
Highest active volcano in Russia erupts


Vocabulary: hazard /HAZ-erd/ [noun] something that is dangerous and likely to cause damage The increasing levels of pollution poses a great hazard to the locals’ health and the environment. solidify /suh-LID-uh-fahy/ [verb] to change from being a liquid or gas to a solid form Thick flow lava takes years to decades for it to solidify. stratovolcano /strat-oh-vol-KEY-noh/ [noun] a large, steep volcano built up of alternating layers of lava and ash or cinders Stratovolcanoes are considered the most dangerous type of volcano due to their steep structure. Eurasia /yoo-REY-zhuh/ [noun] Europe and Asia considered together as one continent Several countries are part of Eurasia, but the most well-known is Russia….
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Harry Potter theme park to open in Tokyo in 2023


© Photo by Universal Studios Hollywood Vocabulary: construct /kuhn-STRUHKT/ [verb] to build something or put together different parts to form something whole The new hospital was constructed and operated by the government. occupy /OK-yuh-pahy/ [verb] to fill or use a place The hotel manager allowed us to occupy the 3 rooms for 1 month but after that, we need to find a rental place. purchase /PUR-chuhs/ [verb] to buy something If I have a million dollars, I will purchase a brand new car and a house and lot. eponymous /uh-PON-uh-muh s/ [adjective] has the same name as the title Many talk shows have eponymous titles that contain their hosts’ names. fantasy…
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How to make an effective to-do list

to do list

Vocabulary: never-ending /nev-er-EN-ding/ [adjective] something that never ends or seems as if it will never end The discussion of literature is like a never-ending process. overwhelming /oh-ver-HWEL-ming/ [adjective] very great or very large The club president has an overwhelming feeling from the amount of work he had to finish. productivity /proh-duhk-TIV-i-tee/ [noun] the ability to do as much work as possible in a particular period The country is looking for a good way to improve agricultural productivity. squander /SKWON-der/ [verb] to waste opportunities by not using them to your advantage Students should not squander their chance to be a scholar. integrate /IN-ti-greyt/ [verb] to combine two or more things into…
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Hearing loud alarm tones can make you feel wobbly and disoriented, research says


Vocabulary: evaluate /ih-VAL-yoo-eyt/ [verb] to judge or calculate the quality, importance, amount, or value of something My schoolmates in college are conducting research to evaluate the percentages of smartphone users. disclose /dih-SKLOHZ/ [verb] to give information to the public that was not previously known Jonas Wright, the CEO of an IT Company refused to disclose awful rumors. rigid /RIJ-id/ [adjective] stiff or fixed; not able to be bent or moved The school principal wants to have rigid rules and regulations to avoid complexity. vigilance /VIJ-uh-luhns/ [noun] more careful attention, especially in order to notice possible danger Through the vigilance of our country, society in the future will be at peace….
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Newly discovered Earth-sized and Tatooine planets, are they livable?


Vocabulary: mission /MISH-uh n/ [noun] the result that a company or an organization is trying to achieve through its plans or actions The LeeBai corporation’s mission is to provide contractual jobs for the unemployed visa-holders. revolve /ri-VOLV/ [verb] to move or cause something to move around a central point or line There are nine planets revolving around the sun. sustain /suh-STEYN/ [verb] to cause or allow something to continue for a period of time The mayor distributed all the grocery items to sustain food supplies for the whole week of deluge in their city. denote /dih-NOHT/ [verb] to represent or mean something Her beauty denoted a war between two kingdoms….
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Hydrogen Fuel: A green alternative in the fight against climate change


Vocabulary: emission /ih-MISH-uhn/ [noun] an amount of something, especially a gas that harms the environment, that is sent out into the air Laws controlling the emissions of greenhouse gases should be more strict. by-product /BAHY-prod-uhkt/ [noun] something that is produced as a result of making something else Carbon dioxide and water are the by-products of cell respiration. drawback /DRAW-bak/ [noun] –a disadvantage or the negative part of a situation The only drawback is the size of the venue. infrastructure /IN-fruh-struhk-cher/ [noun] –the basic systems and services, such as transport and power supplies, that a country or organization uses in order to work effectively The war damaged the country’s infrastructure. outweigh…
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Five tips to make your mental health better this 2020


Vocabulary: perspective /per-SPEK-tiv/ [noun] a particular way of viewing things that depends on one’s experience and personality From a historical perspective, knowing the cultural, social, and traditional aspects of a country is the key to understand its people better. positivism /POZ-i-tuh-viz-uhm/ [noun] the quality of having a positive attitude or message Adrian’s positivism is the foundation of his better judgment. aspiration /as-puh-REY-shuhn/ [noun] something that you hope to achieve His military aspiration is what drives him to keep going despite all his hardships in life. altruistic /al-troo-IS-tik/ [adjective] showing a wish to help or bring advantages to others Maria’s altruistic behavior is what makes people drawn to her. gratitude /GRAT-i-tood/…
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Take your pick: Lucky charms to start your new year


Vocabulary: get (one’s) hands on /get (whuns) HANDS on/ [idiom] to acquire something, usually a physical object It took me months to get my hands on this rare grandfather clock I saw in the antique store. inscription /in-SKRIP-shuhn/ [noun] words that are written or cut on something The inscriptions on the monument have worn away and can no longer be read. ward off /WAWRD awf/ [phrasal verb] to prevent someone or something unpleasant from harming or coming close to you Many believed that the burial ritual was practiced to ward off evil spirits. omen /OH-muhn/ [noun] something that is considered to be a sign of how a future event will…
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World’s oldest person Kane Tanaka turns 117


Vocabulary: nursing home /nursing hohm/ [noun] a place where very old people who are ill live and receive medical treatment and care The cosmetic company runs a nursing home for more than a decade. appetite /AP-i-tahyt/ [noun] a desire or need for something, esp. food Some children have good appetite whenever they eat with their friends. premature /pree-muh-CHOOR/ [adjective] happening or done too soon, especially before the natural or suitable time Some premature babies suffer from breathing difficulties. exceed /ik-SEED/ [verb] to be greater than a number or amount, or to go past an allowed limit The current financial cost should not exceed $8,000. refrain /ri-FREYN/ [verb] to avoid doing…
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Researchers discover new Pterosaurs species


Vocabulary: capability /key-puh-BIL-i-tee/ [noun] the ability to do something Some birds have the capability to make their own nest out of their saliva. renowned /ri-NOUND/ [adjective] the state of being famous The oak forests, for which it was renowned in Roman times, have entirely disappeared. uneven /uhn-EE-vuhn/ [adjective] not equal The stone beneath her feet was uneven, worn out, and old. specimen /SPES-uh-muhn/ [noun] something shown or examined as an example; a typical example Its vaulted roof is a fine specimen of Saracenic brickwork. diversity /dih-VUR-si-tee/ [noun] the condition or fact of being different or varied The zoo contains a large diversity of animals. A new species of Pterosaurs that…
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