Tag Archive: science & technology – expert

Japan to use facial recognition technology for foreign visitors


Photo by © ANN via The Star Vocabulary: encrypt /en-KRIPT/ [verb] to change electronic information or signals into a secret code All bank-issued cards must be encrypted for security purposes. authenticate /aw-THEN-ti-keyt/ [verb] to prove that something is real, true, or what people say it is We have to authenticate first the data before disclosing to the public. embarkation /em-bahr-KEY-shuhn/ [noun] the act, process, or an instance of going on a ship or an aircraft We have to expedite the process of embarkation for the customers’ convenience. misidentification /mis-ahy-DEN-tuh-fahy-key-shun/ [noun] the act of recognizing and naming someone or something incorrectly We have to ensure efficiency in our data processing to…
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Smartphone app detects ear infection in kids

ear app

Photo by © The Associated Press via CBC Vocabulary: pediatrician /pe-dee-uh-TRISH-uhn/ [noun] a doctor with special training in medical care for children Parents should visit pediatricians immediately if their children are sick beyond three days. detect /dih-TEKT/ [verb] to discover something, usually using special equipment You can easily detect one’s health by using apps in smartphones. Through these apps, people can lessen visiting clinics for minor illnesses. broad-spectrum /BRAWD-SPEK-truh m/ [adjective] having a wide range of uses The best time to see the broad-spectrum light in New Zealand is during winter. diagnosis /dahy-uhg-NOH-sis/ [noun] a judgment about what a particular illness or problem is made after examining it Most of the…
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New app helps smokers quit

smoke app

Photo by © CUREAPP INC. via The Japan Times Vocabulary: vice /vahys/ [noun] illegal and immoral activities Drinking too much alcohol is a vice that will take its toll on him someday. withdrawal /with-DRAW-uhl/ [noun] means the physical and mental effects experienced when a person stops something The symptoms of withdrawal are difficult to overcome that could lead to relapse. cessation /se-SEY-shuhn/ [noun] the ending of a condition or the stopping of an activity The government issued a cessation of all operations of corrupt factories. obstacle /OB-stuh-kuhl/ [noun] something that blocks you so that movement, going forward, or action is prevented or made more difficult The obstacles that you experience…
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Robots affect human emotions according to studies

Robots affect human emotions according to studies

Vocabulary: feedback /FEED-bak/ [noun] reaction to a process or activity Some students received an unacceptable feedback about their film. disturbance /dih-STUR-buhns/ [noun] something that interrupts you Gaby doesn’t want any disturbances while working. attribute /uh-TRIB-yoot/ [noun] a quality or characteristic that someone or something has Diligence is one of the attributes a teacher should possess. resemble /ri-ZEM-buhl/ [verb] to look like or be like someone or something So many high-end flats resemble many hotels. conceive /kuhn-SEEV/ [verb] to imagine something Many people try to conceive what will happen in the future. According to a new study, the “death” of the robots has an effect on humans emotional feedback. A 42-year-old…
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Facebook chief wants more government regulation of internet


Photo by © Getty via Evoke.ie Vocabulary: regulation /reg-yuh-LEY-shun/ [noun] the rules or system that are used by a person or organization to control activity or process The updated rules and regulations will be posted as soon as possible. portability /pawr-tuh-BIL-i-tee/ [noun] the ability to be used for a different purpose or on a different system The software portability is one of the factors that must be taken seriously by the technicians. framework /FREYM-wurk/ [noun] a system of rules, ideas, or beliefs that is used to plan or decide something The logical framework of the process will be more effective than before. safeguard /SEYF-gahrd/ [verb] to protect something from harm…
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New device translates thoughts into speech


Vocabulary: virtual /VUR-choo-uhl/ [adjective] can be done or seen using computers or the internet Realtors recommend interested buyers to check out their virtual tour first before visiting the actual house. simulation /sim-yuh-LEY-shuhn/ [noun] a model of a real activity, created for training purposes or to solve a problem Researchers conducted a simulation for the predicted earthquake this month. mechanism /MEK-uh-niz-uhm/ [noun] a part of a machine, or a set of parts that work together The engineers are having difficulties operating the complicated mechanisms of the machine. electrode /ih-LEK-trohd/ [noun] the point at which an electric current enters or leaves something The experiment required electrodes to connect the electricity into the…
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Japanese company produces high-tech wheelchairs


Photo by © AFP via The Straits Times Vocabulary: establish /ih-STAB-lish/ [verb] to create or set something in a particular way You need to use different kinds of material to establish a new building. paralympic /PAR-uh-LIM-pik/ [adjective] an international sports competition for people with disabilities I would have felt better if I had joined Paralympic games. classified /KLAS-uh-fahyd/ [adjective] officially secret information Alan’s voluminous penmanship is classified as good. durability /du-ra-bil-i-ty/ [noun] the fact of something continuing to be used without getting damaged The durability of this product is essential. accomplish /UH-kom-plish/ [verb] to finish something successfully You have to work hard to accomplish all your goals. Ox Engineering, a…
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Survey shows Japanese youth spend three hours online each day


Vocabulary: survey /ser-vey/ [noun] a set of questions people are asked to gather information or find out their opinions A recent survey shows that the density of the rural population is decreasing. consume /kuhn-soom/ [verb] to use time, especially in large amounts Several minutes were consumed searching for the puzzle piece. surf /surf/ [verb] to spend time visiting a lot of websites She likes to surf the internet in her spare time. official /uh-fish-uh-l/ [noun] a person who has a position of responsibility in an organization Health Department officials have been urging people to eat less meat. outcome /out-kuhm/ [noun] the result or effect of an action, situation, or event…
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China to launch new generation of driverless maglev trains in 2020


Vocabulary: maglev /mag-lev/ [noun] short for magnetic levitation: an advanced type of transport system in which a train travels on a magnetic track, often at very high speeds South Korea’s first maglev train began operations on February 3, 2016. acceleration /ak-sel-uh-rey-shuhn/ [noun] the increase in something’s speed, or its ability to go faster He bought a sports car that has impressive acceleration. intercity /in-tur-sit-ee/ [adjective] traveling from one city to another, or happening between cities There is an intercity bus station near the shopping mall. solely /sohl-lee/ [adverb] only and not involving anyone or anything else He is solely in charge of the event that will be held next week….
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Facebook makes people unhappy, according to a study


Vocabulary: deactivating /dee-ak-tuh-veyt/ [noun] the action of causing something to be no longer active or effective Deactivating my twitter is impossible to me. participant /pahr-tis-uh-puhnt/ [noun] a person who becomes involved in a particular activity There are 4,000 participants in the seminar. outcome /out-kuhm/ [noun] effect of an action, situation or event The outcome will be greater if you put an effort in everything you do. well-being /wel bee-ing/ [noun] the state of being healthy and happy Jake’s priority was his well-being. release /ri-lees/ [verb] to allow something to be used in public or to be available for use She released an important documents they needed for the conference. Deactivating…
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