Tag Archive: science & technology – beginner
Pre-Reading Questions: What is your favorite place in Japan? What mobile app do you often use? Vocabulary: stuff /stuhf/ [noun] used to refer to more things of a similar kind to ones you have mentioned I need to buy papers, pens, and stuff for my exam tomorrow. tip /tip/ [noun] a useful piece of information, especially about how to do something Please give some tips about the interview. place /pleys/ [noun] an area, town, building. Could you tell me the new place of the store? list /list/ [noun] a record of short pieces of information, such as people’s names, usually written or printed with a single thing on each line…
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Pre-reading questions: Do you listen to music online? Do you listen to classical music Vocabulary: concert hall /KON-surt hawl/ [noun] a large building in which concerts are performed The play will be done in the concert hall. crowd /kroud/ [noun] a large group of people who have come together Avoid crowds as much as possible during the pandemic. allow /uh-LOU/ [verb] to give permission for someone to do something, or to not prevent something from happening Drinks are not allowed in the library. decide /dih-SAHYD/ [verb] to choose something Mary decided to buy the latest iPhone. receive /ri-SEEV/ [verb] to0 get or be given something I received the gift last…
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Pre-reading questions: Do you wash your hands regularly? What public transportation do you use everyday? Vocabulary: company /KUHM-puh-nee/ [noun] an organization that sells goods or services in order to make money I want to work in a company where there is a friendly environment. regular /REG-yuh-ler/ [adjective] usual or ordinary I had a regular day at work today doing usual tasks. lamp /lamp/ [noun] any of various devices that produce particular types of light I switch on the lamp whenever I sleep because I can’t sleep when there isn’t light. use /yooz/ [verb] to put something such as a tool, skill, or building to a particular purpose I use a…
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Pre-reading questions: Do you think there is life on other planets? Would you like to go to outer space? Vocabulary: crater /KREY-ter/ [noun] a large hole made by something hitting the ground with force The earthquake left a big crater in the hotel lobby. ago /uh-GOH/ [adverb] back in the past I used to play the violin a long time ago. find out /fahynd-out/ [phrasal verb] to obtain knowledge of something, or to obtain knowledge of someone’s activities, esp. dishonest ones I was curious to find out what she had said. produce /pruh-DOOS/ [verb] to create something or bring into existence The company produced many dairy products this month. organism…
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Pre-reading questions: What is your favorite animal? Do you like watching dinosaur films? Vocabulary: ago /uh-GOH/ [adverb] back in time from the present I met her online 3 years ago. dinosaur /DAHY-nuh-saur/ [noun] a type of reptile that became extinct millions of years ago Some dinosaurs are really small and some are large. animal /AN-uh-muhl/ [noun] a living thing that can move and eat and react to the world through its senses, esp. of sight and hearing Animals are wild and beautiful. flying /flahy-ing/ [adjective] able to fly Beetles are a type of flying insect. across /uh-KROS/ [preposition] from one side to the other side of, or at the other…
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Pre-reading questions: Do you have a smartphone? What do you usually do with your smartphone? Vocabulary: made /meyd/ [verb] produced in a particular way or place The wedding gown is made by her grandmother. perform /per-FAWRM/ [verb] to do an action or piece of work The doctors successfully performed the operation on the girl. secure /si-KYOOR/ [verb] to make certain something is protected from danger or risk The police department secured the evacuation center. collect /kuh-LEKT/ [verb] to bring something together from different places or over a period of time The man collects different stones he finds on the beach. support /suh-PAWRT/ [verb] to give encouragement and approval to someone…
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Pre-reading questions: What is the most interesting planet for you? Do you want to become an astronaut? Vocabulary: strange /streynj/ [adjective] unusual and unexpected, or difficult to understand She has a strange personality. possible /POS-uh-buhl/ [adjective] able to be done or achieved It’s possible that he will not come. sound /sound/ [noun] something that you can hear or that can be heard I could hear the sound of children playing outside my window. make /meyk/ [verb] to produce something, often using a particular substance or material Let’s make some cookies. open /OH-puhn/ [adjective] not closed or fastened Ken saw an open gate in the abandoned house. NASA’s InSight recorded strange…
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Pre-reading questions: What apps do you have on your smartphone? Do you like to use face-swapping apps? Vocabulary: change /cheynj/ [verb] to get one thing in place of another thing My parents changed coal with oil. celebrity /suh-LEB-ri-tee/ [noun] someone who is famous, especially in the entertainment business My sister married a celebrity chef. download /DOUN-lohd/ [verb] to copy or move programs or information into a computer’s memory Be careful downloading too many apps on your smartphone. announcement /uh-NOUNS-muhnt/ [noun] something that someone says officially, giving information about something I saw their wedding announcement on Facebook. creator /kree-EY-ter/ [noun] someone who has invented something My father is the creator of…
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Pre-reading questions: Do you like dogs? Do you have a dog in your house? Vocabulary: creator /kree-EY-ter/ [noun] a person who makes/creates something The creator is very good at making toys. heal /heel/ [verb] to make or become healthy or whole again His wound started to heal when he took herbal medicines. control /kun-TROHL/ [verb] to order, limit, or rule something, or someone’s actions or behavior You need to learn how to control your temper. identify /ahy-DEN-tuh-fahy/ [verb] to recognize or be able to name someone or something I can identify the mistakes just by hearing your explanation. closeness /klohz-ness/ [noun] the quality of knowing someone very well, like them…
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Pre-reading questions: Do you believe in aliens? Do you want to go to outer space? Vocabulary: project /PROJ-ekt/ [noun] a piece of planned work or an activity which is done over a period of time and intended to achieve a particular purpose Our company needs to finish a project about schools in Japan. modern /MOD-ern/ [adjective] designed and made using the most recent ideas and methods Modern technologies are a great help to the lives of people. machine /muh-SHEEN/ [noun] a piece of equipment with several moving parts that uses power to do a particular type of work Please turn off the answering machine after you use it. believe /bih-LEEV/…
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