
Fashionable masking tapes, a hit for creative customers


Pre-reading questions: Do you like drawing? Why? What do you like to buy in a bookstore? Vocabulary: craft [krahft] (noun) an activity involving skill in making things by hand I love to do sewing and all kinds of crafts. cover [KUHV-er] (verb) to put something over something else, in order to protect or hide it The students covered their notebooks with plastic create [kree-EYT] (verb) to make something new This man created the first computer. fashionable [FASH-uh-nuh-buhl] (noun) popular at a particular time Black clothes are fashionable these days. tear [teer] (verb) to split or cut Don’t pull the pages so hard or they will tear. Arts and crafts lovers…
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Japanese children’s dream jobs


Pre-reading questions: What was your childhood dream? What do you think is the most interesting job? Vocabulary: survey [SUR-vey] (noun) a collection of facts or opinions about something According to the survey, more people like chicken than pork. academic [ak-uh-DEM-ik] (adjective) related to school or research Jiro has a good academic record. scientist [SAHY-uhn-tist] (noun) someone who studies science or works in science The scientist started a new research. scholar [SKOL-er] (noun) someone who has studied a subject and knows a lot about it The scholars exchanged their ideas on the subject. professional [pruh-FESH-uh-nl] (adjective) relating to a job that needs special training or education Chihaya wants to become a…
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Netflix’s growth goes beyond target


Pre-reading questions: How often do you watch movies? Do you watch movies at home or at the movie theater? Vocabulary: top [TOP] (verb) – to be more than something Her savings topped $100 this month. expectation [ek-spek-TEY-shuh-n] (noun) – a strong belief that something will happen David did not have good expectations from the movie. stream [STREEM] (verb) – to watch movies on the Internet Janis prefers streaming to going to the movie theater. credit [KRE-dit] (verb) – to be responsible for something good The coach credits this win to the whole team. content [KON-tent] (noun) – a thing that is held or included in something The writers posted new…
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Twitter begins “Advertising Transparency Center”


Pre-reading questions: Do you like using Twitter? Please explain your answer. Which is better, Facebook or Twitter? Please explain your answer. Vocabulary: advertising [noun] – the business of making paid announcements She works for an advertising company. transparency [noun] – quality of being easily seen Transparency must always be present in a company. users [noun] – someone who uses something All users were happy with their service. advertisement [noun] – announcements made to convince someone to buy something KFC’s advertisement featured their new chicken flavor. duration [noun] – the length of time something continues or exists We have set the duration of our ad until next month only. Twitter has…
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Hospital to allow anonymous childbirth

Japan - Beginner

Pre-reading questions: How many children do you want to have in the future? Do you think it’s easy to take care of children? Please explain your answer. Vocabulary: drop box [noun] – a box or basket where you can safely leave something Please put the gift in the drop box outside the house. infant [noun] – a baby or a very young child It is difficult to take care of infants. allow [verb] – to let someone do something My mother allows me to go anywhere alone. anonymously [adverb] – in secret I always give gifts anonymously. adopt [verb] – to legally take another person’s child as your own family…
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Steven Tyler opens Janie’s House


Pre-reading questions: Do you usually give money to the poor? Why or why not? Do you like helping the people around you? Please explain your answer. Vocabulary: abuse [verb] – to treat someone in a cruel way Tom abused my friend. rehab [noun] – process of helping someone to give up drugs or any other unhealthy habits He’s better after spending time in rehab. campus [noun] – an area of a school or organization Aiko had a tour of the campus. therapy [noun] – a form of treatment for an illness Massage is a good therapy. victim [noun] – someone who has been hurt or harmed There were a lot of victims…
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China warns borrowers to pay up or be shamed

World News - Beginner

Pre-reading questions: Is it easy to borrow some money in your country? Please explain your answer. Is it a bad habit to borrow money from friends? Please explain your anwer. Vocabulary: credit [noun] – a method of buying products that allows you to pay for them in the future The bank offered her a small business credit. behavior [noun] – the way someone acts Anna is tired of her brother’s behavior. borrower [noun] – a person who owes money A borrower should always pay what he owes. billboard [noun] – a large outdoor board for displaying advertisements I saw my friend’s picture on billboard. ban [verb] – to prevent someone…
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Google keeps a list of everyone’s search history


Pre-reading questions: Do you use Google Chrome? What are the popular websites in Japan? Vocabulary: search [verb] – to look for something I will search for my cellphone. website [noun] – a page on the internet with information about something I opened a website about food. search history [noun] – a list of websites the user has visited You can remove your search history on Google Chrome. information [noun] – facts learned about something The teacher gave us some information about the project. advertisement [noun] – a paid notice that tells people about a product or service There are a lot of advertisements at the mall. Google keeps a list…
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Cinnamon believed to have medical benefits

Pre-reading questions: Do you like the taste of cinnamon? Please explain your answer. What healthy foods do you eat? Vocabulary: medical [adjective] – related to medicine, or for cure of disease We grow plants for medical use. cinnamon [noun] – a spice made from the bark of the cinnamon tree My mother always bakes bread with cinnamon. blood sugar [noun] – level of sugar in the blood; high or low Her blood sugar level is high so she should not eat chocolates. research [noun] – a study to discover information about something We have a research about the benefits of eating peanuts. spice [noun] – something used to add taste…
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Trump tells Japan it can protect itself with US weapons

World News - Beginner

Pre-reading questions: Do you enjoy traveling abroad? What countries would you like to visit on your next trip? Vocabulary: missile [noun] – a weapon thrown to strike something at a distance Everybody was worried about the missile attack. assure [verb] – to promise or tell something to someone confidently or firmly The governor assured the voters that taxes will be the same. counter [verb] – to oppose or stop something or reduce its negative effect He countered their proposal with a different suggestion. nuclear [adjective] – relating to a weapon with destructive power Nuclear weapons are a threat to all humanity. moreover [adverb] – used to add information It was…
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