Tag Archive: entertainment – beginner
Pre-reading questions: Do you like watching animated movies? Do you know Osamu Tezuka? Vocabulary: show /shoh/ [noun] a public event where people can view a collection of things The show in our town will start at 10 AM. well-known /WEL-nohn/ [adjective] famous or known by many people Sarah wants to be a well-known ballerina someday. Western /WES-tern/ [adjective] connected to countries in the west part of the world Sakumo is interested in Western culture. display /dih-SPLEY/ [verb] to show something for people to see She was not allowed to display her work at school. society /suh-SAHY-i-tee/ [noun] culture or community We live in a modern society. A special show about…
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Pre-reading questions: Do you like watching “asadora” (morning dramas)? Who is your favorite actor/actress? Vocabulary: difficult /DIF-i-kuhl/ [adjective] not easy to deal with The teacher helped her students in answering a difficult question. base /beys/ [verb] to use a story or painting on something The movie is based on the popular romance novel. inventor /in-VEN-ter/ [noun] a person who makes a new system or machine A young inventor developed television in 1920. challenging /CHAL-in-jing/ [adjective] difficult, in a way that tests your ability or determination Playing volleyball is challenging but fun. heroine /HER-oh-in / [noun] the main female character in a story Fukuko Imai is the heroine of “Manpuku”. Sakura…
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Pre-Reading Questions: What do you do on your free time? Have you listened to a podcast? Vocabulary: remember /ri-MEM-ber/ [verb] to be able to bring a piece of information back in your mind She remembers her 10th birthday party. about /uh-BOUT/ [preposition] on the subject of, or connected with The meeting was about the upcoming project. change /cheynj/ [verb] to make or become different Alice needs to change her mind about going to the party. everyone /EV-ree-wuhn/ [pronoun] every person Everyone attended the mass last Sunday. page /peyj/ [noun] web page; one part of a website Her Facebook page is full of celebrity pictures. Berkhamsted Revisited is the podcast to…
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Photo from © IMDB.com via IMDB.com Pre-Reading Questions: Do you like watching movies? What is your favorite movie? Vocabulary: join /join/ [verb] to connect things Use a glue to join the two papers. production /pruh-DUHK-shun/ [noun] a movie, television program, play, or other entertainment involved in a show She wants to be part of the television production. effects /ih-FEKTS/ [noun] lighting, sounds and objects produced for the stage or film to make something seem real The movie included some sound effects. story /STOHR-ee/ [noun] a description, either true or imagined, of a connected series of events The second story was entitled “The Modern Family.” inspire /in-SPAHYUR/ [verb] to make someone…
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Pre-reading questions: What kind of music do you listen to? Do you know Bob Marley? Please explain your answer. Vocabulary: develop /dih-VEL-uhp/ [verb] to make something new The scientist developed a new product icon /AHY-kon/ [noun] a person that is famous for something David Bowie is my favorite pop icon. reggae /REG-ey/ [noun] a type of popular music from Jamaica Listening to reggae makes me feel happy. known /nohn/ [adjective] popular My mother was a known actress. pass away /pahs uh-WEY/ [phrasal verb] to die I am sad to hear that he passed away. Ziggy Marley is making a new movie about his father, Bob Marley. Ziggy is working with…
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Photo by Shuichi Aizawa via Flickr Pre-reading questions: What do you usually do during your free time? What is your favorite TV show? Vocabulary: role /rohl/ [noun] a part played by an actor I played the role of the hero. play /pley/ [verb] to act as a character in a play, film, etc. I played the role of the mayor in the film. journalist /JUR-nl-ist/ [adverb] a person who writes for newspapers, magazines, TV, or radio Professor Yukawa is currently working as a journalist in District News & Publishing. kidnap /KID-nap/ [verb] to carry away a person by force and against his or her will The president’s daughter was kidnapped…
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Pre-reading questions: What is your favorite movie? Please explain your answer. Do you read comic books? Why or why not? Vocabulary: hint /hint/ [verb] to suggest something but not in a clear way She hinted that she wanted to study abroad. origin /AWR-i-jin/ [noun] where something comes from The origin of this coffee is unknown. beat /beet/ [verb] to win against someone Nobody can beat her in tennis. key /kee/ [adjective] very important He is a key member of the baseball team. effect /ih-FEKT/ [noun] a change caused by something Drinking coffee has good effects on my health. Avengers:Infinity War is a big success. Wait for these movies to know…
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Pre-reading questions: What do you do when you feel sad? What makes you happy? Vocabulary: depression [dih-PRESH-uh n] (noun) the feeling of being very unhappy Depression is common today. crash [KRASH] (verb) to hit something hard She crashed the car into a tree, but no one got hurt. tunnel [TUHN-l] (noun) an underground passage Tom passes through this tunnel everyday. royal family [pruh-FESH-uh-nl] (noun) family of a king or queen The Royal Family is loved by everyone. brave [BREYV] (adjective) capable of dealing with danger The brave soldiers fought for our country. Prince Harry admitted that he had suffered from depression for many years. This is following the death of…
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Pre-reading questions: Do you usually give money to the poor? Why or why not? Do you like helping the people around you? Please explain your answer. Vocabulary: abuse [verb] – to treat someone in a cruel way Tom abused my friend. rehab [noun] – process of helping someone to give up drugs or any other unhealthy habits He’s better after spending time in rehab. campus [noun] – an area of a school or organization Aiko had a tour of the campus. therapy [noun] – a form of treatment for an illness Massage is a good therapy. victim [noun] – someone who has been hurt or harmed There were a lot of victims…
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Pre-reading questions: Do you know George W. Bush? Do you know Michelle Obama? Former Republican President George W. Bush and previous Democrat First Lady Michele Obama showed their friendship in a recent photo from the opening of the Smithsonian National Museum of African-American History and Culture. In the said photo, George W. Bush got a sweet hug from Michelle Obama. In an interview, Bush said Michelle Obama likes his sense of humor, and anybody who likes his sense of humor, he immediately likes. Furthermore, Bush added that he’s a teaser and Michelle can deal with it. Vocabulary: teaser – [noun] playful recent – [adjective] not so long ago Republican and…
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