Tag Archive: world news – beginner

European Union and Japan sign a free trade deal

European Union and Japan sign a free trade deal

Pre-Reading Questions: Do you use foreign products? Why? or Why not? Do you know what trade is? Please discuss your answer. Vocabulary: free /free/ [adjective] not costing any money Giving free hugs to other people will make you happy. almost /AWL-mohst/ [adverb] nearly She almost got the highest score in the test. company /KUHM-puh-nee/ [noun] an organization that sells goods or services He wants to start his own company. business /BIZ-nis/ [noun] the activity of buying and selling goods and services She started her clothing business when she was young. easily /EE-zuh-lee/ [adverb] with no difficulty or effort She was able to read the book easily. The European Union (EU)…
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Child labor increases in tobacco industry

Child Labor Increases in Tobacco Industry

Pre-reading questions: When did you start working? Do you like going to the field? Vocabulary: increase /in-KREES/ [verb] to become or make something larger or greater The number of students will increase by September. force /fawrs/ [verb] to use physical strength or effort to make something move or open She was forced to go to the court. tobacco /tuh-BAK-oh/ [noun] a type of plant, or dried leaves used in making cigarettes The farmer sells tobacco every week. harvest /HARH-vist/ [verb] to pick and collect crops, or to collect plants, animals, or fish to eat They harvested ripe mangoes yesterday. danger /DEYN-jer/ [noun] the possibility of harm or death, or of…
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India is facing a water crisis

India is facing a water crisis

Pre-reading questions: Do you want to visit India? Why or why not? Why is water important? Please give three reasons. Vocabulary: experience /ik-SPEER-ee-uhns/ [noun] something that happens to you that affects how you feel My brother said that riding a horse was a good experience. slow down /slo doun/ [phrasal verb] to become slower The car slowed down when people crossed the street. illegal /ih-LEE-guhl/ [adjective] not allowed by law Bringing alcoholic drinks to school is illegal. loss /los/ [noun] having less of something than before Annie’s weight loss was caused by following a proper diet. receive /ri-SEEV/ [verb] to get something that someone has given or sent to you…
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Heathrow’s airport expansion gets the green light

Heathrow's airport expansion gets the green light

Pre-reading questions: Do you like going to airports? What is the biggest airport in Japan? Vocabulary: approve /uh-PROOV/ [verb] to accept or allow something officially The teacher approved their topic proposal. landing strip /LAN-ding strip/ [noun] a long flat area used by aircraft when taking off and landing Jacob is standing on the landing strip. construction /kuhn-STRUHK-shuhn/ [noun] building of bridges, buildings, etc. They are planning to start the construction of the new building next week sacrifice /SAK-ruh-fahys/ [verb] to give up something for something that is more important The manager sacrificed her time, effort, and money for this project. leap /leep/ [noun] a big change, increase, or improvement They…
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UNRWA endures aid reduction

UNRWA endures aid reduction

Pre-reading questions: Do you think money is important? Please explain. How do you save money? Vocabulary: limited /LIM-i-tid/ [adjective] kept within a particular size, range, time etc. Time during examinations is limited. donation /doh-NEY-shuhn/ [noun] when money or goods are given to help a person or organization My family sent a donation to the animal shelter. lower /LOH-er/ [verb] to make something smaller in size, amount, or price They lowered the price of milk in convenience stores. send /send/ [verb] to cause something to go from one place to another I sent a letter to my aunt this morning. poor /poor/ [adjective] having very little money or few things The…
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North & South Korea pledge peace

North & South Korea pledge peace and end of nuclear weapons

Pre-reading questions: Do you like quiet places? Please explain your answer. Are you interested in world news? Why or why not? Vocabulary: pledge /plej/ [verb] to make a serious or formal promise The president pledged to be an honest leader. border /BAWR-der/ [noun] the line that divides one country or place from another You need a passport if you want to cross the border. divide /dih-VAHYD/ [verb] to separate into parts or groups Divide yourselves into 3 groups. conflict /KON-flikt/ [noun] disagreement between people with different views Don’t let conflicts ruin your friendship. relation /ri-LEY-shuhn/ [noun] the way two people or groups of people feel and behave towards each other…
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African migrants to leave the Jewish state

African migrants to leave the Jewish state

Pre-reading questions: Would you like to travel to Africa? Why or why not? Have you lived in another country? Please explain your answer. Vocabulary: authority /uh-THAWR-i-tee/ [noun] an official group in the government The city’s authorities checked the new buildings. migrant /MAHY-gruhnt/ [noun] person who moves to a foreign place Migrant workers move from city to city to search for work. find /fahynd/ [verb] to get or see something you did or could not see or have I could not find the police station. get away /get uh-WEY/ [verb] to go far from something Get away from me! abuse /uh-BYOOZ/ [noun] bad treatment The abuse of animals is a crime…
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Ocean’s high temperature affects fish shelters around the world

Ocean's high temperature affects fish shelter around the world

Pre-reading questions: Do you like going to the beach? Why or why not? Have you had a pet fish? Please explain your answer. Vocabulary: scientist /SAHY-uhn-tist/ [noun] a person who is studying science Mr. Yano is a great scientist. harm /HAHRM/ [verb] to have a bad effect on something Smoking harms a person’s body. shelter /SHEL-ter/ [noun] a place that gives protection Everyone needs a shelter. marine /muh-REEN/ [adjective] something that is related to the sea Japan has a rich marine life. billion /BIL-yuhn/ [noun] a very large number; 1,000,000,000 There are seven billion people in the world. Scientists believe that the rising temperature has harmed fish shelters. These shelters…
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Cape Town to limit water usage in water crisis

Cape Town to limit water usage in water crisis

Pre-reading questions: Do you like drinking water? Why or why not? Is water important? Please explain your answer Vocabulary: resident /REZ-i-duhnt/ [noun] someone who lives in a place They are both residents of the same dormitory. shortage /SHAWR-tij/ [noun] a lack of something that you need or want There’s a shortage of hospital beds. population /pop-yuh-LEY-shuhn/ [noun] all the people living in a country, area, or place What is the population of Tokyo? climate /KLAHY-mit/ [noun] the general weather in a place The climate of Japan is mild usage /YOO-sij/ [noun] the process of using something I don’t understand the usage of this word. Residents of Cape Town, South Africa…
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China warns borrowers to pay up or be shamed

World News - Beginner

Pre-reading questions: Is it easy to borrow some money in your country? Please explain your answer. Is it a bad habit to borrow money from friends? Please explain your anwer. Vocabulary: credit [noun] – a method of buying products that allows you to pay for them in the future The bank offered her a small business credit. behavior [noun] – the way someone acts Anna is tired of her brother’s behavior. borrower [noun] – a person who owes money A borrower should always pay what he owes. billboard [noun] – a large outdoor board for displaying advertisements I saw my friend’s picture on billboard. ban [verb] – to prevent someone…
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