Tag Archive: world news – beginner
Pre-reading questions: Do you enjoy traveling abroad? What countries would you like to visit on your next trip? Vocabulary: missile [noun] – a weapon thrown to strike something at a distance Everybody was worried about the missile attack. assure [verb] – to promise or tell something to someone confidently or firmly The governor assured the voters that taxes will be the same. counter [verb] – to oppose or stop something or reduce its negative effect He countered their proposal with a different suggestion. nuclear [adjective] – relating to a weapon with destructive power Nuclear weapons are a threat to all humanity. moreover [adverb] – used to add information It was…
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Pre-reading questions: What do you think is the most powerful country in the world? Describe Japan in one word. Vocabulary: colonization [noun] – to take control of another country by living there or sending people to live there The European colonization began in 1492. influence [noun] – the power to make other people agree with your opinion or do what you want Celebrities influence fashion. era [noun] – a period of history or a long period of time We are living in an era of fast technological advancement. bold [adjective] – not afraid to do things which involve risk or danger Hiring a fresh graduate is a bold move. …
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Pre-reading questions: Do you love attending festivals? Why? Have you ever experienced attending an event with foreign people? Vocabulary: 1. ethnic – [adjective] characteristic of a large group of people who have the same national, racial, or cultural origins There are ethnic groups living in my area. 2. venue [noun] – location of any event They will conduct the event in an open field. 3. banned [adjective] – forbidden by law The event is banned due to its rules. 4. exclude [verb] – to stop from being included or accepted They decided to exclude white people in the festival. The Nyansapo festival in the city of Paris is set to…
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Pre-reading questions: Do you know the Dalai Lama? Have you ever been to India? Vocabulary: title [noun] – a name that tells a person’s position or job The title given to our highest leader is president. political leader [noun] – someone who is active in politics We should all respect our political leaders. spiriatual leader [noun] – a leader in religious or sacred affairs It is not easy to become a spiritual leader. flee [verb] – run away from a place that is dangerous; to escape We fled the country because of too much fighting. exile [noun] – a person who left his/her country to live in another country for…
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Pre-reading questions: Do you think your country is making enough money? Why? Or Why not? What does your country do to make money? North Korea is one of the most closed economies in the world. They earn money from selling tons of coal to China every year, trade basic goods abroad, hack banks in 18 countries, and force their citizens to work abroad. John Park, the director of the Korea Working Group at Harvard Kennedy school, believes Pyeongyang has kept a lot of money in China. These money can support North Korea’s weapons programs. Moreover, North Korea can easily avoid penalties from the global financial system by keeping their money…
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Pre-reading questions: What kind of awards have you received so far? What do you do to keep your house safe? Kailash Satyarthi received a Nobel Peace Prize award last 2014. His Nobel medal and certificate were stolen. No one saw the thief stealing the awards. Mr. Satyarthi said that the lock of his house was broken and his awards were stolen. Kailash Satyarthi won the Nobel Peace Price last 2014 because he likes helping children. His efforts saved children from working dangerously. Vocabulary: receive [verb] – get something stolen [verb] – (past participle of steal)take without the owner’s approval award [noun] – prize for achieving something effort [noun] – hard work…
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Pre-reading questions: Do you think America and Japan have a good relationship? Do you think President Donald Trump is a good leader? Prime Minister Shinzo Abe visited US President Donald Trump. The meeting happened a few days after Donald Trump’s win in the 2016 elections. The Prime Minister is the first state leader to visit Trump after the elections. According to the US Department of State, the relationship between Japan and the United States is important to Asia’s economy. The prime minister is planning another visit later this year. Vocabulary: visit [verb] – to go to a place in order to look at it, or to a person in order…
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Pre-reading questions: How do you prepare for an important ceremony? What do you think of President Donald Trump? Donald Trump is the 45th President of the United States of America, replacing Barack Obama in the White House. Trump became president at noontime of January 20. The main ceremony was held at the White House followed by many parties around Washington DC. The official inauguration ceremony was held in front of the Capitol. After the inauguration, Donald Trump gave his first speech as the president. Vocabulary: inauguration [noun] – the act of putting someone into an official position with a ceremony president [noun] – head of state replace [verb] – change;…
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Pre-reading questions: How do you celebrate Christmas? Do you have any wish/es for Christmas? An international school in Istanbul bans Christmas celebrations. Istanbul Lisesi teachers and staffs were told that Christmas traditions and carol-singing are not allowed. Istanbul Lisesi is a Turkish-German school with Turkish students and German teachers. Many German officials are angry with the school. However, the school said they still celebrate Christmas. Vocabulary: Istanbul- [proper noun] a city in Turkey international- [adjective] global celebrations- [noun] joyful occasion traditions- [noun] culture ban- [noun] not allowed True or False: Istanbul Lisesi teachers and staff were told that Christmas carol-singing are allowed. Istanbul Lisesi is a…
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Pre-reading questions: Who is your favorite artist? If you meet him/her, what will you say? Do you like to travel by airplane? An airplane passenger attacked some crew while travelling to Seoul, South Korea last Tuesday, December 20. The passenger was actually drunk it is difficult to calm him down. Richard Marx helped the people in controlling the drunk man. Richard Marx is a famous singer. He was mad because the crew was not able to stop the drunk man from attacking other people. Vocabulary: passenger- [noun] a traveller riding a vehicle crew- [noun] the team who is manages the vehicle drunk- [adjective] someone who drinks alcoholic…
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