Tag Archive: Health & Lifestyle – Expert
Vocabulary I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. dread /dred/ [verb] – to feel extremely worried or frightened about something that is going to happen or that might happen We’ve been dreading the final exams. divert /dih-VURT/ [verb] – to take someone’s attention away from something Try to divert the subject to a different topic. mundane /muhn-DEYN/ [adjective] – ordinary and not interesting in any way How do you find the value in mundane tasks like buying groceries? regimen /REJ-uh-muhn/ [noun] – a set of rules about food, exercise, or behavior that you follow, especially in order to improve your health My doctor enforced…
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Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. peruse /puh-ROOZ/ [verb] – to read through with thoroughness or care I love perusing this book. protracted /proh-TRAK-tid/ [adjective] – lasting for a long time or made to last longer than necessary The argument was protracted and at length grew angry. precis /prey-SEE/ [noun] – a short form of a text that gives only the important parts This precis is very comprehensible. profusion /pruh-FRYOO-zhuhn/ [noun] – an extremely large amount of something Lizards occur in great profusion and variety. orthodox /AWR-thuh-doks/ [adjective] – (of beliefs, ideas, or activities) considered traditional, normal, and acceptable by most people…
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Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. stereotype /STEER-ee-uh-tahyp/ [noun] – a set idea that people have about what someone or something is like, especially an idea that is wrong It’s a stereotype that Americans eat burgers than actual meals. shun /shuhn/ [verb] – to ignore someone and not speak to that person because you cannot accept their behavior, beliefs, etc. He was shunned by his friends for his habitual telling of lies. excruciating /ik-SKROO-shee-ey-ting/ [adjective] – extremely painful This weekend is so excruciating. There’s nothing interesting to do. get under somebody’s skin /get UHN-der SUHM-bod-eez skin/ [idiom] – to annoy someone Weather…
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Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. cut-throat /KUHT-throht/ [adjective] – competing in a strong and unfair way, without considering any harm caused to others The cut-throat competition put the company out of business. morale /muh-RAL/ [noun] – the level of satisfaction felt by a person or group of people who work together Employee morale has constantly been dropping since last year. malign /muh-LAHYN/ [adjective] – causing or intending to cause harm or evil Linda’s competitive nature caused a malign influence on the team. cascade /kas-KEYD/ [verb] – to pass on information by giving it to just a few people, who then give…
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Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. garment /GAHR-muhnt/ [noun] – a piece of clothing Make sure to iron the garment on the reverse side to protect the print. prolong /pruh-LAWNG/ [verb] – to make something last a longer time Let us not prolong the meeting unnecessarily. contrary /KON-trer-ee/ [adjective] – opposite Contrary to our expectations, she was able to recover in less than 6 months. embroider /em-BROI-der/ [verb] – to decorate cloth or clothing with patterns or pictures consisting of stitches that are sewn directly onto the material My grandmother embroidered my old clothes with flowers. strive /strahyv/ [verb] – to try…
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Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. putter /PUHT-er/ [verb] – to do things in a relaxed way, without rushing or trying very hard My sister enjoys puttering in the kitchen. proactive /proh-AK-tiv/ [adjective] – taking action to make changes yourself rather than reacting to things that happen To be a great leader, one must be proactive. agency /EY-juhn-see/ [noun] – the ability to take action or to choose what action to take Evaluating our teachers gives the students a sense of agency to express their opinions. therapeutic /ther-uh-PYOO-tik/ [adjective] – causing someone to feel happier and more relaxed, or to feel more…
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Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. enigmatic /en-ig-MAT-ik/ [adjective] – mysterious and impossible to understand completely The Mona Lisa is famous for her notable enigmatic smile. replicate /REP-li-keyt/ [verb] – to make or do something again in exactly the same way There’s no need to replicate the experiment. This is already as good as is. ethical /ETH-i-kuhl/ [adjective] – relating to a way that tries not to cause social or environmental harm Scientists are questioning the ethical use of meat consumption. lard /lahrd/ [noun] – a white substance made from pig fat and used in cooking Mix water, butter, and lard into…
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© BBC News Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. pancreas /PAN-kree-uhs/ [noun] – an organ in the body that produces insulin and substances that help to digest food so that it can be used by the body In type 1 diabetes, the pancreas produces little to no insulin. finger-stick /FING-ger-stik/ [adjective] – relating to or being a blood test for which blood is obtained by pricking the skin of a finger to obtain blood from a capillary We need to conduct a finger-stick test to see your blood sugar. statewide /STEYT-WAHYD/ [adjective] – in every part of a state The next statewide…
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Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. compelled /kuhm-PELD/ [adjective] – having to do something because you are forced to or feel it is necessary Alan felt compelled to report the incident to the authorities. stifle /STAHY-fuhl/ [verb] – to prevent something from happening, being expressed, or continuing She did her best to stifle her anger out of respect. candidly /KAN-did-lee/ [adverb] – in a way that is honest and true, especially about something difficult or painful Rui candidly admitted his mistakes. I admire his honesty. gesture /JES-cher/ [noun] – an action that expresses your feelings or intentions, although it might have little…
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Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. adept /uh-DEPT/ [adjective] – having a natural ability to do something that needs skill To be an outstanding leader, one must be adept at predicting other people’s moods. adulting /uh-DUHLT-ing/ [noun] – actions and behavior that are considered typical of adults, not children or young people Claire seems level-headed in handling bills. Maybe she can share some of her adulting tips with me. recipient /ri-SIP-ee-uhnt/ [noun] – a person who receives something The club’s 20th member will be the recipient of a mystery gift. concur /kuhn-KUR/ [verb] – to agree or have the same opinion I…
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