Author Archive: admin

Japan way back 10,000 years ago


Pre-Reading Questions: Why do you think people go to a museum? What type of entertainment do you do in your free time? Vocabulary: generation /jen-uh-REY-shuh n/ [noun] – all the people of about the same age within a society or within a particular family The royal crown is passed down to this generation’s queen. museum /myoo-ZEE-uh m/ [noun] – a building where objects of historical, scientific, or artistic interest are kept All the students were amazed by Van Gogh’s paintings in the museum. symbolize /SIM-buh-lahyz/ [verb] – to represent something The color blue symbolizes the sky and sea. performance art /per-FAWR-muh ns ahrt/ [noun] – a type of theatre entertainment in which the…
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Pittsburgh International Airport tests UV robot cleaners to fight COVID-19

UV robots

© Photo: Pittsburgh International Airport Vocabulary: intensified /in-TEN-suh-fahyd/ [adjective] something that has become stronger or faster, or more intense The intensified training sessions were made after receiving several bad results from the previous ones. intervention /in-ter-VEN-shuhn/ [noun] the action of becoming intentionally involved in a difficult situation, in order to improve it or prevent it from getting worse Kyle’s last intervention for his business proposal was a success. establish /ih-STAB-lish/ [verb] to start something that will last for a long time, or to create or set something in a particular way To establish several professions that will result in good progress is Miya’s great desire. association /uh-soh-see-EY-shuhn/ [noun] the fact…
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Pittsburgh International Airport tests UV robot cleaners to fight COVID-19

UV robots

© Photo: Pittsburgh International Airport Pre-reading questions: What electronic devices do you use to clean your house or room? Do you believe that robots were made for a better life? Why or why not? Vocabulary: robot /ROH-buht/ [noun] a machine controlled by a computer that is used to perform jobs automatically Kris said that it was his first time to see a robot, and it was scary. protection /pruh-TEK-shuhn/ [noun] the act of protecting or state of being protected The government agencies will offer better security and protection to keep all the important files safe. potential /puh-TEN-shuhl/ [adjective] the possibility of something developing or happening in a particular way A…
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Pittsburgh International Airport tests UV robot cleaners to fight COVID-19

UV robots

© Photo: Pittsburgh International Airport Pre-reading questions: Do you like robots? Have you ever seen a robot? Vocabulary: airport /AIR-pawrt/ [noun] a place where aircraft regularly take off and land, with buildings for passengers to wait in A female foreigner from Japan is waiting for her brother at the airport. machine /muh-SHEEN/ [noun] a piece of equipment with several moving parts that uses power to do a particular type of work The machines are working perfectly fine. replace /ri-PLEYS/ [verb] to change something that is old, damaged, lost, etc. for something newer or better It’s now time to replace the old books with new ones. disinfection /dis-in-FEK-shuhn/ [noun] the process…
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An antigen to rapidly detect the novel coronavirus ready to use in Japan


Vocabulary: detect /dih-TEKT/ [verb] – to notice something that is partly hidden or not clear, or to discover something, especially using a special method The police prevent and detect crimes. undergo /uhn-der-GOH/ [verb] – to experience something that involves a change The city has undergone many changes during the last ten years. consultation /kon-suhl-TEY-shuhn/ [noun] – the process of discussing something with someone in order to get their advice or opinion about it The prime minister will hold a consultation with all the relevant groups. cluster /KLUHS-ter/ [noun] – a group of similar things growing or held together, or a group of people or things that are close together The…
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An antigen to rapidly detect the novel coronavirus ready to use in Japan


Pre-reading questions: Are you comfortable working/studying at home? Please explain your answer. What do you miss about the normal days? Vocabulary: instantly /IN-stuhnt-lee/ [adverb] – immediately The email was instantly sent after she received the report. conference /KON-fer-uhns/ [noun] – a private and formal meeting between a small number of people She called a conference to give a special announcement. reaction /ree-AK-shuhn/ [noun] – an occasion when two or more substances react with and change each other The heat brings about a chemical reaction, and oxygen is liberated. infection /in-FEK-shuhn/ [noun] – a disease in a part of your body that is caused by bacteria or a virus Rosa is…
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An antigen to rapidly detect the novel coronavirus ready to use in Japan


Pre-reading questions: Do you follow social-distancing? Do you follow the news around the world on social media? Vocabulary: last /lahst/ [adjective] – the most recent or the one before the present one I joined the summer camp last March 16. national /NASH-uhnl/ [adjective] – relating to all parts of a nation or to a nation as a whole rather than to any part of it The national health service hotline is not working. program /PROH-gram/ [noun] – a plan of activities to be done or things to be achieved The E2E program would generate a lot of new jobs. often /AW-fuhn/ [adverb] – a lot or many times The doctor…
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Endangered African black rhinos gradually increase in number


Vocabulary: director general /dih-REK-ter JEN-er-uhl/ [noun] – the person who is in charge of a big organization Inger Andersen was appointed Director General of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) in January 2015. extinction /ik-STINGK-shuhn/ [noun] – a situation in which something no longer exists The extinction of the dinosaurs happened millions of years ago. subspecies /SUHB-spee-sheez/ [noun] – a particular type within a species, the members of which are different in some clear ways from those of other types of the species Three out of eight subspecies of tiger – the Bali, Caspian, and Javan tigers are declared extinct. countermeasure /KOUN-ter-mezh-er / [noun] – an action taken…
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