Author Archive: admin

Misato Michisita to join the 2020 Paralympics


Photo by © REUTERS via The Japan Times Vocabulary: consecutive /kuhn-SEK-yuh-tiv/ [adjective] following one after another without an interruption He won seven consecutive wins after becoming a professional athlete. rate /reyt/ [verb] to judge the value or character of someone or something He was rated by his managers through his skills and perseverance. labor /LEY-ber/ [noun] practical work, esp. work that involves physical effort He can do different types of physical labor without complaining. unfold /uhn-FOHLD/ [verb] (of a situation or story) to develop or become clear His secrets will unfold the moment he makes his confession. appreciation /uh-pree-shee-EY-shuhn/ [noun] the act of showing that you are grateful for something…
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Misato Michisita to join the 2020 Paralympics


Photo by © REUTERS via The Japan Times Pre-reading questions: Do you like watching Paralympics? Why or why not? What is your favorite sport? Why? Vocabulary: victory /VIK-tuh-ree/ [noun] the act or an example of winning a competition The victory in Gettysburg proved to be the turning point of the civil war. achieve /uh-CHEEV/ [verb] to succeed in finishing something or reaching an aim He is always making sure to achieve his goals in the future. league /leeg/ [noun] a group of teams or players in a sport who take part in competitions against each other He is one of the top players in the baseball league. athletic /ath-LET-ik/ [adjective]…
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Sugary drinks may lead to cancer, study says


Pre-reading questions: Do you like drinking sweet drinks? Why or why not? Which do you prefer, sodas or fruit juices? Please explain your answer. Vocabulary: survey /ser-VEY/ [noun] an examination of opinions and behavior made by asking people questions A survey shows that many businessmen skip lunch everyday. observe /uhb-ZURV/ [verb] to watch carefully the way something happens The doctor continued to observe the patient’s behavior. period /PEER-ee-uhd/ [noun] a length of time The World War II was a difficult period in Japanese history. state /steyt/ [verb] to say or write something The witness just stated the facts about the ongoing case. reduce /ri-DOOS/ [verb] to become or to make…
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Sugary drinks may lead to cancer, study says


Pre-reading questions: Do you like buying drinks in a convenience store? Do you like drinking sodas, coffee, and sweet juices? Vocabulary: adult /uh-DUHLT/ [noun] a person or animal that has grown to full size and strength Jerry started to live alone when he became an adult. answer /AN-ser/ [verb] to say, write, or do something as a reaction to a question, letter I need you to answer my question about the event last night. during /DOOR-ing/ [preposition] from the beginning to the end of a particular period He was sleeping during the lesson. age /eyj/ [noun] the period of time someone has been alive or something has existed Age doesn’t…
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Sugary drinks may lead to cancer, study says


Vocabulary: consumption /kuhn-SUHMP-shuhn/ [noun] the amount used or eaten When national fuel consumption is low, the price of gas declines. verify /VER-uh-fahy/ [verb] to prove that something exists or is true I need to verify everything about your proposal for this year’s foundation day. participant /pahr-TIS-uh-puhnt/ [noun] a person who takes part in or becomes involved in a particular activity The choir member loves to sing but doesn’t know if she wants to be a participant in the recital. diagnose /DAHY-uhg-nohs/ [verb] to recognize and name the exact character of a disease or a problem, by examining it Mary’s father was diagnosed with a brain tumor two years ago. diminish…
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Japan’s major hub for sports equipment

Japan's major hub for sports

Pre-Reading Questions: Do you like winter? What sports do you play? Vocabulary: region /REE-juhn/ [noun] a particular area or part of a state or country The river flooded the whole region. number /NUHM-ber/ [noun] an amount or total There is a small number of students outside. secondhand /SEK-uhnd-HAND/ [adjective] owned or used in the past by someone else Buying a secondhand car is a risky business. full /fool/ [adjective] containing a lot of things or people The concert last evening was full of teenagers. ski resort /skee ri-ZAWRT/ [noun] a town that is popular for skiing I want to spend my winter vacation at a ski resort. Kanda, a region…
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Japan’s major hub for sports equipment

Japan's major hub for sports

Vocabulary: avid /AV-id/ [adjective] extremely eager and interested Leah is such an avid reader. She already has three bookcases in her room. hub /huhb/ [noun] the central or main part of something where there is most activity The two airlines that used the old airport hubs have disappeared. craze /kreyz/ [noun] an activity, object, or idea that is extremely popular Flower arranging is now a craze in our area ever since the flower shop became popular. market /MAHR-kit/ [verb] to advertise and offer goods for sale It’s useless to market items that are not interesting nor necessary for customers. skyrocket /SKAHY-rok-it/ [verb] to rise or become successful extremely quickly Yamada…
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