
Retiring seniors go on working

Japan - Intermediate

Pre-reading questions: How long do you think can a person work in a company? Why? At what age do you want to retire? Why? What do you plan to do with your time after retirement? Seniors in Japan usually still work after they retire. A program has been set in place to help seniors land jobs. Economists say that if Japan wants to alleviate its worsening labor shortage, it needs a whole lot more people, like retiring seniors. It is unconventional for seniors to work after retirement. Japan does an inadequate job of employing healthy seniors. People in their senior years can still work. There are still so many things…
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Time Warner merges with AT&T

Business - I

  Pre-reading questions: Do you watch television news like CNN? Do you believe in fake news? Please explain your answer. Do you often use your smartphone?   The Time Warner Company and AT&T will merge after the approval of $85.4 billion proposal. Time Warner is the parent company of CNN, HBO, TNT, and others. According to Jeff Bewkes, CEO of Time Warner, 78% of their shareholders voted in the favor of the merger and 99% of the voters were in favor of the proposal. Although approval from the shareholders are expected; getting the government’s approval would be more challenging. It is stated that the US federal government will review the…
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How North Korea makes its money

World News - Intermediate

Pre-reading questions: How does your country make money? Do you believe that a country can earn much money by trading goods? Please explain your answer. North Korea is one of the most closed economies in the world but they find ways to earn money out of their people. According to CNN, North Korea’s main source of foreign currency comes from selling tons of coal to China every year. Not only does North Korea export other commodities and basic goods, but the profit they get from selling coal to China can finance their weapons programs as well. Moreover, news reports involving North Korea in hacking financial institutions in 18 countries was…
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Tokyo taxis lowered fare

Japan - Intermediate

Pre-reading questions: How often do you ride a taxi in a week? Have you ever had a bad taxi ride? How does one become a taxi driver in your country? People in Tokyo who love taking short taxi rides will enjoy the lowered fare. The initial fare for taxis in Tokyo used to be ¥730 for the first two kilometers. The new initial fare for taxis in Tokyo is ¥410 for the first 1.052 kilometers. The new fare system started in the cities of Musashino and Mitaka. An 85-year old Tachikawa resident appreciates this new fare system as this would allow her to move around Tokyo with more ease. She…
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Facebook denies responsible over fake news


  Pre-reading questions: Do you use any social media platforms like Facebook? How often? Do read news in social media? Why?   Facebook CEO, Mark Zuckerberg, said that Facebook is totally against fake news. He said that they are also victims and they do not want them on the site. It’s not easy to figure out which are fake and which are not. Some people are actually calling them fake news only because they totally disagree to them. Hackers and political groups that post and share fake news are the ones responsible for them. These kinds of news have existed on the site for many years now. However, Facebook handles…
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Standford University offers program for older professionals

Education - I

  Pre-reading questions: What would you like to be in the future? At what age do people retire in your country?   HP Inc.’s 62-year-old Senior Vice President for laser-jet business unit, Pradeep Jotwani, was ready to end his 28-year career but he’s not ready to retire just yet. Later on, he heard about Stanford University’s Distinguished Careers Institute which is designed for retiring professionals and executives. He enrolled in the program, hoping to explore more in life. Jotwani studied renewable energy, climate change, social venture management, and art history. He may have taught entrepreneurs in India, Myanmar, and Tanzania but he still likes being back in school as a…
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Drug use in sports becoming a crisis

Sports - Intermediate

  Pre-reading questions: If you’re an athlete, how far would you go in order to win a competition? Please explain your answer. If you’re in a competition, would you rather lose and learn or cheat and win? Please explain your answer.   According to UK Anti-Doping (Ukad), the national body responsible for protecting clean sport, there are currently 52 athletes and coaches serving bans. 12% are professional sports men or women; 62% are amateurs, 21% are semi-professional, and 5% are coaches. Out of 186 sanctions handed out across 22 separate sports by Ukad since it formed in 2009, 46% have been rugby union or league players – mainly at amateur…
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Foreign interns face tough road in Japan

Business - I

  Pre-reading questions: Would you be interested in working abroad? Please explain your answer. What are the challenges of working away from your family/home country?   Around 600 young Vietnamese students are studying Japanese language and culture to brace themselves as technical interns in Japan. Most of the students hail from rural areas of Vietnam. The majority of foreign workers in Japan are Vietnamese since Vietnam promotes export of labor to provide employment to its citizens. Workers also learn Japanese language and customs from government-approved organizations. Despite the multiple benefits of this project, many foreign interns suddenly disappear upon dispatch. Some companies committed labor violations such as non-payment of wages…
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Harvard Law School starts to consider GRE scores

Education - I

  Pre-reading questions: What are the university admission test requirements in your country? Do you think university admission test scores can predict the success of students?   Harvard Law School tried out a new program that welcomes GRE (Graduate Record Examination) score as an admission prerequisite for law students for the coming school year 2018. The said law school is the second accredited law school in the United States to accept GRE scores for admission. Most law schools in the US only recognize LSAT (Law School Admission Test) scores. LSAT is solely used for admission to law school programs Harvard Law School Assistant Dean and Chief Admission Officer Jessica Soban…
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Yoga may beat depression

Health - Beginner

  Pre-reading questions: Do you exercise regularly? Is yoga popular in your country?   A recent study revealed that the calming and deep-breathing poses of yoga might help ease the mind of a depressed person who is not taking medications. Dr. Alan Manevitz, a clinical psychiatrist, stated that yoga can activate brain chemicals that can relax and make a person “feel good.” Yoga can also reduce immune system chemicals that can worsen depression. 30 people with major depressive disorder participated in a research. Doctors tagged the first group as “high-dose” group since they had three 90-minute yoga classes with home practice while the second group was tagged as “low-dose” group…
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