Author Archive: admin

Japan’s celebration for the new emperor

Japan's celebration for the new emperor

Vocabulary: exaltation /eg-zawl-TEY-shuhn/ [noun] the act of raising someone or something to a more important position The new king’s exaltation ceremony was a success. renounce /ri-NOUNS/ [verb] to formally declare one’s resignation from a position Everybody in the department was shocked when Shiela renounced from being a supervisor. commence /kuh-MENS/ [verb] to begin something Let us commence the training next week. respectively /ri-SPEK-tiv-lee/ [adverb] refers to something or someone previously mentioned in the same order as first mentioned Yuri and Yamato went to South Korea and Vietnam last month, respectively. notable /NOH-tuh-buhl/ [adjective] an important or famous person Tatsuhisa Suzuki is one of the most notable Japanese voice actors. An…
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Japan’s celebration for the new emperor

Japan's celebration for the new emperor

Pre-reading questions: Do you like attending ceremonies? Why or why not? What kind of ceremonies have you attended? If none, what kind of ceremony would you like to attend? Vocabulary: enthrone /en-THROHN/ [verb] to put a king, queen, etc. on a throne to mark the beginning of their rule The king was enthroned when he was 55 years old. sovereignty /SOV-rin-tee/ [noun] the power or authority to rule He said that the contract would be a violation of American sovereignty. dignitary /DIG-ni-ter-ee/ [noun] a person in an important position in a society Candance was nervous with her meetings with the dignitaries. meanwhile /MEEN-wahyl/ [adverb] at the same time with something…
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Sakura Ando stars in NHK morning drama

Sakura Ando stars in NHK morning drama (2)

Vocabulary: eventual /ih-VEN-choo-uh/ [adjective] happening at a later time His hard work led to his eventual success. eccentric /ik-SEN-trik/ [adjective] tending to act in strange or unusual ways Their neighbor is kind yet eccentric. failure /FEYL-yer/ [noun] lack of success Trying to bake a chocolate cake was a failure. hardship /HAHRD-ship/ [noun] something that causes suffering Families faced hardships during the war. encouragement /en-KUR-ij-muhnt/ [noun] something that makes someone more confident Her coach’s encouragement helped her win the match. Sakura Ando stars in NHK’s (Nippon Hoso Kyokai, Japan Broadcasting Corporation in English) 99th morning drama, “Manpuku”. In this drama, Ando plays as Fukuko, the wife of the eventual inventor of…
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Sakura Ando stars in NHK morning drama

Sakura Ando stars in NHK morning drama (2)

Pre-reading questions: Do you like watching “asadora” (morning dramas)? Who is your favorite actor/actress? Vocabulary: difficult /DIF-i-kuhl/ [adjective] not easy to deal with The teacher helped her students in answering a difficult question. base /beys/ [verb] to use a story or painting on something The movie is based on the popular romance novel. inventor /in-VEN-ter/ [noun] a person who makes a new system or machine A young inventor developed television in 1920. challenging /CHAL-in-jing/ [adjective] difficult, in a way that tests your ability or determination Playing volleyball is challenging but fun. heroine /HER-oh-in / [noun] the main female character in a story Fukuko Imai is the heroine of “Manpuku”. Sakura…
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Sakura Ando stars in NHK morning drama

Sakura Ando stars in NHK morning drama (2)

Pre-reading questions: Do you watch morning dramas? Please explain your answer. What do you usually look for in a story? Vocabulary: airing /AIR/ [noun] a radio or television broadcast A new drama starring my favorite actor will air this season. twisted /TWIST-ed/ [adjective] mentally or emotionally disturbed The story is about a twisted character who does bad things to his neighbors. struggle /STRUGH-uhl/ [verb] to work hard to do something Mako has been struggling with her entrance exams. model /MOD-/ [verb] to create something by basing its form or appearance on something else The novel is modeled after the author’s personal experiences. founder /FOUN-der/ [noun] someone who establishes an organization…
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Discover a new tropical destination in Kenya

Discover a new tropical destination in Kenya

Pre-reading questions: Which do you like better, traveling domestically or abroad? Why? Where would you like to go if you can travel abroad? Vocabulary: tropical /TROP-i-kuhl/ [adjective] from or in the hottest parts of the world Jose Rizal is from a tropical country. safari /suh-FAHR-ee/ [noun] a trip to watch, photograph, or hunt wild animals in their natural environment My niece likes to go on safari in Africa. attraction /uh-TRAK-shuhn/ [noun] something that makes people come to a place or do something Japan has many tourist attractions. various /VAIR-ee-uhs/ [adjective] several and different My brother and sister have various types of music. shade /sheyd/ [noun] a type or a degree…
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Discover a new tropical destination in Kenya

Discover a new tropical destination in Kenya

Vocabulary: coral /KAWR-uhl/ [noun] a hard substance formed in the sea from masses of shells of very small sea animals, usually orange or red in color I enjoy seeing the beautiful coral reefs when I’m scuba diving. reef /reef/ [noun] a line of rocks or sand at or near the surface of the sea She promotes marine life conservation including the protection of the coral reefs. adventurous /ad-VEN-chur-uhs/ [adjective] willing to try new, unusual, and exciting things Mr. Smith is an adventurous businessman. catamaran /kat-uh-muh-RAN// [noun] a sailing boat that has two parallel hulls held together by a single deck She likes to ride on a catamaran whenever she goes…
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