Author Archive: admin

Ikee Rikako wins the MVP award in Asian Games


Vocabulary: front-runner /fruhnt RUHN-er/ [noun] the person or organization that is most likely to get or win something She is the front-runner for today’s singing competition because of her high pitch. melancholic/ /mel-uh n-KOL-ik/ [adjective] expressing feelings of sadness Listening to soft music while raining gives you a melancholic feeling. unanimous /yoo-NAN-uh-muhs/ [adjective] all people agree about one particular decision Through a unanimous decision, the woman was appointed as the new president of the company. pull out all the stops /pool out awl thuh stops/ [idiom] to do everything you can to make something successful You need to pull out all the stops in life to become rich. accomplish /uh-KOM-plish/…
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Ant-Man and the Wasp on becoming the box-office movie of the year

Ant-Man and the Wasp on becoming the box-office movie of the year

Photo from © via Pre-Reading Questions: Are you a fan of Marvel movies? Why or why not? Who is your favorite Marvel superhero? Why? Vocabulary: plot /plot/ [noun] main story of a film or play The movie plot is nominated for the best story this year. method /METH-uhd/ [noun] a particular way of doing something Your method of fixing the files is working. value /VAL-yoo/ [noun] the amount of money that can be received for something The value of her jewelries are $50,000. income /IN-kuhm/ [noun] money that is earned from doing work or investments Jane is paying 15% of her income tax. massive /MAS-iv/ [adjective] very large…
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Ant-Man and the Wasp on becoming the box-office movie of the year

Ant-Man and the Wasp on becoming the box-office movie of the year

Photo from © via Vocabulary: earnings /UR-ningz/ [noun] money that you get from working; money earned by a business The company had almost $45,000 earnings this past month. sequel /SEE-kwuhl/ [noun] a film or a book that continues the story of a previous book or film I’ll never know what happened to Twilight if I don’t read the book’s sequel. parallel /PAR-uh-lel/ [noun] similarity between two things There’s an obvious parallel between Armageddon and Deep Impact. collaboration /kuh-LAB-uh-rey-shun/ [noun] the activity of working together with another person or organization for a particular purposes The collaboration with other departments improves efficiency in the company. establish /ih-STAB-lish/ [verb] to start…
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Ant-Man and the Wasp on becoming the box-office movie of the year

Ant-Man and the Wasp on becoming the box-office movie of the year

Photo from © via Pre-Reading Questions: Do you like watching movies? What is your favorite movie? Vocabulary: join /join/ [verb] to connect things Use a glue to join the two papers. production /pruh-DUHK-shun/ [noun] a movie, television program, play, or other entertainment involved in a show She wants to be part of the television production. effects /ih-FEKTS/ [noun] lighting, sounds and objects produced for the stage or film to make something seem real The movie included some sound effects. story /STOHR-ee/ [noun] a description, either true or imagined, of a connected series of events The second story was entitled “The Modern Family.” inspire /in-SPAHYUR/ [verb] to make someone…
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Starbucks on disposing plastic straws

Starbucks on disposing plastic straws

Pre-reading questions: How often do you drink coffee? Please specify your answer. Do you use recyclable materials? Why or why not? Vocabulary: ban /ban/ [verb] an official order that prevents something from happening He is banned from entering in this building. species /SPEE-sheez/ [noun] a set of animals or plants in which the members have similar characteristics to each other and Hundred of endangared species are in the ocean. replace /ri-PLEYS/ [verb] to start using another thing or person instead of the one that you are using now I had to replace my camera because I broke it last week. recyclable /ree-SAHY-kluh-buhl/ [adjective] to process waste materials so that it…
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Starbucks on disposing plastic straws

Starbucks on disposing plastic straws

Pre-reading questions: Is recycling important? What are some things that can be recycled? Please specify your answer. Vocabulary: remove /ri-MOOV// [verb] to take away She cleaned the table and removed all the plates. announcement /uh-NOUNS-muhnt/ [noun] something that someone says officially The teacher made a class announcement to the students. prevent /pri-VENT/ [verb] to stop something Taking medicine will prevent you from sickness. ton /tuhn/ [noun] a unit for measuring weight This stone weighs 5 tons. discourage /dih-SKUR-ij/ [verb] to feel hopeless I discouraged my friend to join the club. The Starbucks Company will plan to remove plastic straws by 2020. This announcement will help prevent the destruction of the…
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Starbucks on disposing plastic straws

Starbucks on disposing plastic straws

Vocabulary: dispose /dih-SPOHZ/ [verb] by throwing away of something He disposed his old coat as suggested by his brother. desolate/ /DES-uh-lit/ [adjective] an empty or not attractive place The house stands desolate and shabby in the corner of the street. eliminate /ih-LIM-uh-neyt/ [verb] to remove something The judge wants to eliminate the first contestant from the competition. mammal /MAM-uhl/ [noun] a female animal that gives birth to babies not eggs and feeds them on milk of her own body Whales are mammals that live in the sea. eco-friendly /EK-oh-FREND-lee/ [adjective] products that have been designed not to damage the environment They have started giving an eco-friendly bags. Starbucks Company will…
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Saitama begins homestay project for Tokyo 2020

Saitama begins homestay project for Tokyo 2020

Pre-reading questions: Is homestay popular in Japan? What are your thoughts about Tokyo 2020? Vocabulary: submit /suhb-MIT/ [verb] to give or offer something for a decision to be made by others We need to submit our task before the deadline. goal /gohl/ [noun] an aim or purpose My goal is to achieve the highest grade for the test. provide /pruh-VAYD/ [verb] to give someone something that they need He will provide a house for his family. accept /ak-SEPT/ [verb] to agree to take something She agreed to accept his job offer in his company. apply /uh-PLAHY/ [verb] to request something especially in writing or by sending in a form She…
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