Tag Archive: world news – beginner
Pre-reading questions: How often do you take trains? Which one do you like, train or bus? Vocabulary: train /treyn/ [noun] a railway engine connected to a group of vehicles for carrying people or goods I go to work by train. speed /speed/ [noun] how fast something moves He was traveling at a speed of 80 kph. only /ohn-lee/ [adjective] used to show that there is a single one or very few of something She was the only person who finished the project. company /kuhm-puh-nee/ [noun] an organization that sells goods or services in order to make money My friend and I worked for the same company. also /awl-soh/ [adverb] in…
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Pre-Reading Questions: Do you like traveling? Do you like swimming? Vocabulary: underwater /uhn-der-waw-ter/ [adjective] under the surface of water, esp. under the surface of the sea They have an underwater camera. attraction /uh-trak-shuhn/ [noun] something that people come to see because they are interested in it Europe has many tourist attractions. aircraft /air-kraft/ [noun] any vehicle made to fly The aircraft will take off now. special /spesh-uhl/ [noun] not ordinary or usual The chair in my room is special. experiment /ek-sper-uh-ment/ [noun] a test done in order to learn something They made an experiment in their Science subject. Planning your next travel vacation? There are many tourist spots that you…
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Pre-reading questions: Can there be another earth in the galaxy? Do you think that we can live in another planet? Vocabulary: possible /pos-uh-buhl/ [adjective] able to be done or achieved, or able to exist All things are possible for those who believe. nearest /neer-est/ [adjective] not far away in distance, time, characteristics, or quality Mercury is the nearest planet to the sun. quickly /kwik-lee/ [adverb] at a fast speed The rocket quickly launched to space. temperature /tem-per-uh-cher/ [noun] the measured amount of heat in a place or in the body Western people has heating under their houses to keep it warm. information /in-fer-mey-shuhn/ [noun] facts about a situation, person, event,…
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Pre-reading questions: Have you been to an island before? Do you want to be a scientist? Vocabulary: confuse /kuhn-fyooz/ [verb] to make something difficult to understand I don’t understand why Math confuses me every time I study it. nearby /neer-bahy/ [adjective] not far away in distance; close The nearby cities are surrounded with different kinds of flowers. fertilize /fur-tl-ahy-zer/ [verb] to spread a natural or chemical substance on land or plants, in order to make the plants grow well My parents always ask me to fertilize the flowers and plants in the backyard. gravel /grav-uhl/ [noun] small, rounded stones, often mixed with sand I saw him putting the gravels in…
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Pre-reading questions: Have you been to Malaysia? Do you want to live in a palace? Vocabulary: king /king/ [noun] a male ruler of a country His childhood dream was to be a king of his country. resign /ri-ZAHYN/ [verb] to give up a job or position He wants to resign as a dressmaker. report /ri-POHRT/ [verb] to give a description of something or information about it to someone The man called the police to report the food poisoning in a restaurant. stay /stey/ [verb] Her teacher wished her to stay humble and kind. Her teacher wished her to stay humble and kind. different /DIF-er-uhn/ [adjective] not the same The color…
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Photo from © snohetta.com via snohetta.com Pre-reading questions: Do you like eating outside? Do you like to go to the sea? Vocabulary: unique /yoo-NEEK/ [adjective] different or special in some way She has a unique quality that’s why people like her. Norway /NAWR-wey/ [noun] a country in northern Europe Norway is known as the Land of the Midnight Sun. perform /per-FAWRM/ [verb] to do an action We need to perform the task as soon as possible. architect /AHR-ki-tekt/ [noun] a person who designs new buildings and is responsible for how they are built We are looking for an architect to design our new office. rough /ruhf/ [adjective] (of the weather…
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Pre-reading questions: How is the weather in your city nowadays? What is your favorite weather? Vocabulary: high /hahy/ [adjective] greater than normal People cannot go swimming at the beach this morning because of the high tide. badness /BAD-nes/ [noun] unpleasant and can cause more danger The badness of the weather can cause heavy street floods. warming /WAWR-ming/ [noun] also known as global warming; a rise in temperature The melting of glaciers in the Arctic is caused by global warming. take place /teyk pleys/ [phrase] something will happen; to happen The graduation will take place at PICC Complex. sure /shur/ [adjective] when someone is sure about something, there are no negative…
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Pre-reading Questions Answer the following questions about the topic. Please explain your answer. Are you afraid of heights? Please explain your answer. How often do you go to tall buildings? Article Reading Read the passage and take note of the highlighted words in the vocabulary guide. Bangkok, Thailand just opened another tourist attraction known as Mahanakhon Skywalk. It is placed at the top of King Power Mahanakhon, the country’s tallest completed building. This new attraction offers an unforgettable adventure as tourists walk over a large, glass floor that overlooks the city. Mahanakhon Skywalk opens daily at 10 in the morning until 12 midnight but the best time to visit is…
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Pre-reading questions: Have you been to Korea? What country do you want to visit? Vocabulary: together /tuh-GETH-er/ [adverb] with each other They went to the party together. meet /meet/ [verb] to come together with someone intentionally They meet at school everyday. hug /huhg/ [verb] to hold someone or something close to your body with your arms The mother hugs her child. remember /ri-MEM-ber/ [verb] to keep a piece of information in your memory They remembered their high school days. meeting /MEE-ting/ [noun] a planned occasion when people come together to discuss something The meeting at work took a lot of time yesterday. After years of not seeing and living together,…
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Pre-reading questions: Do you like cold weather? Why? or Why not? Do you want to visit another country? Please explain your answer. Vocabulary: near /neer/ [adverb] not far away in distance This school is near from the mall. Greenland /GREE-luhnd/ [noun] an island country between the Arctic and Atlantic Oceans We can see polar bears in Greenland. hope /hohp/ [verb] to want something to happen or to be true She hopes to pass the examination. inform /in-FAWRM/ [verb] to tell someone about something I will inform my father before I go. leave /leev/ [verb] to go away from someone or something The little boy didn’t want to leave his country….
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