Barnard-b discovered to be a new potential home

Pre-reading questions: Do you think there are other habitable planets? Please explain your answer. Will there be a time in the future when humans can finally live in another planet? Why or why not? Vocabulary: potential /puh-ten-shuhl/ [adjective] possible but not yet achieved Mr. Clarins is one of the potential clients in our business. rotate /roh-teyt/ [verb] to turn around an axis or center point The Earth is rotating around the sun for 365.256 days. Celsius /sel-see-uh s/ [adjective] (°C) measurement of temperature in which water freezes at 0° and boils at 100° The normal temperature in the Philippines is 26.6 °C. barely /bair-lee/ [adverb] by the smallest amount The patient’s…
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