
Japan’s celebration for the new emperor

Japan's celebration for the new emperor

Pre-reading questions: Do you like attending ceremonies? Why or why not? What kind of ceremonies have you attended? If none, what kind of ceremony would you like to attend? Vocabulary: enthrone /en-THROHN/ [verb] to put a king, queen, etc. on a throne to mark the beginning of their rule The king was enthroned when he was 55 years old. sovereignty /SOV-rin-tee/ [noun] the power or authority to rule He said that the contract would be a violation of American sovereignty. dignitary /DIG-ni-ter-ee/ [noun] a person in an important position in a society Candance was nervous with her meetings with the dignitaries. meanwhile /MEEN-wahyl/ [adverb] at the same time with something…
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Sakura Ando stars in NHK morning drama

Sakura Ando stars in NHK morning drama (2)

Pre-reading questions: Do you watch morning dramas? Please explain your answer. What do you usually look for in a story? Vocabulary: airing /AIR/ [noun] a radio or television broadcast A new drama starring my favorite actor will air this season. twisted /TWIST-ed/ [adjective] mentally or emotionally disturbed The story is about a twisted character who does bad things to his neighbors. struggle /STRUGH-uhl/ [verb] to work hard to do something Mako has been struggling with her entrance exams. model /MOD-/ [verb] to create something by basing its form or appearance on something else The novel is modeled after the author’s personal experiences. founder /FOUN-der/ [noun] someone who establishes an organization…
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Discover a new tropical destination in Kenya

Discover a new tropical destination in Kenya

Pre-reading questions: Which do you like better, traveling domestically or abroad? Why? Where would you like to go if you can travel abroad? Vocabulary: tropical /TROP-i-kuhl/ [adjective] from or in the hottest parts of the world Jose Rizal is from a tropical country. safari /suh-FAHR-ee/ [noun] a trip to watch, photograph, or hunt wild animals in their natural environment My niece likes to go on safari in Africa. attraction /uh-TRAK-shuhn/ [noun] something that makes people come to a place or do something Japan has many tourist attractions. various /VAIR-ee-uhs/ [adjective] several and different My brother and sister have various types of music. shade /sheyd/ [noun] a type or a degree…
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Ebola virus could spread to Uganda

Ebola virus could spread to Uganda 01162019

Pre-reading questions: If you will be staying in Africa for two weeks, what places will you visit? What kind of diseases are you most afraid of? Why? Vocabulary: refuse /ri-FYOOZ/ [verb] to say that you will not do or accept something She refused the offer to work abroad as a full-time chef. diffuse /dih-FYOOZ/ [verb] to spread or cause something to spread in many directions The information diffuses around the city which causes unpleasant rumors. malignant /muh-LIG-nuhnt/ [adjective] leading to death The family is in pain after the doctor said that his disease is malignant. decreased /dih-kreesd/ [adjective] having become less The decreased budget of the committee is unacceptable according…
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The largest underwater restaurant in the world is opening soon

The largest underwater restaurant in the world is opening soon

Photo from © via Pre-reading questions: Do you like traveling? Why or why not? Do you like the view of the sea? Please discuss your answer. Vocabulary: underwater /UHN-der-WAW-ter/ [adjective] under the surface of the water, especially under the surface of the sea An underwater camera is in demand during summer. architectural /ahr-ki-TEK-cher-uhl/ [adjective] relating to the design of buildings Beautiful buildings are made by famous architectural firms. submerge /suhb-MURJ/ [verb] to go below the surface of an area of water A marine biologist submerges into the sea to see the shark. cope /kohp/ [verb] to deal successfully with a difficult situation Having a positive attitude can help…
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Google Maps adds a new feature for daily passengers

Google Maps adds new feature for daily passengers

Pre-reading questions: Do you like using Google Maps? Why or why not? Which do you ride more often, buses or trains? Why? Vocabulary: convenient /kuhn-VEEN-yuhn/ [adjective] something that causes less difficulty Going to the library on foot would be more convenient than waiting for the bus. commute /kuh-MYOOT/ [noun] a travel between work and home The commute to my work takes at least an hour and a half. predict /pri-DIKT/ [verb] to say that something will happen in the future We cannot predict what will happen next week so let’s be prepared. enable /en-EY-buhl/ [verb] to make something possible The software update will enable us to see who viewed our…
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Human-caused activities result to extreme weather conditions

landscape-Human-caused activities result to extreme weather conditions

Pre-reading questions: What are the effects of climate change? Give supporting details. Do you think that human-caused activities are the main reasons behind global warming? Explain. Vocabulary: peak /peek/ [verb] to reach the highest point, value, or level Her performance peaked since I last saw her. severity /suh-VER-i-tee/ [noun] the fact or condition of being extremely painful, difficult The severity of the heat during summer can cause heat stroke. human-caused /HYOO-muhn kawst/ [adjective] something that is done or caused by human Heavy street floods are a human-caused disaster because of improper waste disposal. seriously /SEER-uhs-lee/ [adverb] to consider a person, subject, or situation to be important or dangerous and worth…
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Berkhamsted Revisited: surprisingly popular among men

Podcast Berkhamsted Revisited

Pre-Reading Questions: Do you have a diary when you were young? What is your unforgettable moment when you were a teenager? Vocabulary: embarrassing /em-BAR-uhs-sing/ [adjective] making you feel shy or ashamed I once fell in front of my classmates and it was so embarrassing! edit /ED-it/ [verb] to make changes to a text or film in order to prepare it You need to edit it first before showing it to others. percentage /per-SEN-tij/ [noun] an amount of something, often expressed as a number out of 100 The percentage of television show ratings are going down. ecstatic /ek-STAT-ik/ [adjective] extremely surprising She was ecstatic when her parents gave her a car…
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1 out of 50 people falls in love on an airplane


Pre-reading questions: Do you like to travel by airplane? Why or why not? When was your first flight? Vocabulary: interview /IN-ter-vyoo/ [verb] to ask someone questions to get information One of her tasks is to interview applicants. habit /HAB-it/ [noun] something that you do often and regularly I always buy the same brand of shoes out of habit. increase /IN-krees/ [verb] to become larger in amount or size The crime rate in the country is alarmingly increasing. moreover /MAWR-oh-ver/ [adverb] used to add information That was a good deal, moreover, the price was reasonable. interact /in-ter-AKT/ [verb] to communicate with or react to Teachers interacted well with the students. 1…
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AI robots to start teaching English in Japan by 2019

AI robots to start teaching English in Japan by 2019

Pre-reading questions: Do you like the English language? Is learning English difficult for you? Why or why not? Vocabulary: aim /eym/ [verb] to plan for a specific purpose I aim to become the best writer of this generation. improve /im-PROOV/ [verb] to get better, or to make something better She promised to improve her reading skills. oral /OHR-uhl/ [adjective] spoken; not written They did not do well in their oral presentation. trial /Y-uhl/ [noun] a test, usually over a limited period of time The trial project was opposed by the people. require /ri-KWAHYUHR/ [verb] to order or demand something I require you to always wear your ID when you are…
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