Tag Archive: science & technology – beginner
Pre-reading questions: Do you use the internet? Is the internet important? Vocabulary: inquiry /in-kwahyuhr-ee/ [noun] the act of asking for information She made an inquiry about the case. give /giv/ [verb] to give your money, time, or best efforts Their teacher gave them an hour break before taking the examination. look /look/ [verb] to try to find something People are looking for different websites to study English. ministry /min-uh-stree/ [noun] a government department led by a minister All the ministries will have a meeting next week. result /ri-zuhlt/ [noun] the information you get from something The result of their English exam was good. In 2018, the Japanese government made an…
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Pre-reading questions: How often do you take trains? Which one do you like, train or bus? Vocabulary: train /treyn/ [noun] a railway engine connected to a group of vehicles for carrying people or goods I go to work by train. speed /speed/ [noun] how fast something moves He was traveling at a speed of 80 kph. only /ohn-lee/ [adjective] used to show that there is a single one or very few of something She was the only person who finished the project. company /kuhm-puh-nee/ [noun] an organization that sells goods or services in order to make money My friend and I worked for the same company. also /awl-soh/ [adverb] in…
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Pre-reading questions: What do you do in your free time? What makes you happy? Vocabulary: health /helth/ [noun] the condition of the body or mind and the degree to which it is free from illness She has a good health. make /meyk/ [verb] to perform an action I have to make a decision. university /yoo-nuh-vur-si-tee/ [noun] a place of higher education usually for people who have finished twelve years of schooling Jay is going to a private university next year. user /yoo-zer/ [noun] someone who uses a product, machine, or service John is a twitter user. connected /kuh-nek-tid/ [adjective] joined together They are finally connected after several years. According to…
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Pre-reading questions: Do you like cars? What is your favorite car brand? Vocabulary: public /PUHB-lik/ [noun] all people in general Fake news caused confusion to the public. charge /chahrj/ [verb] to put electricity into an electrical device That smartphone needs to be charged for two hours only vehicle /VEE-i-kuhl/ [noun] a machine that people ride to go from one place to another Sam doesn’t like riding public vehicles. unit /YOO-nit/ [noun] a machine or item that is part of a set The company released new television units this month. batch /bach/ [noun] a group of people or things A new batch of students are looking for summer jobs. Volkswagen shares…
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Pre-Reading Questions: Do you like robots? What is the most popular robot in your country? Vocabulary: caregiver /KAIR-giv-er/ [noun] someone who takes care of a person who is young, old, or sick The caregiver of his sick mother is very kind. patient /PEY-shuhnt/ [noun] a person who is receiving medical care, esp. in a hospital They visited the patient in the hospital. hug /huhg/ [noun] the act of holding someone or something close to your body with your arms She always gives me a big hug whenever I come home. cost /kawst/ [verb] if something costs an amount of money, you must pay that amount to buy or do it;…
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Pre-reading questions: Do you always use your phone? What apps do you find useful? Vocabulary: translation /trans-LEY-shuhn/ [noun] the activity of changing the words of one language into the words in another language that have the same meaning Many tourists use a translation device when they travel abroad. guide /gahyd/ [noun] a book, website, etc. that gives you the most important information about a particular subject We brought a travel guide in our trip last month. select /si-LEKT/ [verb] to choose something, or to make a choice The chef selects the best ingredients for his dish. announce /uh-NOUNS/ [verb] to make something known or tell people about something officially They…
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Pre-reading questions: How do you go to school or work? What app is useful for you? Vocabulary: suitable /SOO-tuh-buhl/ [adjective] being right or correct for something or someone This show is not suitable for children. delay /dih-LEY/ [noun] something that is late to happen There will be a delay in the food’s delivery. arrival /uh-RAHY-vuhl/ [noun] the act of coming to a place Lily’s arrival time is around 8:00 PM. vehicle /VEE-i-kuhl/ [noun] a car, bus, truck, etc. Too many vehicles can cause huge traffic. switch /swich/ [verb] to change or go to from one thing to another Robert switched from using Samsung to iPhone. Google Maps will have new…
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Pre-reading questions: Do you like studying English? Do you think that learning English is difficult? Vocabulary: help /help/ [verb] to make it possible or easier for someone to do something She helps the students with their homework. project /PROJ-ekt/ [noun] a piece of planned work or activity that is completed over a period of time The project that we are working on is nearly finished. lesson /LES-uhn/ [noun] an amount of teaching given at one time Today we are going to study a new lesson material. include /in-KLOOD/ [verb] to make something part of something else Our exams will include the topics that we studied last month. change /cheynj/ [noun]…
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Pre-reading questions: Do you like Facebook? Why or why not? What are the good things about Facebook? Vocabulary: information /in-fer-MEY-shuhn/ [noun] facts about a situation, person, event, etc. There are a lot of information about our history in the library. personal /PUR-suh-nl/ [adjective] private or relating to someone’s private life The boy keeps on asking about the personal life of the girl. against /uh-GEYNST/ [preposition] disagreeing with a plan or activity I am against to their plan on cutting trees at school website /WEB-sahyt/ [noun] a set of pages of information on the internet about a particular subject There are many useful websites on the Internet. agree /uh-GREE/ [verb] to…
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Pre-reading questions: Do you like technology? Why or why not? Are you interested in farming? Please explain your answer. Vocabulary: cheaper /cheep-er/ [adjective] costing little money or less than usual Converse is much cheaper than Nike. goal /gohl/ [noun] aim or purpose My goal is to finish college. attract /uh-TRAKT/ [verb] to cause someone to become interested in someone or something My red Converse attracted a lot of people. solve /solv/ [verb] to find an answer to a problem The president is trying to solve the country’s problems. employment /em-PLOI-muhnt/ [noun] work or job What is your employment status? Nileworks Inc., Ja Miyagi Tome, and Trading House Sumitomo Corp. developed…
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