Tag Archive: japan news – expert
Vocabulary: primeval /prahy-MEE-vuhl/ [adjective] – ancient; existing at or from a very early time The St. Ludwig Church was established in the primeval period. legacy /LEG-uh-see/ [noun] – something that is a part of your history or that remains from an earlier time Exchanging products is the greatest legacy in market history. archaeological /ahr-kee-uh-LOJ-i-kuh l/ [adjective] – the study of ancient cultures through examination of their buildings, tools, and other objects We travel to desserts to make archaeological digs to find dinosaur skeletons. calligraphy /kuh-LIG-ruh-fee/ [noun] – the art of producing beautiful writing, often created with a special pen or brush Ancient calligraphy was only written on stones. intangible /in-TAN-juh-buhl/ [adjective]…
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Vocabulary: detect /dih-TEKT/ [verb] – to notice something that is partly hidden or not clear, or to discover something, especially using a special method The police prevent and detect crimes. undergo /uhn-der-GOH/ [verb] – to experience something that involves a change The city has undergone many changes during the last ten years. consultation /kon-suhl-TEY-shuhn/ [noun] – the process of discussing something with someone in order to get their advice or opinion about it The prime minister will hold a consultation with all the relevant groups. cluster /KLUHS-ter/ [noun] – a group of similar things growing or held together, or a group of people or things that are close together The…
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Vocabulary: reusable /re-YOO-zuh-buhl/ [adjective] able to be used more than once The company will produce more reusable cups in an effort to save our environment. nylon /NAHY-lon/ [noun] an artificial substance used especially to make clothes, ropes, and brushes The carpets in my friend’s house are made in nylon and wool. shield /sheeld/ [verb] to protect someone or something Firefighters use protective gears to shield themselves from fire. official /uh-FISH-uhl/ [noun] a person who has a position of responsibility in an organization The company officials responded promptly to our request. commotion /kuh-MOH-shuhn/ [noun] a sudden, short period of noise, confusion, or excited movement There was a sudden commotion when the…
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© Photo by Japan Inside Vocabulary: attribute /A-truh-byoot/ [noun] a quality or feature of a person or thing, esp. one that is an important part of its nature The contestants possess the attributes we look for in a winner. embody /em-BOD-ee/ [verb] to represent a quality or an idea exactly Ana’s paintings embody the ancient times of her city. distinctive /dih-STINGK-tiv/ [adjective] easy to recognize because it is different from other things Her fame rose because she has a distinctive style in playing the piano. assembly /uh-SEM-blee/ [noun] a group of people, esp. one gathered together regularly for a particular purpose An assembly of armed men was found circling around…
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Vocabulary: stretch /strech/ [noun] a continuous area of land or water This particular stretch of land in the province of Mindoro is popular among tourists. radiation /rey-dee-EY-shuhn/ [noun] a form of energy that comes from a nuclear reaction and that can be very dangerous to health Exposure to high levels of radiation can cause a detrimental effect on someone’s health. suspend /suh-SPEND/ [verb] to stop or delay something either temporarily or permanently The classes were suspended due to the super typhoon. catastrophe /kuh-tas-TRUH-fee/ [noun] a sudden event that causes great trouble or damage Environmental catastrophes can cause massive destruction to people. revitalization /ree-VAHY-tahy-lahy-zey-shun/ [noun] the process of making something grow,…
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Vocabulary: renowned /ri-NOUND/ [adjective] famous for something The Philippines is renowned for its beautiful beaches. determine /dih-TUR-min/ [verb] to discover the facts or truth about something We must try to determine the best action plan to solve this problem. fearless /FEER-lis/ [adjective] having no fear She became fearless when she started living independently in another country. edible /ED-uh-buhl/ [adjective] suitable or safe for eating Some fruits you can find in the mountains are not edible. overwhelming /oh-ver-HWEL-ming/ [adjective] very great or strong The crowd’s response to the president’s speech is a bit overwhelming. guideline /GAHYD-lahyn/ [noun] a piece of information that suggests how something should be done The students should…
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Vocabulary: multitude /MUHL-ti-tood/ [noun] – a large number of people or things A multitude of volunteers visited the evacuation area. congregate /KONG-gri-geyt/ [verb] – to come together in a large group of people or animals Students congregate at school to discuss their insights about the upcoming student government election. infectious /in-FEK-shuhs/ [adjective] – able to be passed from one person, animal, or plant to another Make sure not to communicate with people who have infectious diseases. feasible /FEE-zuh-buh l/ [adjective] – possible to do and likely to be successful Doctors are thinking of a feasible solution for her illness. crowdfunding /KROUD-fuhn-ding/ [noun] – the practice of getting a large number of…
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© Photo by Universal Studios Hollywood Vocabulary: construct /kuhn-STRUHKT/ [verb] to build something or put together different parts to form something whole The new hospital was constructed and operated by the government. occupy /OK-yuh-pahy/ [verb] to fill or use a place The hotel manager allowed us to occupy the 3 rooms for 1 month but after that, we need to find a rental place. purchase /PUR-chuhs/ [verb] to buy something If I have a million dollars, I will purchase a brand new car and a house and lot. eponymous /uh-PON-uh-muh s/ [adjective] has the same name as the title Many talk shows have eponymous titles that contain their hosts’ names. fantasy…
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Vocabulary: nursing home /nursing hohm/ [noun] a place where very old people who are ill live and receive medical treatment and care The cosmetic company runs a nursing home for more than a decade. appetite /AP-i-tahyt/ [noun] a desire or need for something, esp. food Some children have good appetite whenever they eat with their friends. premature /pree-muh-CHOOR/ [adjective] happening or done too soon, especially before the natural or suitable time Some premature babies suffer from breathing difficulties. exceed /ik-SEED/ [verb] to be greater than a number or amount, or to go past an allowed limit The current financial cost should not exceed $8,000. refrain /ri-FREYN/ [verb] to avoid doing…
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Vocabulary: fund /fuhnd/ [verb] to provide the money to pay for an event, activity, or organization The company funds my trip to Japan to attend the annual meeting. acknowledge /AK-NOL-ij/ [verb] to recognize the existence of something His work was acknowledged as the best design for the current season. numerous /NOO-mer-uhs/ [adjective] many He is receiving numerous projects after his long vacation. participant /pahr-TIS-uh-puhnt/ [noun] a person who takes part in or becomes involved in a particular activity The participants from various countries are expecting to experience extraordinary activities. aspiration /as-puh-REY-shuhn/ [noun] a strong hope or wish for achievement or success The aspiration of every couple is to cherish their…
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