Author Archive: admin
African migrants to leave the Jewish state

Pre-reading questions: Would you like to travel to Africa? Why or why not? Have you lived in another country? Please explain your answer. Vocabulary: authority /uh-THAWR-i-tee/ [noun] an official group in the government The city’s authorities checked the new buildings. migrant /MAHY-gruhnt/ [noun] person who moves to a foreign place Migrant workers move from city to city to search for work. find /fahynd/ [verb] to get or see something you did or could not see or have I could not find the police station. get away /get uh-WEY/ [verb] to go far from something Get away from me! abuse /uh-BYOOZ/ [noun] bad treatment The abuse of animals is a crime…
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African migrants to leave the Jewish state

Pre-reading questions: Why do you think people leave their home countries? Would you consider working in another country for a long time? Please explain your answer. Vocabulary: deport /dih-PAWRT/ [verb] to send away from a country The country deported the illegal immigrants. slavery /SLEY-vuh-ree/ [noun] the condition of being a slave The natives experienced slavery under the king’s rule. imprisonment /im-PRIZ-uhnment/ [noun] the act of putting someone in prison He was given 5 years of imprisonment for his crime. statement /STEYT-muhnt/ [noun] something someone says officially The company released a statement on why the president resigned. endanger /en-DEYN-jer/ [verb] to put someone or something at risk or in danger of…
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African migrants to leave the Jewish state

Vocabulary: appeal /uh-PEEL/ [verb] to request formally that a decision, esp. a legal or official one, be changed The verdict was appealed to a higher court. reassess /ree- uh-SES/ [verb] to think about something again Terry Donahue should reassess his switch from coaching to broadcasting. monetary /MON-i-ter-ee/ [adjective] relating to money Gold was once the basis of the U.S. Monetary system. relocate /ree-LOH-keyt/ [verb] to move to a different location The company decided to relocate its headquarters. persecution /pur-si-KYOO-shuhn/ [noun] hostility and ill-treatment because of race or political or religious beliefs Many chose to live as exiles rather than face persecution. The Israeli government wanted to deport the male African…
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More and more people are downloading self-care apps

Vocabulary: surge /surj/ [noun] a sudden increase There was a surge in prices of rice in the aftermath of the typhoon. on the whole /on thuh hohl/ [idiom] in general There were minor setbacks, but on the whole, the program went smoothly. garner /GAHR-ner/ [verb] to collect something, usually after much work or with difficulty I garnered enough points to reach the next level of the game. pinpoint /PIN-point/ [verb] to discover or establish something exactly The witness was able to pinpoint the criminal from the group of men who lined up. narcissism /NAR-suh-siz-em/ [noun] too much interest in and admiration for the self His blatant narcissism is the reason…
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More and more people are downloading self-care apps

Pre-reading questions: Do you like using smartphones? Please explain your answer. How do you stay healthy? Vocabulary: user /YOO-zer/ [noun] someone who uses a product, machine, or service There are many cell phone users these days. self-care /SELF-KAIR/ [noun] the act of caring for yourself I’d like to hear her self-care tips because she’s always healthy. profit /PROF-it/ [verb] to earn money It’s not good to profit from somebody else’s loss. wellness /WEL-nis/ [noun] the condition of being healthy You can achieve wellness through a healthy diet and regular exercise. trend /trend/ [noun] something that is popular at the moment She always follows the newest fashion trends. The number of…
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More and more people are downloading self-care apps

Pre-reading questions: What are the important things to do in order to stay healthy? What kind of apps do you usually use? Vocabulary: altogether /awl-tuh-GETH-er/ [verb] in total There were 2,500 guests altogether at the party. consistent /kuhn-SIS-tuhnt/ [adjective] agreeing, not contradicting She got good marks for her thesis because her data is consistent. reckon /REK-uhn/ [verb] to think that something is probably true I reckon she’ll do well in the exam. self-absorbed /SELF-ab-SAWRBD/ [adjective] caring only about yourself Nobody likes him because he’s rude and self-absorbed. optimist /OP-tuh-mist/ [noun] positive thinker Though he’s having problems at home, Mojo is still an optimist. Self-care apps are gaining popularity in the…
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Elderly smokers turn to e-cigarettes

Pre-reading questions: In your opinion, why do people smoke cigarettes? What do you think about people who smoke in public? Vocabulary: prevention /pri-VEN-shuhn/ [noun] the act of stopping something from happening They say prevention is better than cure. conduct /kuhn-DUHKT/ [verb] to organize and direct a particular activity The scientists conducted a new experiment. approximately /uh-PROK-suh-mit-lee/ [adverb] close to a particular number although not exactly that number There were approximately a hundred thousand visitors in the late pop star’s funeral. substitute /SUHB-sti-toot/ [noun] to use someone or something instead of another person or thing I worked as a substitute for the teacher who got sick. tar /tar/ [noun] a harmful…
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