Author Archive: admin

Saudi Arabia’s government adds 5% tax on some goods

Business - B

Pre-reading questions: Would you like to travel to Middle East? What do you want to see in Saudi Arabia? Vocabulary: product [noun] –  something that is made and sold Japanese products are very popular nowadays. source [noun] –  is the person, place, or thing which you get something from The source of the fire in the building is unknown. tax [noun] –  amount of money that you have to pay to the government so that it can pay for public services. The taxes in the Philippines are too high. economy [noun] –  the money and resources of a country Japan is hoping for a better economy this year. Value Added Tax (VAT) – [noun] a…
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Easier learning through smartphones


Pre-reading questions: Do you like using smartphones? What do you usually do with your smartphone? Vocabulary: record [verb] – to put sounds or pictures onto a computer or other electronic device so that they can be heard or seen later I want to record my tutor’s class so I can study again later. share [verb] – tell someone about something Maria wants to share a story today. feedback [noun] – opinion about something; what someone thinks of something My boss gave me a good feedback on my report. application [noun] – a program in a computer or smartphone I use a smartphone application to call my mother everyday. convenient [adjective]…
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Mediterranean food for a healthier brain

Health - Intermediate

There’s enough evidence and scientific research that support a healthy diet for a sound body and mind. A recent study not only substantiates this, but also specifically identifies Mediterranean diet as being key to keeping a healthy brain through old age. If we’re not careful with the food we eat, our brain will suffer as we get older. Thanks to a recent research, now we know that adding Mediterranean food like olive oil, salad, and more fruits helps conserve our brain into old age. As we age, our brains get smaller; but if we keep our brain healthy, the shrinkage will amazingly be slower. According to research, bigger brains have…
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Mediterranean food for a healthier brain

Health - Beginner

Pre-reading questions: What unhealthy food do you love to eat? What’s the best food to eat in spring? What foreign cuisine do you like the most? A part of a series of studies on brain health found that a Mediterranean diet of vegetables, fruits and occasional drinking could help maintain a healthy brain as we grow old. The study also found that adding fish to the diet doesn’t make any difference. What the study is certain about is, people who eat more fresh salad and fruits, beans and pasta, and olive oil than junk food lose less brain mass as they get older compared to people who don’t. The study…
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Mediterranean food for a healthier brain

Health - Beg

Pre-reading questions: What is your favorite food? Do you like eating vegetables and fruits? Our brains become smaller as we get older. A new study found that if you eat more Mediterranean food, your brain will stay healthy as you grow old. Your brain will also not grow smaller as fast as those who don’t eat as much Mediterranean food. The study found that people in their mid-70s who eat more fruits, vegetables and olive oil lose less brain mass. On the other hand, people who eat more fried food, red meat and cheese, lose more brain mass as they get older. The researchers for this project say that this…
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Retiring seniors go on working

Japan - Expert

Among the ranks of developed countries, Japan is one of those with labor shortage woes. To tackle such shortage, the country needs to come up with more policies to pull retirees back into the workforce. Florian Kohlbacher, an adjunct professor at Temple University’s Tokyo campus and director of the Economist Corporate Network for North Asia, says that 60 in Japan is still young. Most Japanese people have long, healthy lives. An overhaul in company policies, work culture and seniority policies is needed to encourage seniors to continue working after retirement. People who’ve found jobs after their mandatory retirement want to keep working not only to stay active — they actually…
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Company introduces ‘snowflake test’ to eliminate whiny millennial applicants

Business - E

  The Silent Partner Marketing released a questionnaire for job applicants which has gone viral online. The questionnaire, also known as the snowflake test, is designed to eliminate applicants who would whine at work. CEO Kyle Reyes created the test to determine who will fit with his company’s and client’s creative culture. Mr. Reyes defines snowflakes as entitled, liberal millennials who would complain without a strong basis. The thirty-item questionnaire contains a candidate’s view on America, law enforcement, and criticism. Mr. Reyes made this test to see how responsible the candidate is. Other companies would like to adopt this test but was hesitant due to the negative feedback it might…
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