Author Archive: admin

BTS smashes YouTube records with their newest video, Dynamite


© BigHit Entertainment Vocabulary: smash /smash/ [verb] – to do much better than the best or fastest result recorded previously Dan’s channel smashed the record for the most viewed video on YouTube. amass /uh-MAS/ [verb] – to get a large amount of something, especially money or information, by collecting it over a long period Mr. Fitzgerald amassed enormous wealth from his best-selling novels. concurrent /kuhn-KUR-uhnt/ [adjective] – happening or existing at the same time The site can handle thousands of concurrent users. homage /HOM-ij/ [noun] – deep respect and often praise shown for a person or god The exhibit pays homage to the icons of the 1960’s. septet /sep-TET/ [noun]…
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Tips on sharing food safely during the pandemic


Pre-Reading Questions: Do you know how to cook? What is your favorite food? Vocabulary: during /DYOO-ring/ [preposition] – from the beginning to the end of a particular period The students had fun during their school trip. quick /kwik/ [adjective] – happening or done with great speed, or lasting only a short time It was just a quick presentation. packaging /PAK-uh-jing/ [noun] – the materials in which objects are wrapped before being sold The packaging is really cute. rinse /rins/ [verb] – to use water to clean the soap or dirt from something Rinse it with warm water. extra /EK-struh/ [adjective] – added to what is normal Please get an extra…
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Tips on sharing food safely during the pandemic


Pre-Reading Questions: What do you usually order online? Which do you prefer, cooking your own food or buying meals from the store? Vocabulary: tasty /TEY-stee/ [adjective] – (of food) producing a pleasant flavor and feeling in the mouth when eaten The pasta we had in the new Italian restaurant was really tasty! stew /stoo/ [noun] – a type of food consisting usually of meat or fish and vegetables cooked slowly in a small amount of liquid Jinnie cooked this beef stew for me. furthermore /FUR-ther-mohr/ [adverb] – in addition They don’t like to live there because it’s far from their workplace. Furthermore, the area always gets flooded. surface /SUR-fis/ [noun…
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Tips on sharing food safely during the pandemic


Vocabulary: scrumptious /SKRUHMP-shuhs/ [adjective] – tasting extremely good The children haven’t had scrumptious food in a long time. lie /lahy/ [verb] – if responsibility, blame, a decision, a choice, etc. lies with someone, they have responsibility, must make the decision, etc. The responsibility to keep the community clean lies within its residents. hazard /HAZ-erd/ [noun] – something that is dangerous and likely to cause damage Working in construction is full of hazards so always be careful. cross-contamination /kros kuhn-tam-uh-NEY-shuhn/ [noun] – the process by which a substance that is harmful or dirty spreads from one area to another They make sure to do every step carefully to avoid cross-contamination. opt…
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BRZRKR: A sneak peak inside Keanu Reeves’ new endeavor


© Boom! Studios Vocabulary: A-list /EY-list/ [adjective] – used for describing people who are the most famous Takeru Sato is one of the known A-list actors in Japan. niche /nich/ [noun] – a job or position that is very suitable for someone, especially one that they like Finding your niche at work can be difficult, but is absolutely rewarding at the same time. immortal /ih-MAWR-tl/ [adjective] – living or lasting forever Immortal characters in fiction are mostly portrayed as villains. synopsis /si-NOP-sis/ [noun] – a short description of the contents of something such as a film or book Have you read the synopsis of the upcoming movie? It was breathtaking!…
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BRZRKR: A sneak peak inside Keanu Reeves’ new endeavor


© Boom! Studios Pre-Reading Questions: What type of comic books do you like reading? How often do you read comic books? Vocabulary: team up /teem-uhp/ [phrasal verb] – to join another person, or form a group with other people, in order to do something together Let’s team up to finish this task faster. issue /ISH-oo/ [noun] – a group or series, or one of a group or series, of things that are made available, published, or printed at the same time The sixth issue of my favorite manga will be delayed. illustrate /IL-uh-streyt/ [noun] – to draw pictures for a book, magazine, etc. The action scenes in this new comic…
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BRZRKR: A sneak peak inside Keanu Reeves’ new endeavor


© Boom! Studios Pre-Reading Questions: Do you like reading? Who is your favorite actor? Vocabulary: musician /myoo-ZISH-uhn/ [noun] – someone who is skilled in playing music, usually as a job Seth has always dreamed of being a musician someday. century /SEN-chuh-ree/ [noun] – a period of 100 years The building was constructed two centuries ago. suitable /SOO-tuh-buhl/ [adjective] – acceptable or right for someone or something The new movie is not suitable for children. interest /IN-trist/ [noun] – the quality that makes you think that something is interesting My son has grown an interest in baseball. play /pley/ [verb] – to perform as a character in a play or movie,…
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Wildlife flourishes in closed national parks


Pre-reading questions: Do you like going to parks? Why or why not? What place do you like to visit? Vocabulary: enormous /ih-NAWR-muhs/ [adjective] – extremely large The new shopping mall in town is enormous. wander /WON-der/ [verb] – to walk around slowly in a relaxed way or without any clear purpose or direction The new tenant wandered around the house for inspection. wildlife /WAHYLD-lahyf/ [noun] – animals and plants that grow independently of people, usually in natural conditions The company advocates people to protect the wildlife. behavior /bih-HEYV-yer/ [noun] – a particular way of acting Scientists are observing animal behavior to prove their theory. temporary /TEM-puh-rer-ee/ [adjective] – not lasting…
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