Author Archive: admin

Chinese firms are on a mission to put an end to the virus


Pre-reading questions: Do you wash your hands regularly? What public transportation do you use everyday? Vocabulary: company /KUHM-puh-nee/ [noun] an organization that sells goods or services in order to make money I want to work in a company where there is a friendly environment. regular /REG-yuh-ler/ [adjective] usual or ordinary I had a regular day at work today doing usual tasks. lamp /lamp/ [noun] any of various devices that produce particular types of light I switch on the lamp whenever I sleep because I can’t sleep when there isn’t light. use /yooz/ [verb] to put something such as a tool, skill, or building to a particular purpose I use a…
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Japan’s Tokyo Marathon restricted to elite athletes amidst virus concerns


Pre-reading questions: What sport in the Olympics interests you the most and why? How do you celebrate important events? Vocabulary: cancel /KAN-suhl/ [verb] to decide that an organized event will not happen The reunion that is scheduled to happen next week will be canceled by their sponsors. marathon /MAR-uh-thon/ [noun] a running race of slightly over 26 miles Dehydration during the marathon is not good for the runners. disease /dih-ZEEZ/ [noun] illness of people, animals Some people with serious disease choose to have vaccines to get cured. organizer /AWR-guh-nahy-zer/ [noun] the person or group who plans and arranges an event or activity The organizers of the previous event made a…
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Chinese firms are on a mission to put an end to the virus


Vocabulary: eradicate /ih-RAD-i-keyt / [verb] to get rid of or destroy something completely Doctors eradicated the spread of Spanish flu through a vaccine in 1918. urge /urj/ [verb] to strongly advise or try to persuade someone to do a particular thing The CEO urged the employees to go out for their own security. instruct /in-STRUHKT/ [verb] to order or tell someone to do something, especially in a formal way The education department has instructed the teachers to follow certain measures in providing quality education. irritation /ir-i-TEY-shuh n/ [noun] a painful or sore feeling in a part of the body The medicine that he has applied to his skin caused irritation. infectious…
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Ways to keep our older loved ones safe from COVID-19


Pre-Reading Questions: What are your ways to avoid getting sick? Do you often visit your grandparents? Why or why not? Vocabulary: proneness /prohn-nes/ [noun] the fact of being likely to suffer from an illness She was forced to quit cheerdance due to her proneness to injury. negative /NEG-uh-tiv/ [adjective] bad or harmful The pandemic has a negative effect in our country’s economy. caregiver /KAIR-giv-er/ [noun] someone who takes care of a person who is young, old, or sick Her long years together with her grandmother influenced her to be a good caregiver. sanitize /SAN-i-tahyz/ [verb] to make something completely clean and free from bacteria Toys that are used in nursery…
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Life formed on asteroid crater, according to research


Vocabulary: debris /duh-BREE/ [noun] broken or torn pieces left from the destruction of something larger Several people were injured by the debris from a recent explosion. ground zero /ground-ZEro/ [noun] the very beginning It’s hard to start at ground zero to work and gain all the knowledge when you want it all right away. restore /ri-STAWR/ [verb] to bring something back into existence After the long wait, peace has finally been restored to the region. sediment /SED-uh-muhnt/ [noun] solid material, such as dirt or minerals, that falls to the bottom of a liquid There were some brown sediments on the bottom of the glass bottle. accumulate /uh-KYOO-myuh-leyt/ [verb] to gradually…
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Ways to keep our older loved ones safe from COVID-19


Pre-Reading Questions: Who is the oldest person in your family? Do you frequently wash your hands? Vocabulary: fact /fakt/ [noun] something that is known to have happened or to exist with proof She reported all the facts about medicinal plants. regularly /REG-yuh-ler-lee/ [adverb] often She waters the plants regularly. unimportant /uhn im-PAWR-tnt/ [adjective] not important Your problem is unimportant compared to the family on the streets. medicine /MED-uh-sin/ [noun] treatment for illness or injury The medicines can be found in the kitchen cabinet. mental /MEN-tl/ [adjective] of or about the mind, or involving the process of thinking My mental health is really important to me. There is no fact on…
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Life formed on asteroid crater, according to research


Pre-reading questions: Do you think there is life on other planets? Would you like to go to outer space? Vocabulary: crater /KREY-ter/ [noun] a large hole made by something hitting the ground with force The earthquake left a big crater in the hotel lobby. ago /uh-GOH/ [adverb] back in the past I used to play the violin a long time ago. find out /fahynd-out/ [phrasal verb] to obtain knowledge of something, or to obtain knowledge of someone’s activities, esp. dishonest ones I was curious to find out what she had said. produce /pruh-DOOS/ [verb] to create something or bring into existence The company produced many dairy products this month. organism…
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Life formed on asteroid crater, according to research


Pre-reading questions: What is your opinion about life on other planets? Do you think people on Earth could survive on other planets? Please explain your answer. Vocabulary: asteroid /AS-tuh-roid/ [noun] one of many large rocks that circle the sun Scientists support the theory that an asteroid wiped out the dinosaurs. project /pruh-JEKT/ [verb] to throw something forward or into the air The spaceship projected outer space has now landed on Mars. mile /mahyl/ [noun] a unit of distance equal to 1.6 kilometers According to her, the nearest mall is about 3 miles from here. unearth /uhn-URTH/ [verb] to find something by digging in the ground The students used some tools…
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