Tag Archive: world news – beginner

India’s Kailash Satyarthi’s Nobel medal stolen from home

World News - Beginner

Pre-reading questions: What kind of awards have you received so far? What do you do to keep your house safe? Kailash Satyarthi received a Nobel Peace Prize award last 2014. His Nobel medal and certificate were stolen. No one saw the thief stealing the awards. Mr. Satyarthi said that the lock of his house was broken and his awards were stolen. Kailash Satyarthi won the Nobel Peace Price last 2014 because he likes helping children. His efforts saved children from working dangerously. Vocabulary: receive [verb] – get something stolen [verb] – (past participle of steal)take without the owner’s approval award [noun] – prize for achieving something effort [noun] – hard work…
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Abe ‘builds trust’ with Trump

World News - Beginner

Pre-reading questions: Do you think America and Japan have a good relationship? Do you think President Donald Trump is a good leader? Prime Minister Shinzo Abe visited US President Donald Trump. The meeting happened a few days after Donald Trump’s win in the 2016 elections. The Prime Minister is the first state leader to visit Trump after the elections. According to the US Department of State, the relationship between Japan and the United States is important to Asia’s economy. The prime minister is planning another visit later this year. Vocabulary: visit [verb] – to go to a place in order to look at it, or to a person in order…
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Donald Trump’s inauguration as US president

World News - Beginner

Pre-reading questions: How do you prepare for an important ceremony? What do you think of President Donald Trump? Donald Trump is the 45th President of the United States of America, replacing Barack Obama in the White House. Trump became president at noontime of January 20. The main ceremony was held at the White House followed by many parties around Washington DC. The official inauguration ceremony was held in front of the Capitol. After the inauguration, Donald Trump gave his first speech as the president. Vocabulary: inauguration [noun] – the act of putting someone into an official position with a ceremony president [noun] – head of state replace [verb] – change;…
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Turkish international school ‘bans’ Christmas

World News - Beginner

  Pre-reading questions: How do you celebrate Christmas? Do you have any wish/es for Christmas?   An international school in Istanbul bans Christmas celebrations. Istanbul Lisesi teachers and staffs were told that Christmas traditions and carol-singing are not allowed. Istanbul Lisesi is a Turkish-German school with Turkish students and German teachers. Many German officials are angry with the school. However, the school said they still celebrate Christmas.   Vocabulary: Istanbul- [proper noun] a city in Turkey international- [adjective] global celebrations- [noun] joyful occasion traditions- [noun] culture ban- [noun] not allowed   True or False: Istanbul Lisesi teachers and staff were told that Christmas carol-singing are allowed. Istanbul Lisesi is a…
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Singer handles drunk man on Korean Air flight

World News - Beginner

  Pre-reading questions: Who is your favorite artist? If you meet him/her, what will you say? Do you like to travel by airplane?   An airplane passenger attacked some crew while travelling to Seoul, South Korea last Tuesday, December 20. The passenger was actually drunk it is difficult to calm him down. Richard Marx helped the people in controlling the drunk man. Richard Marx is a famous singer. He was mad because the crew was not able to stop the drunk man from attacking other people.   Vocabulary: passenger- [noun] a traveller riding a vehicle crew- [noun] the team who is manages the vehicle drunk- [adjective] someone who drinks alcoholic…
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Tornadoes kill 18 in southern US

World News - Beginner

Pre-reading questions: Have you seen a tornado? What do you think causes a tornado? The states of Georgia and Mississippi were hit by powerful tornadoes. The tornadoes caused by severe weateher killed 18 people and injured at least 50 people. The tornadoes damaged homes, cars, and trees. Some people stayed in buildings which were still standing after the tornado. The government told its people to stay safe in a strong building. Vocabulary: powerful- [adjective] strong tornado- [noun] whirlwind injured- [verb] hurt damage- [verb] break government- [noun] the management or control of a political power True or False: The state of Chicago was hit by powerful tornadoes. The tornadoes killed 50…
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Miyagi school opens to public after the great 2011 tsunami attack

World News - Beginner

  Pre-reading questions: Do you know other countries aside from Japan that got struck by a tsunami? Which part of Japan was hit by a tsunami back in 2011?   A school in Miyagi prefecture opened to the public for the first time after the tsunami attack in 2011. 135 people visited the old buildings last Dec.03. It was the last time people could see the buildings before clean-up work begins. All damaged buildings will be removed. But the four-story south building will open as a disaster monument in 2018.   Vocabulary: public – [noun] ordinary people; the community clean-up – [phrasal verb] make things or an area clean damage…
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Paris Climate Change Agreement gains approval

World News - Beginner

  Pre-reading questions: What are the effects of climate change? Do you think climate change is really happening?   The Paris Climate Change Agreement was finally approved last November 2016. It was created to battle climate change. The agreement aims to restrict the worldwide temperature that causes global warming. 109 countries promised to control carbon production to fight climate change. Participating countries are expected to implement the agreement on 2017.   Vocabulary: agreement – [noun] an act of agreeing or act of mutual accord approve – [verb] to accept or to agree to restrict – [verb] to confine or to use with limits production – [noun] act of producing implement…
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New York SantaCon

World News - Beginner

Pre-reading questions: Did you believe in Santa Claus when you were a child? Do you attend any special gathering during Christmas season? Is Christmas more exciting than New Year’s? An annual Christmas event invited all alcohol-loving people to SantaCon. It is a parade of drunk Santas, reindeer and snowmen. Those who joined happily toured at some of the best bars in NYC. The said event took place last December 10. Most of the bars that participated are in the East Village and Midtown of New York City. This is one of the most-awaited NYC events every December. Vocabulary: annual – [adjective] once-a-year parade – [noun] a public walk especially when…
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Fake U.S. embassy in Ghana closed after 10 years of issuing visas

World News - Beginner

  Pre-reading questions: Have you been to another country? What languages can you speak?   GHANA—A fake U.S. Embassy was discovered in the city of Accra. It was giving illegal visas for ten years. The fake embassy looks old. A Ghanian lawyer and Ghanian and Turkish criminals work there. Turkish citizens who can speak English and Dutch pretend as embassy officers. The fake U.S. Embassy wants people to pay $6000 for fake U.S. Visas. The real U.S. Embassy in Ghana is a beautiful building in Cantonments.   Vocabulary: embassy- [noun] the official place to represent a country in another country discovered- [verb] find fake- [adjective] not real illegal- [adjective] not…
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