Do you own a car? If yes, kindly describe it. If no, what car brand do you want to buy? What car brand is famous in Japan? Vocabulary: strategy /STRAT-i-jee/ [noun] a detailed plan to achieve something or reach a goal The basketball team coach’s strategy won them the game. mobile /MOH-buhl/ [adjective] something that can be easily moved The old lady sits on a mobile chair every morning. exploit /EK-sploit/ [verb] to use something in a way to help someone or oneself People must exploit every opportunity to learn more and new things. accommodate /uh-KOM-uh-deyt/ [verb] to give what is needed to something or someone The new…
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Breath test to detect cancers begins trial in UK

Breath test to detect various cancers begins trial in UK

Pre-reading questions: How many kinds of cancers do you know? Elaborate your answer. Do you think cheap and effective cure for cancer will be invented? Why or why not? Vocabulary: presence /PREZ-uhns/ [noun] the fact that someone or something is in a place The tests showed the presence of toxin in the body. individual /in-duh-VIJ-oo-uhl/ [noun] a single person or thing You are the kindest individual I have ever met. breathe /breeth/ [verb] to move air into and out of the lungs She cannot breathe due to lack of oxygen. express /ik-SPRES/ [verb] to show a feeling, opinion, or fact Johnny expressed interest in joining the soccer club. stage /steyj/…
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Esports event to be held in Tokyo, Japan

Esports event to be held in Tokyo, Japan

Pre-reading questions: Do you like playing any mobile games? Why or why not? Do you think playing computer games is fun? Why or why not? Vocabulary: intend /in-TEND/ [verb] to have as a plan or purpose She intends to use the money for her school supplies. affair /uh-FAIR/ [noun] an event She did not go to the social affair at her school because of her dress. promote /pruh-MOHT/ [verb] to encourage people to like, buy, use, do, or support something My friends promote eating healthy food everyday. popularity /pop-yuh-LAR-i-tee/ [noun] the fact that something or someone is liked, enjoyed, or supported by many people After the trending video about organic…
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Zora: A robot with a heart

Zora a robot with a heart

Pre-Reading Questions: Do you want to have a caregiver when you get old? Why or why not? Which do you like, a talking robot or a flying robot? Vocabulary: companion /kuhm-PAN-yuhn/ [noun] a person you spend a lot of time with Her high school best friend has been her companion whenever she travels abroad. affection /uh-FEK-shuhn/ [noun] a feeling of liking for a person or place John didn’t feel any affection when he saw his biological father for the first time. significant /sig-NIF-i-kuhnt/ [adjective] important or noticeable There are significant changes in the new management after the replacement of the president. encourage /en-KUR-ij/ [verb] to make someone more likely to…
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Hyogo holds exhibition in honor of Osamu Tezuka

Hyogo holds enhibitionin honor of Osamu Tezuka

Pre-reading questions: Do you like watching animated movies? Why or why not? Which do you like more, reading manga or watching anime? Why? Vocabulary: hit /hit/ [noun] something or someone that is popular or famous Musicals are a bit hit in my country. aforementioned /uh-FAWR-men-shuhnd/ [adjective] mentioned earlier The aforementioned general secretary is in a room now for a press conference. distinguished /dih-STING-gwisht/ [adjective] someone who is admired and respected Mr. Lee is a distinguished leader and a politician. influence /IN-floo-uhns/ [verb] to affect how someone or something develops My grandfather had a strong influence on my childhood. evolution /ev-uh-LOO-shuhn/ [noun] a step-by-step process or development My father has seen…
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Japan redefines hospitality by investing in service industry

Japan redefines hospitality by investing in service industry

Pre-reading questions: What is your dream job? Why? Where do you usually go with your family? Tell me more about it. Vocabulary: service industry /SUR-vis in-duh-stree/ [noun] an industry that provides a service for people but does not result in the production of goods Most of the businesses in this city are in the service industry like hotels and restaurants. automated /AW-tuh-meyt-uhd/ [adjective] made to operate by machines or computers in order to reduce the work done by humans Human labor decreases because of automated machines. define /dih-fahyn/ [verb] to describe the meaning of something Please help me define these difficult words for my report next week. shortage /SHAWR-tij/ [noun]…
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Japan’s ministry plans to use a speech translation application

Japan's ministry plans to use a speech translation application

Pre-reading questions: What are the languages that you know? Do you want to learn a foreign language? Why or why not? Vocabulary: application /ap-li-KEY-shuhn/ [noun] a computer program that is designed for a particular purpose Anyone can download applications on their phone. database /DEY-tuh-beys/ [noun] a large amount of information stored in a computer system They put a password to ensure the security of the database. provide /pruh-VAHYD/ [verb] to give someone something that they need The people provided relief goods for the people. translate /trans-LEYT/ [verb] to change words into a different language They used internet to translate all the words in English. quality /KWOL-i-tee/ [noun] a characteristic of…
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