Early morning wake-up tips to beat your alarm clock

Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. insomnia /in-SOM-nee-uh/ [noun] – the condition of being unable to sleep, over a period of time She suffered from insomnia due to working overtime. incorporate /in-KAWR-puh-reyt/ [verb] – to include something within something else She improved her sleep quality by incorporating relaxation techniques into her bedtime routine. persist / per-SIST/ [verb] – If an unpleasant feeling or situation persists, it continues to exist Despite trying multiple remedies, her headache persisted throughout the day. intervention /in-ter-VEN-shuhn/ [noun] – the action of becoming intentionally involved in a difficult situation, in order to improve it or prevent it from…
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