Ikee Rikako wins the MVP award in Asian Games

Vocabulary: front-runner /fruhnt RUHN-er/ [noun] the person or organization that is most likely to get or win something She is the front-runner for today’s singing competition because of her high pitch. melancholic/ /mel-uh n-KOL-ik/ [adjective] expressing feelings of sadness Listening to soft music while raining gives you a melancholic feeling. unanimous /yoo-NAN-uh-muhs/ [adjective] all people agree about one particular decision Through a unanimous decision, the woman was appointed as the new president of the company. pull out all the stops /pool out awl thuh stops/ [idiom] to do everything you can to make something successful You need to pull out all the stops in life to become rich. accomplish /uh-KOM-plish/…
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