Tag Archive: science & technology – beginner
Pre-Reading Questions: What is the brand of your smartphone? Do you like using your smartphone? Why or why not? Vocabulary: public /PUHB-lik/ [noun] all people The park is open to the public. version /VUR-zhuhn/ [noun] a different form of something My favorite book has many versions. include /in-KLOOD/ [verb] to add something as a part of something else The report includes other important information. spend /spend/ [verb] to use time or money on something He spends a lot of time playing computer games. represent /rep-ri-ZENT/ [verb] to show a thing as someone or something else Bill will represent the school for the event tomorrow. Apple finally released iOS 12 to…
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Pre-reading questions: Do you like to eat ramen? How often do you eat ramen? Please explain your answer. Vocabulary: identify /ahy-DEN-tuh-fahy/ [verb] to know or name something We can’t identify the person in the picture. software /SAWFT-wair/ [noun] a program that you use to make a computer do something This new software is very useful. gather /GATH-er/ [verb] to collect things The teacher gathered the students’ papers. arrangement /uh-REYNJ-muhnt/ [noun] the positions of a group of objects I like the arrangement of these flowers. topping /TOP-ping/ [noun] food that is put on top of other food My favorite ice cream has many toppings. Ramen fans can now identify different bowls…
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Pre-reading questions: Do you like using smartphones? Please explain your answer. How do you stay healthy? Vocabulary: user /YOO-zer/ [noun] someone who uses a product, machine, or service There are many cell phone users these days. self-care /SELF-KAIR/ [noun] the act of caring for yourself I’d like to hear her self-care tips because she’s always healthy. profit /PROF-it/ [verb] to earn money It’s not good to profit from somebody else’s loss. wellness /WEL-nis/ [noun] the condition of being healthy You can achieve wellness through a healthy diet and regular exercise. trend /trend/ [noun] something that is popular at the moment She always follows the newest fashion trends. The number of…
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Pre-reading questions: Do you think the Internet is important? Please explain your answer. How often do you use the Internet? Vocabulary: neutrality /nyoo-TRAL-i-tee/ [noun] the state of being independent and not supporting any side Neutrality is important for a judge. block /blok/ [verb] to prevent anyone from passing through A big dog blocked our path. specific /spi-SIF-ik/ [adjective] referring to a particular thing Please give me specific reasons for my bad grade. website /WEB-sahyt/ [noun] a page on the Internet where information about something can be found Please check our website for more details. content /CON-tent/ [noun] the information or ideas that are talked The contents of this newspaper are…
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Pre-reading questions: Do you like riding a taxi? Why or why not? Which is better, riding a taxi or a bus? Please explain your answer. Vocabulary: app [ap] (noun) a company that offers the same service as another company My favorite app is Line because it is useful. rival [RAHY-vuhl] (noun) someone or something that is competing with another person or thing McDonald’s is Mos Burger’s biggest rival. invest [in-VEST] (verb) to use money to make more money The company invested money on television ads. spend [spend] (verb) to use money to pay for something Jenny spends a lot of money for new clothes. beat [beet] (verb) to defeat a…
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Pre-reading questions: How often do you watch movies? Do you watch movies at home or at the movie theater? Vocabulary: top [TOP] (verb) – to be more than something Her savings topped $100 this month. expectation [ek-spek-TEY-shuh-n] (noun) – a strong belief that something will happen David did not have good expectations from the movie. stream [STREEM] (verb) – to watch movies on the Internet Janis prefers streaming to going to the movie theater. credit [KRE-dit] (verb) – to be responsible for something good The coach credits this win to the whole team. content [KON-tent] (noun) – a thing that is held or included in something The writers posted new…
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Pre-reading questions: Do you like using Twitter? Please explain your answer. Which is better, Facebook or Twitter? Please explain your answer. Vocabulary: advertising [noun] – the business of making paid announcements She works for an advertising company. transparency [noun] – quality of being easily seen Transparency must always be present in a company. users [noun] – someone who uses something All users were happy with their service. advertisement [noun] – announcements made to convince someone to buy something KFC’s advertisement featured their new chicken flavor. duration [noun] – the length of time something continues or exists We have set the duration of our ad until next month only. Twitter has…
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Pre-reading questions: Do you use Google Chrome? What are the popular websites in Japan? Vocabulary: search [verb] – to look for something I will search for my cellphone. website [noun] – a page on the internet with information about something I opened a website about food. search history [noun] – a list of websites the user has visited You can remove your search history on Google Chrome. information [noun] – facts learned about something The teacher gave us some information about the project. advertisement [noun] – a paid notice that tells people about a product or service There are a lot of advertisements at the mall. Google keeps a list…
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Pre-reading questions: Do you like watching movies online? Do you think watching movies in cinemas is more fun? Vocabulary: membership [noun] – to become a member of a club This coffee shop requires membership. prime membership [noun] – membership higher than a standard plan My prime membership at the health club will end next week. improve [verb] – become better She needs to improve her grades this year. standard [adjective] – considered normal I have a standard TV at home. plan [noun] – something that you pay for to receive a service My mobile phone plan is expensive. Netflix will increase its membership fee. The standard membership plan for…
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Pre-reading questions: Do you like using smartphones? What do you usually do with your smartphone? Vocabulary: record [verb] – to put sounds or pictures onto a computer or other electronic device so that they can be heard or seen later I want to record my tutor’s class so I can study again later. share [verb] – tell someone about something Maria wants to share a story today. feedback [noun] – opinion about something; what someone thinks of something My boss gave me a good feedback on my report. application [noun] – a program in a computer or smartphone I use a smartphone application to call my mother everyday. convenient [adjective]…
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