
Five approaches to make yourself closer to nature while living in the city


Vocabulary: splendid /SPLEN-did/ [adjective] excellent You did a splendid presentation today at the office. enrich /en-RICH/ [verb] to improve the quality of something by adding something else He always helps her enrich her skills and unleash her potential. administer /ad-MIN-uh-ster/ [verb] to manage or control the operation of something Mr. Roi was the one who administered the entrance exam at his university. exposure /ik-SPOH-zher/ [noun] the fact of experiencing something or being affected by it because of being in a particular situation or place Ms. Catherine should limit her sister’s exposure to the sun. accessible /ak-SES-uh-buhl/ [adjective] possible to approach, enter, or use The main road is accessible to all…
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NASA gives SpaceX $50 million contract to launch new satellite

NASA gives SpaceX $50 million contract to launch new satellite

Vocabulary: comprise /kuhm-PRAHYZ/ [verb] to consist of or to be made up of The latest model of smartphone comprises of different AI cameras indistinguishable /in-di-STING-gwi-shuh-buhl/ [adjective] impossible to notice differences when compared to another similar thing The difference between the original painting and its replica is indistinguishable. intense /in-TENS/ [adjective] extreme The Philippines always experiences intense heat every dry season. aspire /uh-SPAHYUHR/ [verb] to hope to achieve something Mr. Robinsons aspires to finish his thesis defense for his doctorate degree. horizon /huh-RAHY-zuhn/ [noun] the limit of that person’s ideas, knowledge, and experience Her life struggles deepen her horizons. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) awarded SpaceX a $50 million contract…
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The non-coffee energy boosters

Non coffee booster

Vocabulary: aroma /uh-ROH-muh/ [noun] a distinctive, typically pleasant smell The aroma of fresh coffee awakes me. awaken /uh-WEY-kuhn/ [verb] to stop sleeping or to make someone stop sleeping Anna was awakened by the ringing of the telephone. booster /BOO-ster/ [noun] something that improves or increases something Praise is a great confidence booster, especially to someone with low self-esteem. stabilize /STEY-buh-lahyz/ [verb] to cause something to become fixed and stop changing Although her illness is serious, her condition is beginning to stabilize. sustainable /suh-STEY-nuh-buhl/ [adjective] able to continue over a period of time Sustainable development implies better end-results. Most individuals enjoy everything about coffee. The aroma, flavor, taste, and other benefits…
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NASA discovers new heavy metal planet


Vocabulary: light-year /LAHYT-yeer/ [noun] the great distance that light travels in one year The nearest star to Earth is about 4 light-years away. classify /KLAS-uh-fahy/ [verb] to divide things into groups according to type One movie is classified as pure art, the other as entertainment. revolve /ri-VOLV/ [verb] to move in a circle or a curve around a central point The earth revolves on its axis and around the sun. exoplanet /EK-soh-plan-it/ [noun] a planet of a star that is outside the solar system Because the newfound exoplanet orbits so close to its star, it’s gravitationally locked to the smaller body. dissipate /DIS-uh-peyt/ [verb] to disappeared gradually, or to cause…
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The Genbi: The art museum shinkansen you do not want to miss


Vocabulary: enamored /ih-NAM-er-d/ [adjective] liking something a lot My brother was enamored of paper planes when he was a kid. alluring /uh-LOOR-ing/ [adjective] attractive or exciting She wore the most alluring dress that stood out among the rest last night. carriage /KAR-ee-ij/ [noun] any of the separate parts of a train in which the passengers sit The carriage at the end of the train played classical music. array /uh-REY/ [noun] a large and impressive grouping or organization of things Their house was filled with an array of paintings. ample /AM-puhl/ [adjective] enough, or more than enough The students had ample time to finish their report last week. Enamored of Japan’s…
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Healthy living reduces the risk of Alzheimer’s

Healthy Living reduces the risk of alzheimer's22222

Vocabulary: manifestation /man-uh-fuh-STEY-shuhn/ [noun] a sign showing the existence of a particular condition The increasing number of treeless forests is a manifestation of human’s bad activities. mutation /myoo-TEY-shuhn/ [noun] the way in which genes change and produce permanent differences Her brother’s physical condition is caused by genetic mutations. disorder /dis-AWR-der/ [noun] an illness of the mind or body Unfortunately, mental disorder runs through family blood. deteriorate /dih-TEER-ee-uh-reyt/ [verb] to become worse The effects of climate change will continue to deteriorate the world if people would not do anything about it. counteract /koun-ter-AKT/ [verb] to reduce or remove the effect of something unwanted by producing an opposite effect The youth organization’s…
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How dirty is your phone? New studies reveal shocking results!


Vocabulary: bacteria /bak-TEER-ee-uh/ [noun] very small organisms that are found everywhere and are the cause of many diseases Bacteria may also spread if antibiotics are used improperly and unnecessarily. reproduce /ree-pruh-DOOS/ [verb] to produce a new living thing of the same type as itself The migratory flock of birds come back to the forest to reproduce once a year. drastic /DRAS-tik/ [adjective] severe and sudden or having very noticeable effects This city was affected by a drastic change of season. rummage /RUHM-ij/ [verb] to search for something by moving things around carelessly and looking into, under, and behind them The group of investigators rummaged his house after the incident. figure…
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Behavioral therapy: An alternative way to get rid of Internet addiction

internet gaming

Vocabulary: disorder /dis-AWR-der/ [noun] an illness of the mind or body Kath thinks that Steph may have an eating disorder. transition /tran-ZISH-uhn/ [noun] a change from one form or type to another The transition from farm life to city life is very difficult. comprehensive /kom-pri-HEN-siv/ [adjective] complete and including everything that is necessary The government’s comprehensive budget covers a two-year plan that focuses on education and health. exclusive /ik-SKLOO-siv/ [adjective] limited to only one person or group of people The Spiderman game is exclusive for the PlayStation. prominent /PROM-uh-nuhnt/ [adjective] very well known and important She occupies a prominent position in the office. Nowadays, a lot of Internet users spend…
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Counting steps makes people healthier, study says


Vocabulary: improbable /im-PROB-uh-buhl/ [adjective] not likely to be true or to happen It is improbable that my brother will be the one to inherit the 5 hectares land. fracture /FRAK-cher/ [verb] to crack or break something, esp. a bone Ana fractured her bone in that incident. trial /TRAHY-uhl/ [noun] a test, usually over a limited period of time, to discover how effective or suitable something or someone is You would have learned how to do it right for six months trial. dynamic /dahy-NAM-ik/ [adjective] energetic or forceful There’s a dynamic person in this remote area. monitor /MON-i-ter/ [verb] to watch and check something carefully over a period of time My…
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Japan to use facial recognition technology for foreign visitors


Photo by © ANN via The Star Vocabulary: encrypt /en-KRIPT/ [verb] to change electronic information or signals into a secret code All bank-issued cards must be encrypted for security purposes. authenticate /aw-THEN-ti-keyt/ [verb] to prove that something is real, true, or what people say it is We have to authenticate first the data before disclosing to the public. embarkation /em-bahr-KEY-shuhn/ [noun] the act, process, or an instance of going on a ship or an aircraft We have to expedite the process of embarkation for the customers’ convenience. misidentification /mis-ahy-DEN-tuh-fahy-key-shun/ [noun] the act of recognizing and naming someone or something incorrectly We have to ensure efficiency in our data processing to…
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