Tag Archive: world news – intermediate

Thailand’s tallest building lets tourists walk on frightening glass floor

Pre-reading Questions Answer the following questions about the topic. Please explain your answer. Do you like trying extreme activities? Why? Why not? What things or situations are you afraid of? Article Reading Read the passage and take note of the highlighted words in the Vocabulary Guide. A terrifying experience awaits tourists in Bangkok. Situated at the top of King Power Mahanakhon, Thailand’s tallest completed building, is the new Mahanakhon SkyWalk. It offers a thrilling walk on a large glass floor that makes people afraid yet excited. The Mahanakhon Skywalk has an indoor deck where people who are too terrified to walk on the glass can have a 360-degree view of…
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Families from South and North Korea meet after decades

Families from South and North Korea finally met

Pre-reading questions: Do you want to visit Korea? Why or why not? What is your opinion about the conflict between North and South Korea? Vocabulary: separation /sep-uh-REY-shuhn/ [noun] a situation in which two or more people or things are separated Separation is the time of high emotional stress. embrace /em-BREYS/ [verb] to hold someone close to you with your arms to express affection She greeted her daughter and embraced her tightly. reminisce /rem-uh-NIS/ [verb] to talk or write about past experiences that you remember She likes to reminisce about her years in high school. get-together /GET-tuh-geth-er/ [noun] a gathering of people, esp. for enjoyment She attended a family get-together last…
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Greenland’s giant iceberg threatens fishing community

Greenland's giant iceberg threatens fishing community

Pre-reading questions: Do you want to go to Greenland? Why or why not? Do you want to see an icerberg? Why? Vocabulary: huge /hyooj/ [adjective] extremely large in size or amount There was huge animal wandering on the road. community /kuh-MYOO-ni-tee/ [noun] the people living in one particular area All my relatives are living in one community. rise /rahyz/ [verb] to move up The price of the painting rises as it gets older. cause /kawz/ [noun] the reason why something happens Bacteria is one of the causes of human diseases. declare /dih-KLAIR/ [verb] to announce something publicly or officially The school declared suspension of classes because of the heavy rain….
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European Union and Japan sign a free trade deal

European Union and Japan sign a free trade deal

Pre-reading questions: Do you like buying foreign products? Why? Do you think foreign products are expensive? Why? Vocabulary: contract /KON-trakt/ [noun] a legal document that states and explains a formal agreement A partnership between two people needs a contract as a proof of agreement. remove /ri-MOOV/ [verb] to take something away from an object, group, or place They will remove the books from the shelf and arrange it. agreement /uh-GREE-muhnt/ [noun] a promise or decision made between two or more people The two enterprises made an agreement to sell the same product. hindrance /HIN-druhns/ [noun] something that makes it more difficult for you to do something Making mistakes is not…
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Child labor increases in tobacco industry

Child Labor Increases in Tobacco Industry

Pre-reading questions: What is your opinion about child labor? Is child labor prominent in your country? Vocabulary: aggrandize /uh-GRAN-dayhz/ [verb] to make great or greater: increase, enlarge Her teacher aggrandizes her pride because of too much praises. bore /bawr/ [verb] to make a hole in something using a tool It’s part of her morning routine to bore in her garden. endangered /en-DEYN-jerd/ [adjective] in danger of being harmed, lost, unsuccessful Tony’s health is endangered because of eating too much junk food. enduring /en-DOOR-ing/ [adjective] continuing for a long time; lasting She is known because of her enduring generosity. eradicate /ih-RAD-i-keyt/ [verb] to get rid of or destroy something completely People…
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India is facing a water crisis

India is facing a water crisis

Pre-reading questions: How many glasses of water do you drink in a day? Do you know ways on how to conserve water? Please cite them and explain each. Vocabulary: crisis /KRAHY-sis/ [noun] a situation that is extremely difficult The country’s citizens blame the government for the economic crisis. shortage /SHAWR-tij/ [noun] a situation when there is not enough of something There’s a shortage of chairs and school equipment in public schools. widespread /WAHYD-spred/ [adjective] affecting or including a lot of places, people, etc. The newest development on computer gaming was received with widespread interest. estimate /ES-tuh-meyt/ [verb] to guess the cost, size, value, etc. of something We need to estimate…
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Heathrow’s airport expansion gets the green light

Heathrow's airport expansion gets the green light

Pre-Reading Questions: Do you like going to airports? What is your favorite airport so far? Vocabulary: expansion /ik-SPAN-shuhn/ [noun] the increase of something in size, number or importance No one expected that her house expansion will be that big. airfield /air-FEELD/ [noun] a level area where aircraft can take off and land The airfield was too wet which resulted to flight delays.. controversial /kon-truh-VUR-shuhl/ [adjective] causing or likely to cause disagreement The CEO was stressed about the spreading of the controversial report within the company. raze /reyz/ [verb] to destroy a building, structure, etc. completely The mayor is planning to raze the old sports center to build a new one….
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UNRWA endures aid reduction

UNRWA endures aid reduction

Pre-reading questions: What is your opinion on giving donations? Do you budget your money? Why or why not? Vocabulary: budget /BUHJ-it/ [noun] the amount of money a person or organization has available to spend My family is on a very tight budget after my father was sent to the hospital. contribution /kon-truh-BYOO-shuhn/ [noun] an amount of money that is given to help pay for something Mary gave a generous contribution to the animal shelter. annual /AN-yoo-uhl/ [adjective] measured over a period of one year They harvest the flowers annually. expense /ik-SPENSE/ [noun] the money that you spend on something It was a struggle to pay for my college expenses. penniless…
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North & South Korea pledge peace

North & South Korea pledge peace and end of nuclear weapons

Pre-reading questions: What do you know about the South-North Korean war? Do you think world peace is possible? Why or why not? Vocabulary: put an end to (something) /poot an end too/ [phrasal verb] to make something stop happening We need to put an end to this madness. summit /SUHM-it/ [noun] an important formal meeting between leaders of governments from two or more countries Leaders from all over the world met during the summit. pledge /plej/ [verb] to make a serious or formal promise to give or do something The man pledged loyalty to his wife. tension /TEN-shuhn/ [noun] a feeling of fear or anger between two groups of people…
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African migrants to leave the Jewish state

African migrants to leave the Jewish state

Pre-reading questions: Why do you think people leave their home countries? Would you consider working in another country for a long time? Please explain your answer. Vocabulary: deport /dih-PAWRT/ [verb] to send away from a country The country deported the illegal immigrants. slavery /SLEY-vuh-ree/ [noun] the condition of being a slave The natives experienced slavery under the king’s rule. imprisonment /im-PRIZ-uhnment/ [noun] the act of putting someone in prison He was given 5 years of imprisonment for his crime. statement /STEYT-muhnt/ [noun] something someone says officially The company released a statement on why the president resigned. endanger /en-DEYN-jer/ [verb] to put someone or something at risk or in danger of…
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