Author Archive: admin

Companies hire more women to avoid overtime work

Japan - Expert

As more and more companies adjust to cater to the needs of their female workers, they see working women as key to lessening overtime work. Hiring women to reduce overtime work is gaining support from female workers as they find this move fruitful. In a Tokyo-based cosmetics company where the employee pool is dominated by women, workers start to prepare for home at 5PM. This is despite the fact that their work hours officially end at 5:30PM. One of the said company’s employees said that this is very advantageous for her as gets to spend more time with her 3-year-old son and more time for herself. Japan exceeds Europe and…
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England teacher shortages continue to rise

Education - E

England, a country that is part of the United Kingdom, is experiencing a growing scarcity of teachers. Many teachers already left their jobs and a lot more are set to resign soon. There will be 500,000 to 3.3 million students expected to go to school and sufficient teachers are in need in the classroom. Teachers in key subjects such as Math and Science are urgently needed as the number of students is increasing. Unmanageable workloads is one of the factors why teachers leave their profession. The government, on the other hand, has no concrete and long-term plan to address the issue. According to Malcolm Trobe, interim general secretary of the…
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England teacher shortages continue to rise

Education - I

Pre-reading questions: Have you experienced studying abroad? What do you think is the best university in Japan? How important are teachers in the lives of the students? England, a country that is part of the United Kingdom, is experiencing a growing scarcity of teachers. Many teachers already left their jobs and a lot more are set to resign soon. Teachers in key subjects such as Math and Science are urgently needed as the number of students is increasing. As per statistics from the official government, the total number of full-time teachers in secondary schools went down by 10,000 between 2010 and 2015. Malcolm Trobe, general secretary of the Association of…
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England teacher shortages continue to rise

Education - B

Pre-reading questions: What’s your favorite subject in school? Who’s the best teacher for you? England, a country that is part of the United Kingdom, is experiencing a growing shortage of teachers. Many teachers already left their positions and a lot more are expected to quit soon. Teachers in key subjects such as Math and Science are urgently needed as the number of students is increasing. Vocabulary: a lot [pronoun] – a large number or amount shortage [noun] – not enough urgently [adverb] – needs immediate action or attention. continue [verb] – to keep happening rise [verb] – increase; go up True or False: England has a surplus of teachers. Many…
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Companies hire more women to avoid overtime work

Japan - Intermediate

Pre-reading questions: In your opinion, why are there generally more men than women in top positions in companies? Do you think employers should hire more women than men? Name some of the negative impacts of working overtime. Nowadays, more and more companies in Japan are looking for ways to reduce overtime work. As one measure to achieving this goal, companies are turning to hiring more women to work for them. With more women as employees, overtime work will be lessened. Women do not usually work overtime as they have responsibilities waiting at home. Rank up Co., a Tokyo-based cosmetics development and sales company, where employees are mostly women, start to…
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Companies hire more women to avoid overtime work

Japan - Beginner

Pre-reading questions: Do you have more female or male co-workers? Is your boss male or female? Japanese people work long hours. Some companies want to lower overtime work. Because of this, more and more women will be hired to avoid overtime work. Women do not usually work overtime because they go home soon after work to take care of their family and kids. This will help improve the quality of work in offices. This program will also help many working men and women have more time for their family. Vocabulary: overtime [noun] – work added to normal work hours hire [verb] – pay someone to do a job avoid [verb]…
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India’s Kailash Satyarthi’s Nobel medal stolen from home

World News - Expert

63-year-old Kailash Satyarthi is passionate about the welfare of children. He founded the Bachpan Bachao Andolan, or Save the Childhood Movement, which fights for child rights and an end to human trafficking. Mr Satyarthi has long campaigned against child labor and rescued children from servitude. His efforts have seen tens of thousands of children rescued from hazardous industries and rehabilitated. Mr. Satyarthi was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2014 for his work to combat child labor and child trafficking in India. He shared the award with Pakistani child education activist Malala Yousafzai for her work on female education. A replica of Kailash Satyarthi’s Nobel medal has been stolen from…
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India’s Kailash Satyarthi’s Nobel medal stolen from home

World News - Intermediate

Pre-reading questions: How would you define success? What would you consider as your greatest success? Who do you think is the most successful person in your country? The copy of the Nobel medal granted to Kailash Satyarthi has been stolen from his home in Delhi. According to the Nobel Prize awardee, his Nobel certificate also went missing after the break in. He added that nobody was home at the time of the burglary. The Delhi police are still investigating the case and assessing what objects are missing. Kailash Satyarthi earned his Nobel Peace Prize in 2014 for combating child labor and child trafficking in India. He also established Bachpan Bachao…
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