
Too much body weight may cause depression

Pre-reading Questions Answer the following questions about the topic. Please explain your answer. Do you always exercise? Please explain your answer. How often do you feel sad? Article Reading Read the passage and take note of the highlighted words in the vocabulary guide. Experts are studying how too much body weight makes people feel unhappy. New studies show that too much body weight makes people feel sadder than those who have normal weight. They also found out that increased body weight makes people feel bad about their own bodies. Though there are other things that make people sad, it is advised that keeping a normal weight might help people stay…
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“Hiroshima – The Last Rose of Summer” to air in 2020


Pre-reading questions: What is your favorite animated movie? Do you like history? Why or why not? Vocabulary: animated /AN-uh-mey-tid/ [adjective] a type of film where drawings move The animated movie I watched yesterday was beautiful. anniversary /an-uh-VUR-suh-ree/ [noun] a day when an important event happened a year before Today is our school’s 3rd anniversary. bombing /BOM-ing/ [noun] an attack on a place using bombs The bombing at Mary’s town stopped an hour ago. late /leyt/ [adjective] died not long ago She visited her late grandmother last Sunday. professor /pruh-FES-er/ [noun] a teacher My science professor is very kind. The staff of the animated film “Hiroshima – The Last Rose of…
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Sedentary lifestyle increases the risk of stroke

Sedentary lifestyle increases the risk of stroke

Pre-reading questions: Do you exercise every morning? How many hours do you sleep at night? Vocabulary: sedentary /SED-n-ter-ee/ [noun] involving little physical activity She always gets sick because of her sedentary job. lifestyle /LAHYF-stahyl/ [noun] way of living Her lifestyle is not healthy. risk /risk/ [noun] danger, or the possibility of danger, defeat, or loss The smoke may increase the risk of accident. usage /YOO-sij/ [noun] the use of something He wants to know the usage of the robot. advise /ad-VAHYZ/ [verb] to give advice or to suggest something He advised the people to stay calm. A sedentary lifestyle increases the risk of stroke and other diseases. A study says…
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Ikee Rikako wins the MVP award in Asian Games


Pre-reading questions: Do you like sports? What is your favorite sport? Vocabulary: win /win/ [verb] to achieve first position and/or get a prize in a competition Everyone wants to win the game. gain /geyn/ [verb] to get something that is important or gives you an advantage, especially over a period of time She is now capable because she gains a lot of knowledge from her training. receive /ri-SEEV/ [verb] to get or be given something She received a letter from her father. check /chek/ [noun] a printed form, used instead of money You can go to the bank if you want to convert your check into cash. trophy /TROH-fee/ [noun]…
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Ant-Man and the Wasp on becoming the box-office movie of the year

Ant-Man and the Wasp on becoming the box-office movie of the year

Photo from © via Pre-Reading Questions: Do you like watching movies? What is your favorite movie? Vocabulary: join /join/ [verb] to connect things Use a glue to join the two papers. production /pruh-DUHK-shun/ [noun] a movie, television program, play, or other entertainment involved in a show She wants to be part of the television production. effects /ih-FEKTS/ [noun] lighting, sounds and objects produced for the stage or film to make something seem real The movie included some sound effects. story /STOHR-ee/ [noun] a description, either true or imagined, of a connected series of events The second story was entitled “The Modern Family.” inspire /in-SPAHYUR/ [verb] to make someone…
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Starbucks on disposing plastic straws

Starbucks on disposing plastic straws

Pre-reading questions: Is recycling important? What are some things that can be recycled? Please specify your answer. Vocabulary: remove /ri-MOOV// [verb] to take away She cleaned the table and removed all the plates. announcement /uh-NOUNS-muhnt/ [noun] something that someone says officially The teacher made a class announcement to the students. prevent /pri-VENT/ [verb] to stop something Taking medicine will prevent you from sickness. ton /tuhn/ [noun] a unit for measuring weight This stone weighs 5 tons. discourage /dih-SKUR-ij/ [verb] to feel hopeless I discouraged my friend to join the club. The Starbucks Company will plan to remove plastic straws by 2020. This announcement will help prevent the destruction of the…
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Saitama begins homestay project for Tokyo 2020

Saitama begins homestay project for Tokyo 2020

Pre-reading questions: Have you had a homestay experience before? Please explain your answer. Do you like sports? Why or why not? Vocabulary: give /giv/ [verb] to provide someone with something Jeffry will give money to the charity. meal /meel/ [noun] an occasion when food is eaten Camelle’s mom always prepares her meals. guest /gest/ [noun] a person who is staying with you or a person whom you have invited to a social occasion They will invite guests for their daughter’s birthday party. stay /stey/ [verb] to not move away from or leave a place or situation Bea will stay in her company for two years. interested /IN-ter-uh-stid/ [adjective] wanting to…
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Facebook stops discriminatory ads

Facebook stops discriminatory ads

Pre-reading questions: Do you like Facebook? Why or why not? What are the good things about Facebook? Vocabulary: information /in-fer-MEY-shuhn/ [noun] facts about a situation, person, event, etc. There are a lot of information about our history in the library. personal /PUR-suh-nl/ [adjective] private or relating to someone’s private life The boy keeps on asking about the personal life of the girl. against /uh-GEYNST/ [preposition] disagreeing with a plan or activity I am against to their plan on cutting trees at school website /WEB-sahyt/ [noun] a set of pages of information on the internet about a particular subject There are many useful websites on the Internet. agree /uh-GREE/ [verb] to…
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Drones to help Japanese farmers

Drones to help Japanese farmers

Pre-reading questions: Do you like technology? Why or why not? Are you interested in farming? Please explain your answer. Vocabulary: cheaper /cheep-er/ [adjective] costing little money or less than usual Converse is much cheaper than Nike. goal /gohl/ [noun] aim or purpose My goal is to finish college. attract /uh-TRAKT/ [verb] to cause someone to become interested in someone or something My red Converse attracted a lot of people. solve /solv/ [verb] to find an answer to a problem The president is trying to solve the country’s problems. employment /em-PLOI-muhnt/ [noun] work or job What is your employment status? Nileworks Inc., Ja Miyagi Tome, and Trading House Sumitomo Corp. developed…
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Millennials on saving money

Millennials on saving money

Pre-Reading Questions: What are your plans for your future? What are your spending habits? Vocabulary: worker /WUR-ker/ [noun] someone who works in a particular job The worker wants a high salary. young /yuhng/ [adjective] not old She looks so young at her age. savings /SEY-vings/ [noun] the money that you keep His savings help him start a new business. valuable /VAL-yoo-uh-buhl/ [adjective] important, useful We must take care of our valuable things. handling /HAND-ling/ [noun] the act of moving, storing, or organizing information Handling of important documents is crucial. Most of the workers today are Millennials. They are the young laborers of our time. Few of the Millennials don’t save…
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