Tag Archive: health – intermediate

Recovering from the coronavirus: How long does it take?


Pre-Reading Questions: Have you ever gone to the hospital because of a serious health problem? What do you usually eat when you are sick? Vocabulary: heal /heel/ [verb] to make or become well again, especially after a cut or other injury His lip had begun to heal, but signs of a burn remained. symptom /SIMP-tuhm/ [noun] any feeling of illness or physical or mental change that is caused by a particular disease No one could tell why the girl felt bad before her symptom of extreme morning pain was exposed. average /AV-er-ij/ [noun] a standard or level that is considered to be typical or usual I work an average of…
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Four significant factors to strengthen the immune system


Pre-Reading Questions: Is everyday exercise important? Why or why not? What comes to your mind when you hear the word health? Vocabulary: strengthen /STRENGK-thuhn/ [verb] to make something stronger or more effective, or to become stronger or more effective Attending voice lessons strengthened her talent and allowed her to join the International Singing Contest. adequate /AD-i-kwit/ [adjective] enough or satisfactory for a particular purpose The donation of foods from other countries was adequate to support 2,000 families. risk /risk/ [noun] the possibility of something bad happening There’s a high risk of infection in the area near the university. essential /uh-SEN-shuhl/ [adjective] necessary or needed The most essential thing to be…
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A plant-based diet may reduce stroke risk, Taiwan study shows


Pre-reading questions: Do you eat fruits and vegetables everyday? Why or why not? What kind of diet do you follow to stay healthy? Vocabulary: analysis /uh-NAL-uh-sis/ [noun] – the process of studying or examining something in an organized way to learn more about it The detective’s analysis about the victim lacks very important details and some facts are uncertain. community /kuh-MYOO-ni-tee/ [noun] – the people living in one particular area or people who are considered as a unit because of their common interests, social group, or nationality The local community showed their full support to the newly elected president. dairy /DAIR-ee/ [adjectives] – used to refer to cows that are…
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Five ways to keep your sanity while working from home

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Pre-Reading Questions: Do you think being at home every day is lonely? Why or why not? What do you usually do when you’re at home? Vocabulary: trend /trend/ [noun] – a general development or change in a situation or in the way that people are behaving The new trend that influences teenagers is quite alarming. remotely /ri-MOHT lee/ [adverb] employees who work remotely work mainly from home and communicate with the company by email and telephone She has been working remotely for five years now since becoming a freelance writer. efficiency /ih-FISH-uh n-see/ [noun] – the good use of time and energy in a way that does not waste any His…
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Ways on how to make stress beneficial for your well-being


Pre-Reading Questions: What do you usually do during quarantine? What are your usual stress relievers? Vocabulary: boost /boost/ [verb] to improve or increase something Local farmers began using quality fertilizers to boost their crop yields. exposed /ik-SPOHZD/ [adjective] not covered; able to be seen Children are prone to the virus if they are exposed outside. income /IN-kuhm/ [noun] money that is earned from doing work or received from investments He has a lot of income because of his chain businesses. risky /RIS-kee/ [adjective] involving the possibility of something bad happening Entering a construction site without proper protection is too risky. anxiety /ang-ZAHY-i-tee/ [noun] an uncomfortable feeling of nervousness or worry…
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Want to stay healthy? Then stop touching your face!


Pre-Reading Questions: When do you usually touch your face? Do you wash your hands regularly? Why or why not? Vocabulary: illness /IL-nis/ [noun] a disease of the body or mind Due to illness, my sister cannot go to work for 5 days. exposed /ik-SPOHZD/ [adjective] in a vulnerable position or situation Children are more likely exposed to illegal drugs. reach /reech/ [verb] to arrive at a place A virus can reach into your body if you always touch your face with dirty hands. pneumonia /nuh-MOW-nyuh/ [noun] a serious illness in which one or both lungs become red and swollen and filled with liquid The woman’s pneumonia diagnosis explained why she…
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Keeping your hands clean – without getting dry skin? No problem!


Pre-Reading Questions: How often do you wash your hands? Why? Do you think washing your hands every day makes your skin dry? Why or why not? Vocabulary: risk /risk/ [noun] the possibility of something bad happening Sue stayed indoors to avoid the risk of having the disease. threat /thret/ [noun] the possibility that something unwanted will happen The bomb threat had everyone in a state of total panic. advise /ad-VAHYZ/ [verb] to suggest something We advised her to check the statements before going public. communal /kuh-MYOON-l/ [adjective] belonging to or used by a group of people rather than one single person The communal bathroom remained clean even after being used…
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Ways to keep our older loved ones safe from COVID-19


Pre-Reading Questions: What are your ways to avoid getting sick? Do you often visit your grandparents? Why or why not? Vocabulary: proneness /prohn-nes/ [noun] the fact of being likely to suffer from an illness She was forced to quit cheerdance due to her proneness to injury. negative /NEG-uh-tiv/ [adjective] bad or harmful The pandemic has a negative effect in our country’s economy. caregiver /KAIR-giv-er/ [noun] someone who takes care of a person who is young, old, or sick Her long years together with her grandmother influenced her to be a good caregiver. sanitize /SAN-i-tahyz/ [verb] to make something completely clean and free from bacteria Toys that are used in nursery…
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Hearing loud alarm tones can make you feel wobbly and disoriented, research says


Pre-Reading Questions: What comes into your mind when you hear the word alarm clock? Does your family use an alarm every morning? Why or why not? Vocabulary: unhealthy / uhn-HEL-thee/ [adjective] not in a state of good or normal health; in an unsound, weak, or morbid condition Jonas and his brother became very sick after eating unhealthy foods last week. aspect /AS-pekt/ [noun] one part of a situation, problem, subject, etc. Education is one of the most essential aspects of life. cooperate /koh-OP-uh-reyt/ [verb] to act or work together for a particular purpose, or to be helpful by doing what someone asks you to do The Philippines and Japan cooperated…
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Five tips to make your mental health better this 2020


Pre-Reading Questions: Are you a positive thinker? Why or why not? How do you handle challenges in life? Please explain your answer. Vocabulary: entwined /en-TWAHYNd/ [adjective] closely connected or unable to be separated You and I will always be together for our souls are entwined with each other. technique /tek-NEEK/ [noun] a way of doing something that needs skill or thought We should think of new techniques to improve our sales this month. anxiety /ang-ZAHY-i-tee/ [noun] an uncomfortable feeling of nervousness or worry about something that is happening or might happen in the future Every time I need to present in class, my anxiety attacks. exist /ig-ZIST/ [verb] to live…
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