
Software can identify skin cancer


Pre-reading questions: Do you know what skin cancer is? How do you take care of your skin? Do you wear sunblock? An image-scanning device was invented at Stanford University. It can identify skin cancers exactly like what doctors do. The team who created the software used an algorithm to train a computer to develop artificial intelligence to detect skin cancer. For the training, the team used 130,000 photos of different skin diseases. The system has a record of 2,032 different types of skin diseases. Using the pictures in the system, the device can check if a skin condition is cancerous or not. Vocabulary: invent [verb] – to make something new;…
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Refugees may attend London university for free

Education - B

Pre-reading questions: In your opinion, how important is college education? Do you want to study abroad? The University of East London provides opportunities to refugees in the Middle East by making college education accessible. Using the short course known as Open Learning Initiative or OLIve, students may attend up to full degree in college as well as attend seminars and workshops that are useful in applying for a job. Vocabulary: opportunity [noun] – a set of circumstances that makes it possible to do something accessible [adjective] – able to reach or enter refugees [noun] – a person who has been forced to leave their country to escape war, persecution, or…
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Foreign trainees face tough road in Japan

Japan - Beginner

Pre-reading questions: Is it easy to work/study abroad? Have you studied/worked abroad? Vietnamese trainees are studying Japanese language and culture in preparation for a job based in Japan. Trainees will eventually leave their families to work abroad. They want to work in Japan so they can provide a better life for their family. However, there are trainees who escaped because they’re not getting paid properly. Trainees are starting to feel pressured because of the expensive lifestyle in Japan. Vocabulary: trainee – [noun] a person who is training for a job abroad – [abroad] in a foreign country escape – [verb] run away pressured – [verb] stressed out expensive – [adjective]…
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Copyright fees to be collected from music schools

Education - B

Pre-reading questions: Who is your favorite artist? Do you play any musical instruments? Japanese Society for Rights of Authors, Composers, and Publishers or also known as JASRAC plans to start collecting copyright fees from music schools starting January 2018. Yamaha Music Foundation might decrease its music students because of this plan. In addition, Yamaha stated that JASRAC’s plan may prevent the progress of Japan’s music culture. JASRAC is in-charge of collecting copyright fees for using music. Vocabulary: copyright – [noun] a method of protecting the rights of a creator through law decrease – [verb] lessen prevent – [verb] to stop tuition fee – [noun] payment for teaching in-charge – [noun]…
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Set a fixed budget for buying clothes


Pre-reading questions: Do you like shopping for new clothes? Why or why not? When do you usually buy new clothes? Most people enjoy shopping. It is nice to have new clothes, especially when they are affordable. However, the fun in buying clothes stops when you spend too much and own too many. Marc Bain, a fashion reporter, said that there should be a limit in the amount of money one should spend on clothes. If you set a limit to your budget for clothes, you can save more. Additionally, if you don’t have that many clothes, you can lessen your trash and help save the environment. Vocabulary: shopping [noun] –…
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Pedal-style for NZ on 35th America’s Cup

Sports - Beginner

Pre-reading questions: Can you ride a bike? If yes, when did you learn? Please explain your answer. Have you ever joined a cycling competition? Please explain your answer. For this year’s 35th America’s Cup event in Bermuda, the New Zealand sailors have changed the common paddle-style with pedal-style machine. The idea behind the pedal-style is that the bigger leg muscles will be able to give more power than paddle-style machine. This is the fastest way to keep the boats sail continuously above the water all around the course. Oracle Team USA Jimmy Spithill and former Team NZ Dean Barker — now head of SoftBank Team Japan — have questioned the…
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Singapore’s Ministry of Education focuses on student’s aptitude than academic

Education - B

Pre-reading questions: Do you think education is important? How can education change our future? Singapore’s Ministry of Education will implement an aptitude-based program. This program focuses on students’ natural ability and talents. This is very different from the traditional system, which is academic-based. This program will be applied in the Institute of Technical Education, polytechnics, and universities in the country. Vocabulary: implement [verb] – to start using a plan or system aptitude [noun] – a natural ability or skill ability [noun] – skill to do something academic [adjective] – relating to performance in courses of study; relating to schools, colleges, and universities, or connected with studying and thinking, not with practical…
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Prevention of cyber attacks

Japan - Beginner

Pre-reading questions: Is it important for computers to have an antivirus software? Has your computer ever been infected by virus? Tokyo police started helping companies fight against cyber attack. Cyber attack is an attempt to damage or destroy a computer network or system. They developed a program that will automatically detect possible viruses and other threats. A special cyber attacks investigation team will then analyze the gathered information. After that, those information will be uploaded in a secure server for companies to have an access. Vocabulary: detect – [verb] discover or identify automatically – [adverb] by itself with little or no direct human control crime – [noun] an illegal act…
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Emma Watson says her sexy photo doesn’t betray her feminist ideals


Pre-reading questions: Do you know Emma Watson? Do you like Emma Watson? Vanity Fair magazine has a sexy photo of Emma Watson in its cover. Many people say that Emma Watson betrayed her feminist ideals in her sexy photo. The actress defended herself and said that many people don’t understand what feminism really is. Furthermore, she said that feminism is about freedom. Vocabulary: feminism [noun] – the belief that women should be allowed the same rights, power, and opportunities as men and be treated in the same way, or the set of activities intended to achieve this state betray [verb] – to be false or not loyal to something or…
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South African e-learning program

Education - B

Pre-reading questions: Do you like studying thru the internet? Is studying thru the internet effective? E-learning in South Africa is growing. There are many students in South Africa who cannot go to school, so e-learning can be very useful for them. There are several phone applications that students can use even with slow internet connection. With e-learning, schools also have to change the way students learn. This is an important change and several schools and business are already doing it. Most importantly, even if e-learning is already becoming popular in South Africa, the government still needs to support the program so it can become even more successful. Vocabulary: e-learning [noun]…
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