
Ant-Man and the Wasp on becoming the box-office movie of the year

Ant-Man and the Wasp on becoming the box-office movie of the year

Photo from © via Vocabulary: earnings /UR-ningz/ [noun] money that you get from working; money earned by a business The company had almost $45,000 earnings this past month. sequel /SEE-kwuhl/ [noun] a film or a book that continues the story of a previous book or film I’ll never know what happened to Twilight if I don’t read the book’s sequel. parallel /PAR-uh-lel/ [noun] similarity between two things There’s an obvious parallel between Armageddon and Deep Impact. collaboration /kuh-LAB-uh-rey-shun/ [noun] the activity of working together with another person or organization for a particular purposes The collaboration with other departments improves efficiency in the company. establish /ih-STAB-lish/ [verb] to start…
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Starbucks on disposing plastic straws

Starbucks on disposing plastic straws

Vocabulary: dispose /dih-SPOHZ/ [verb] by throwing away of something He disposed his old coat as suggested by his brother. desolate/ /DES-uh-lit/ [adjective] an empty or not attractive place The house stands desolate and shabby in the corner of the street. eliminate /ih-LIM-uh-neyt/ [verb] to remove something The judge wants to eliminate the first contestant from the competition. mammal /MAM-uhl/ [noun] a female animal that gives birth to babies not eggs and feeds them on milk of her own body Whales are mammals that live in the sea. eco-friendly /EK-oh-FREND-lee/ [adjective] products that have been designed not to damage the environment They have started giving an eco-friendly bags. Starbucks Company will…
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Saitama begins homestay project for Tokyo 2020

Saitama begins homestay project for Tokyo 2020

Vocabulary: deepen /DEE-puhn/ [verb] to make something increase or become more serious This experience will help you to deepen your understanding about our campaign. perception /per-SEP-shuhn/ [noun] a thought, belief, or opinion based on appearances People have their own perception regarding this issue. authority /uh-THAWR-i-tee/ [noun] a group of people with official responsibility for a particular area of activity They should report those people to the authorities. exclusive /ik-SKLOO-siv/ [adjective] limited to only one person or group of people They have an exclusive access to this area because they are part of this prestigious club. respective /ri-SPEK-tiv/ [adjective] relating or belonging to each of the separate people or things you…
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Facebook stops discriminatory ads

Facebook stops discriminatory ads

Vocabulary: exclude /ik-SKLOOD/ [verb] to intentionally not include something You better check all your blog posts and exclude the discriminatory statements that you wrote.e ethnicity/ /eth-NIS-i-tee/ [noun] a person belonging to a particular race of people One’s ethnicity should not be a basis on how we should treat individuals. hinder /HIN-der/ [verb] to limit the ability of someone to do something Managers who lack of good leardership skills hinder the productivity of the employees. discriminatory /dih-SKRIM-uh-nuh-tawr-ee/ [adjective] unfairly treating a person or particular group of people differently from others I don’t like this restaurant, it has some discriminatory policies towards the customers. legitimate /li-JIT-uh-mit/ [adjective] reasonable and acceptable There are…
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Millennials on saving money

Millennials on saving money

Vocabulary: manpower /MAN-pou-er/ [noun] the supply of people who are able to work The lack of manpower causes the company to shutdown. Millennials /mil-LEN-eeuhls/ [noun] people born in the 1980s or 1990s Millennials nowadays are adventurous that’s why they like to travel. fund /fuhnd/ [noun] an amount of money saved, collected, or provided for a particular purpose People from different countries contributed money for the disaster fund. anticipate /an-TIS-uh-peyt/ [verb] to realize beforehand; foretaste or foresee We anticipate that there will be a storm coming because the weather seems bad. literate /LIT-er-it/ [adjective] having or showing knowledge about something People need to be financially literate to become rich. Nowadays, the…
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Drones to help Japanese farmers

Drones to help Japanese farmers

Vocabulary: collaboration /kuh-lab-uh-REY-shuhn/ [noun] the act of working together with other people or organizations to create or achieve something Syndey and Aki’s collaboration made their project a success. productivity /proh-duhk-TIV-i-tee/ [noun] the rate at which a person, company, or country does useful work The company needs to increase productivity by the end of this year. engage /en-GEYJ/ [verb] to cause someone to become interested or involved in an activity to cause someone to become interested or involved in an activity execute /EK-si-kyoot/ [verb] to do or perform something planned to do or perform something planned relief /ri-LEEF/ [noun] means reduction or end of pain This medicine provides relief for cough…
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Disabled soccer fan donates a wheelchair to a Russian man

Disabled soccer fan donates a wheelchair to a Russian man

Vocabulary: bestow /bih-STOH/ [verb] to give something as an honor or present Because of her generosity, the mayor bestowed her a house and lot. flea-bitten / /FLEE-bit-n/ [adjective] dirty and in a bad condition It’s so hard for her to throw away her flea-bitten mittens because she’s been using it for two years now. unstinting /uhn-STINT-ing/ [adjective] extremely generous with money, help, time, praise and etc. Beth is known in her city to be unstinting in helping without any conditions. deed /deed/ [noun] an intentional act, esp. a very bad or a very good one Many were surprised because of his good deed that saved hundreds of cats. viral /VAHY-ruhl/…
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Princess Ayako to marry Kei Moriya

Princess Ayako to marry Kei Moriya

Vocabulary: lessen /LES-uhn/ [verb] to shrink in size, number, or degree The pain will lessen over time. imperial /im-PEER-ee-uhl/ [adjective] characterizing the rule or authority of a sovereign state over its dependencies They executed Russia’s imperial family in 1918. retain /ri-TEYN/ [verb] to continue to use or practice something The landlord may retain part of your deposit if you break the lease. status /STEY-tuhs/ [noun] an accepted or official position, especially in a social group They want to maintain the city’s status as a major tourist attraction. compensation /kom-puh n-SEY-shuhn/ [noun] the state of being paid or rewarded The court awarded the victims millions of dollars in compensation. Princess Ayako is…
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Poor hand-washing increases in the United States

Poor hand-washing increases in the United States

Vocabulary: agriculture /AG-ri-kulh-cher/ [noun] business, science, or activity of farming He is interested in agriculture because his father is a farmer. bacteria /bak-TEER-ee-uh/ [noun] very small organisms that are found everywhere and may cause disease An airborne bacteria infected all people during the vacation. contaminate /kuhn-TAM-uh-neyt/ [verb] to make something poisonous Broken water pipes can contaminate the city’s water supply. numerous /NOO-mer-uhs/ [adjective] great in number; many The high school graduates felt nostalgic because of the numerous memories they shared. antibacterial /an-tee-bak-TEER-ee-uhl/ [adjective] intended to reduce harmful bacteria You may use antibacterial sanitizer after touching the toilet bowl. US Department of Agriculture (USDA) shows that 97% of people practice poor-hand…
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European Union and Japan sign a free trade deal

European Union and Japan sign a free trade deal

Vocabulary: eradicate /ih-RAD-i-keyt/ [verb] to get rid of something completely The government wishes to eradicate inequality in our society. tariff /TAR-if/ [noun] a charge either for services or on goods entering a country Developing countries impose tariffs to increase their budget. comprise /kuhm-PRAHYZ/ [verb] to consist of or to be made up of The agriculture industry comprises the 50% of the country’s economy. impose /im-POHZ/ [verb] to officially order that order that a rule, tax, punishment, etc will happen The school imposed new rules for better classroom management. levy /LEV-ee/ [verb] to officially ask for an amount of money, such as a tax People are worried because of the new…
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